Chemistry alumna Soonja Choe triumphs over adversity, becoming a respected scientist and the first woman president of South Korea’s Inha University.
USC Dornsife News
Annual ceremony honors Trojans who demonstrate a commitment to mentorship.
As a Simons fellow Aaron Lauda will spend a year focused on developing his research in theoretical mathematics.
Alumnus and lecturer Brandon Som wins the coveted Kate Tufts Discovery Award for his debut book of poems, The Tribute Horse.
Ian Ehrenreich and Peter Ralph, both of biological sciences, are recognized by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation as future scientific leaders.
University Professor Michael Waterman will share the $1 million prize with two other leaders in bioinformatics.
Manuel Pastor is installed as the inaugural holder of the Turpanjian Chair in Civil Society and Social Change.
In recognition of her achievement developing a cultural and educational relationship with France, Peggy Kamuf receives an academic knighthood from the French government.
Matthew Pratt receives major awards for his work finding clues to how cancer hijacks cell biology to thrive — and how it might be stopped.
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