Persian Language Program
The Persian language program at USC Dornsife aims to cultivate communicative proficiency and cultural awareness in Persian. From the very beginning, learners are immersed in real-life language tasks while building foundational literacy skills.
Basic Persian program consists of three semesters—Persian-I, Persian-II and Persian-III—and fulfills USC Dornsife Foreign Language Requirements. Persian-IV serves as the required course for the Minor in Iranian Studies and act as a bridge to advanced Persian courses.
At the advanced level, through Advanced Persian-I and Advanced Persian-II, students further enhance their critical thinking skills through engaging and dynamic activities. These courses introduce students to Persian literature, history, and arts while also providing insights into the social, economic, and political aspects of life in Persian-speaking communities.
Note: Students with previous exposure to Persian must take a placement exam. D-clearance available at language.usc.edu.
By the end of this course, students who actively participate and complete all assigned work will be able to:
• Communicate and exchange information in Persian on familiar topics using memorized phrases and short sentences.
• Recognize familiar spoken phrases and simple sentences and use them to respond to questions and follow simple instructions.
• Identify Persian script and write memorized phrases and some simple sentences on familiar topics.
• Recognize and read words, phrases and simple sentences on familiar topics, and extract information from reading material.
• Demonstrate cultural awareness of politeness and various gestures through class discussions.
• Perform simple language functions including self-introduction, creation with language, description of places, locations, people, feelings, and ask and answer simple questions on familiar topics
By the end of this course, students who actively participate and complete all assigned work will be able to:
• Communicate and converse in Persian on familiar topics such as health, family, friends, and education using simple and short sentences.
• Read texts on familiar topics, extract information from the text, and make inferences using this information.
• Write simple and accurate sentences on familiar topics, using Persian script.
• Listen to oral texts such as simple dialogues and find the important information.
• Listen to and follow simple instructions.
• Demonstrate cultural awareness of Persian traditions through class discussions.
• Perform the functions learned in Persian-I and add the following: follow simple instructions, navigate through a map, describe daily routines, seek medical help, and ask and answer simple, open-ended questions on familiar topics.
By the end of this course, students who actively participate and complete all assigned work will be able to:
• Communicate and converse in Persian on a variety of familiar topics, including work, study, family, friends, future plans, travel, food and current events using strings of simple and short sentences.
• Read texts on familiar topics, and identify important information such as 5Ws (what, where, who, when, and why) from the text, and make inferences using the extracted information.
• Write simple and accurate sentences and some simple paragraphs on familiar topics in Persian.
• Listen to oral texts such as monologues, short messages and simple dialogues and find out the main topic and important information.
• Demonstrate cultural awareness of Persian traditions and customs through class discussions.
• Perform the following language functions and tasks: describe familiar objects, places, and people, compare and contrast familiar objects and simple concepts such as basic traditions and cultural differences, such as marriage or New Year celebrations, talk about similarities and differences in a short and simple paragraph, handle simple situations and social interactions, ask and answer simple, and open-ended questions on familiar topics.
By the end of this course, students who actively participate and complete all assigned work will be able to:
• Read texts of intermediate level difficulty and communicate in Persian on a variety of familiar topics.
• Write in extended paragraph length discourse.
• Demonstrate cultural awareness through additional readings, movies, and class discussions.
• Students should be able to perform the following language tasks in Persian: describe an event or on object in details; identify important information in discourse and write short summaries; find similarities and differences between ideas and express their own ideas; narrate an event in detail, using all times frames; express and support opinions, discern facts from opinions and write a short report.
By the end of this course, students who actively participate and complete all assigned work will be able to:
• Communicate and converse on variety of familiar and everyday topics such as people, places, and current events using simple and short paragraphs in colloquial and formal spoken Persian and handle a complicated situation.
• Write at least three coherent paragraphs on familiar topics using connected sentences and appropriate written forms of Persian script.
• Find the main idea in paragraph-length texts and identify important details on a variety of everyday topics.
• Relate text content to personal life and interests and make comparisons with their own personal experiences.
• Discuss similarities and differences between Iranian and American traditions, customs, everyday life, and special events.
• Express opinions on variety of every day topics using short paragraphs.
• Make connections between their native culture and that of the target language.
By the end of this course, students who actively participate and complete all assigned work will be able to:
• Read texts of advanced level difficulty and communicate in Persian on a variety of familiar and unfamiliar topics.
• Write complex and cohesive paragraphs, summaries, and short essays.
• Develop cultural awareness through readings, movies, field trips and class discussions.
• Students should be able to perform advanced language tasks in Persian including: reading and listening for specific information, analyzing current situations, discerning facts from opinions and expressing their own opinions; sorting and categorizing relevant information; narrating in all time frames, defining or describing events and giving oral reports; participating in debates or discussions motivated by a listening or reading excerpt; developing critical analysis, abstraction and hypothesizing skills.
By the end of this course, students who actively participate and complete all assigned work will be able to:
• Communicate and converse in Persian on a variety of specific topics, including: shopping, business transactions, banking (accounts, loans, investment), imports, exports, real estate, and current business affairs using simple sentences and paragraphs.
• Read texts on specialized topics in business (real estate, banking, mortgage, loan, imports, exports, etc.) and identify important information from the text, and make inferences using the extracted information.
• Write simple and accurate sentences and simple paragraphs on the special topics in Persian.
• Listen to intermediate level oral monologues or dialogues and find out the main topic and important information.
• Demonstrate cultural awareness of Persian business culture through class discussions.
• Perform the following language functions and tasks: define basic business terminology in Persian (bank accounts, loans, tax, investment, mortgage, real estate, debt, interest, inflation, GDP, recession, sanction, corruption, money laundry, etc.) Compare basic cultural concepts in business culture, such as bargaining, shopping, banking, real estate, taxing, etc. Handle conversational situations with a complication, ask and answer open-ended questions on specialized topics.
The Path to the Minor in Iranian Studies
To fulfill the requirements for the Minor in Iranian Studies, students must complete five courses, starting with Persian-IV (IRAN-250). Elective options include Advanced Persian-I (IRAN-320), Advanced Persian-II (IRAN-350), and Business Persian (IRAN-325). For the most up-to-date information on the minor requirements in Iranian Studies, please consult: https://dornsife.usc.edu/mdes/iranian-studies/
It’s important to note that Persian-III serves as a prerequisite for Persian-IV and Advanced Persian courses. Students with prior Persian language study can take a placement test offered by Language@USC to determine their proficiency level. If a student’s proficiency exceeds the third-semester college level, they should consult the language faculty regarding a higher-level proficiency exam.
Scholarships for Studying Persian
Critical Languages Scholarship (CLS)
Boren Sc Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships
Iranian American Scholarship Fund (IASF)
Other Scholarships: Please check PersianLearner website
Study Abroad Programs for Persian
Eurasian Regional Language Program (ERLP)
ASPIRANTUM Persian Language Semester Program: https://www.borenawards.org/