Following the attempted coup in July, the country is coping with draconian repercussions and an unprecedented sense of divisiveness.
USC Dornsife News
In the final article of a three-part series on the European refugee crisis — the largest since World War II — USC Dornsife experts Laurie Brand, Robert English and Steven Lamy of international relations look at Turkey’s unexplored role in the exodus, the long-term repercussions for the United States and its European allies, and a possible silver lining.
USC Dornsife undergraduates traveled to Egypt and Turkey in June to study religion, democracy and civil society for a Problems Without Passports course. They witnessed real-time democratic protests in both countries.
The first students in USC Dornsife’s Problems Without Passports’ archaeology course in Turkey look for castle ruins, gravestones and much more. In all, they discover 14 ancient sites.
Archaeology senior Sarah Hawley presents her research on ancient figurines — which reveals information about the transition of empires — during prestigious annual conference.
USC College archaeology students connect by blogging as they travel the world conducting hands-on research.
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