Gillman Names New Leadership Team
Dean Gillman was named dean in May by President Steven B. Sample and Provost C.L. Max Nikias. Gillman issued this announcement to faculty and staff Monday, July 2:
Over the last month I have received invaluable advice from many colleagues across the College on how I might best structure my administration, and on what issues deserved my immediate attention. I have been especially gratified by the expressions of support and offers of assistance.
First and foremost I acknowledge and thank Peter Starr. He has been characteristically generous with both his time and his counsel. Members of the College Dean Search Committee—Professors Norman Arnheim, Leo Braudy, Marshall Cohen, Richard Easterlin, Judith Jackson Fossett, Margaret Gatz, Solomon Golomb, Thomas Habinek, Clifford Johnson, Thomas Jordan, Philippa Levine, and Michael Waterman—served as my Transition Advisory Committee, and I am grateful that I had an opportunity to benefit from their experience and good judgment. I met with members of the College Faculty Council and Department Chairs. I solicited advice from other faculty colleagues and also received notes from many of you. I consulted closely with Roger Stewart, David Houser, and other senior administrators in the College. I have taken all this guidance to heart. This collaborative model is one I expect to follow in the coming years. Working together is essential if we are to fashion and institute exciting new programs and innovative directions for the College. Thank you all again.
It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I announce the new members of my administration.
Michael Quick (Biological Sciences) has agreed to serve in a new position as Executive Vice Dean, with overall responsibility for academic affairs. I have created this position to ensure that all of the efforts of the Vice Deans are fully coordinated and supported. As Executive Vice Dean Professor Quick will report directly to me, along with Roger Stewart, the Senior Associate Dean of Administration and Planning, Dave Houser, the Senior Associate Dean of Business and Financial Affairs, and the Senior Associate Dean of Development (still to be appointed).
I am also very pleased to announce that Professor Elinor Accampo (History) will serve as Vice Dean overseeing graduate programs; Professor Dani Byrd (Linguistics) will serve as Vice Dean overseeing research advancement; Professor Steven Lamy (International Relations) will serve as Vice Dean overseeing undergraduate programs; and Professor Edwin McCann (Philosophy) will serve as Vice Dean overseeing faculty affairs. They will report to Executive Vice Dean Quick and also serve as members of my Dean’s Cabinet.
Together this team brings to the dean’s office expertise in the life sciences, the cognitive sciences, the social sciences, empirical-interpretive research, and normative-theoretical scholarship. I am especially proud that this team is characterized by faculty colleagues who are renowned for their scholarly excellence and their long-standing dedication to serving the College. They remind us that the governance of a great liberal arts college is, fundamentally, the responsibility of an engaged and scholarly faculty.
I hope you will join me in congratulating your colleagues on their new positions, and in offering your support as they help all of us reach new heights of excellence.
On a personal note, I express my sincere appreciation to Peter, Hilary Schor, and Jennifer Wolch for their outstanding service to the College. Hilary expanded undergraduate research opportunities, including implementing the Team Research Communities and launching the Summer Research programs, both of which train our youngest scholars in the basics of research and inquiry. Jennifer has led efforts to boost our National Research Council standings, upgraded graduate school and departmental web pages across the College, and added vigor to our recruitment of minority graduate students. Their efforts have been key in bringing the brightest students to USC.
Peter has earned our respect and appreciation for setting a rigorous pace during the interim year; he has also taken all steps necessary to ensure a smooth transition. His achievements are notable and too numerous to enumerate, but they include the establishment of the USC Levan Institute for Humanity and Ethics, the naming of Ray R. Irani Hall, and the groundbreaking for the Boone Center on Santa Catalina Island.
We have been privileged to have these talented leaders in the College, and I know you will join me in thanking them for their dedication. Our challenge and opportunity is to build on their considerable achievements.
Howard Gillman
Dean, USC College
Anna H. Bing Chair
Professor of Political Science and History