Let’s learn Arabic

(لنتعلم اللغة العربية)

Learning Objectives

The Arabic Basic Language Program (3 semesters) learning outcomes: Upon successful completion of the Arabic Basic Language Program (3 semesters), 80% of students will be able to: Speak and write at an ACTFL proficiency level of Intermediate Mid; Use Arabic to communicate about themselves, everyday experiences, work, study using adequate grammatical accuracy; Complete a variety of language functions and tasks (e.g., ask questions, formulate arguments, express preferences, narrate and describe in three tenses); Present oral and written information in an organized and comprehensive way, using complete sentences and short paragraphs; Identify main and supporting ideas from short texts and audio-visual materials related to familiar topics.

Arabic Minor Learning Outcomes

Students will demonstrate an advanced level of communicative proficiency in Arabic. Discuss various perspectives on environmental, societal and health challenges in the Middle East. Compare and contrast contemporary issues in the Middle East and other regions in Arabic. Identify and apply Arabic grammar, parts of speech, sentence structures to produce advanced Arabic writing and translation. Synthesize ideas from different sources to compose a research paper or oral presentations using advanced vocabulary and grammar. Orally present and debate different viewpoints. Develop advanced Arabic/ English translation skills.