Free, one-stop resource, tailored for the Los Angeles market, offers tools for creating business plans, funding guidance and help with obtaining permits and licenses.

Jul 15
7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Fist Lutheran Venice Disagreements over issues are nothing new. Today, however, our allegiances lead us to hold entirely conflicting views of the world. Join us for a conversation on what it looks like to work for peace in a time of hyper-polarization.
Science and Technology

Earth sciences isn’t just for Earth

Extending their expertise into the solar system, Earth scientists aid in the exploration of our planetary neighbors, including the search for signs of extraterrestrial life.

USC Dornsife Magazine

The Energy Issue

As we face the challenges of climate change, the energy choices we make now have never been more crucial. In this issue of USC Dornsife Magazine, we look at energy through the diverse lenses of our scholars’ research — from finding nature-inspired solutions to meet our future energy needs to weighing the pros and cons of nuclear power. We report how ancient technology is shaping advances in cooling technology, we explore natural and esoteric energy, and we delve into the unique demands of our own “body electric.”

“What takes nature years, our reactors achieve in mere minutes.”

We all know carbon dioxide is a major driver of climate change. The ocean naturally absorbs CO2 using limestone, but the process takes thousands of years. With the global shipping industry contributing 3% of global CO2 emissions, USC Dornsife’s William Berelson and partners at @caltechedu, and Calcarea created a way to exponentially accelerate the carbon capture process.

This innovation offers a sustainable path forward. ⛴️ 

#UniversityOfSouthernCalifornia #USCDornsife #ClimateChange #Oceans #Research #CarbonDioxide #CarbonCapture #FightOn

Ocean-inspired tech could speed up carbon capture from ships

Not many people know that studying history at USC Dornsife inspired him to enlist in the Navy, and it was on operational deployment as a Navy Seal that Randy Hetrick came up with the idea for @trxtraining bands.

#USCDornsife #USCTrojans #FightOn #HistoryMajor #LiberalArts #USNavySeal

Alumni Voices Randy Hetrick Founder & CEO, TRX Training

Living the dream! He scored a permit to research his childhood fave in the Galapagos and brought us along with him! See what it’s like to explore endangered tortoises with @charleslehnen, Ph.D. candidate in Integrative and Evolutionary Biology at USC Dornsife.

Lehnen and his team spent a month on Santa Fe Island in the Galapagos to research tortoises, their diets and surrounding ecosystems. Hear from Lehnen about how this research could inform the study of other endangered species.

#uscdornsife #universityofsoutherncaliforniausctrojans #galapagos #tortoise #research

A person posing with a tortoise in the background.
Tortoise Research: From USC to Galapagos

Tortoise Research: From USC to Galapagos

Tortoise research is the life’s mission of USC Dornsife’s Charles Lehnen, a PhD candidate in Integrative and Evolutionary Biology. Lehnen and his team spent a month on Santa Fe Island in the Galapagos to research tortoises, their diets and surrounding ecosystems. Hear from Lehnen about how this research could inform the study of other endangered species.