Who recruits at USC?
- Amazon, IBM, Microsoft, Alibaba, Meta, Uber, American Express, Chevron.
USC Career Center
- Meet with a career advisor
- Attend events to build your network
- Investigate industry trends
- Strategize your job search
Trojans to Trojans (T2T) Initiative
Participate in the Trojans to Trojans (T2T) Initiative, designed to help new grads and current students connect with USC alumni who are eager to provide you with career advice. The Trojan Network, USC’s exclusive mentorship and networking platform, makes networking within the Trojan Family easier than ever!
Mathematics Graduate Student Association (MGSA)
- Directed Reading with Undergraduates
- Dinners, socials and game nights
- Industry panels with guest speakers, including program alumni
Charlotte’s Web
A group for women and non-binary people interested in mathematics at USC.
Math Coding Group
Meetings are a zero-stress, no deadline, completely flexible way to try to develop essential coding skills. People from various skill levels join and have worked on learning github, web scraping, object-oriented programming, etc. Students have solved leetcode problems and have completed in several machine learning competitions.
If interested, please email Hunter Hewitt (hchewitt@usc.edu).
Other Student Organizations
Susan Sath Vaswani
Graduate Advisor
Email: sath@usc.edu

Contact Us
Faculty Program Leaders
Xiaohui Chen
Office: KAP 406B
Email: xiaohuic@usc.edu
Stanislav Minsker
Office: KAP 406E
Email: minsker@usc.edu