For terms the courses are offered, please consult the Schedule of Classes. Courses offered are subject to teaching availability.

LING 505abc: Seminar in Linguistics (1 unit per course)

a: Exploration of the professional world of linguistics for first semester graduate students.

b: Preparation and presentation of M.A./Ph.D. screening papers; discussion of student research.

c: Colloquium for presentation and discussion of student research paper. 


LING 506: Practicum in Phonetics and Phonology (2 units, max 12)

Professional development in phonetics and phonology. Skills workshops, discussion of emerging research in the literature, and internal and external presentations of work in progress. (PhonLunch)

LING 507: Practicum in Syntax and Semantics (2 units, max 12)

Professional development in syntax and semantics. Skills workshops, discussion of emerging research in the literature, and internal and external presentations of work in progress. (S-Side Story)

LING 508: Practicum in Psycholinguistics (2 units, max 12)

Professional development in psycholinguistics. Skills workshops, discussion of emerging research in the literature, and internal and external presentations of work in progress. (Psycholinguistics Lab)

LING 530: Generative Syntax (3 units)

Introduction to syntax; transformational-generative syntax.

LING 531ab: Phonology (3 units per course)

Traditional views of phonology; generative phonology; current developments in phonological research and theory. 

LING 531a is prerequisite for LING 531b

LING 532: Current Issues in Syntactic Theory (3 units)

Original literature, focusing whenever possible on issues in comparative syntax and their implications for universal grammar.

Course complements LING 530

LING 534: Semantics (3 units)

Current linguistic approaches to the semantics of natural language; analysis of concepts of meaning and reference.

LING 535: Syntax and Grammatical Theory (3 units, max 9)

Principles and comparison of modern theories of grammar with special reference to syntax.

LING 536: Advanced Semantics (3 units)

Intensive work in semantic theory, in preparation for a research specialization in the area.

LING 537: Advanced Syntax (3 units, max 9)

Topics in advanced formal syntax; current literature leading to open questions in research; survey of important and controversial issues of current theoretical relevance.

LING 540: Field Methods in Linguistics (3 units)

Recording and analysis of a living language as employed by a native speaker of that language.

Prerequisite: LING 530, 531a

LING 576: Psycholinguistics (3 units)

Theories of acquisition; sentence and discourse processing; language and thought.

LING 579: Child Language Development (3 units)

Acquisition of grammatical, discourse, and conversational competence; strategies and structures.

LING 580: General Phonetics (3 units)

Familiarization with articulation, transcription, production, and acoustic analysis of the speech sounds found in the world’s languages. Also speech technology, perception, and disorders. Includes laboratory exercises.

LING 581: Topics in Advanced Phonology (3 units)

Topics in advanced formal phonology; theoretical issues in the interface of phonology with other areas of linguistics; literature study on themes of current theoretical relevance.

Recommended Preparation: LING 531ab

LING 582: Experimental Phonetics (3 units)

Source-filter theory, acoustic correlates of speech sounds, vocal tract and auditory physiology, coarticulation and motor coordination, speech technology including synthesis and recognition, experimental design and statistics, and speech perception. 

Prerequisite: LING 580

LING 585: Computational Linguistics (3 units)

Using hands-on and research techniques, study of the role of linguistic knowledge and the procedures that implement it in computational systems that process natural language.

LING 590: Directed Research (1-12 units)

Research leading to the master’s degree. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. 


LING 593x: Practicum in Teaching the Liberal Arts: Linguistics (2 units)

Practical principles for the long-term development of effective teaching with college disciplines.

Only open to doctoral students

LING 595: Directed Readings (1-4 units)

Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department.

LING 602: Seminar in Experimental Methods in Linguistics (3 units)

Topics in quantitative methods in linguistics research, e.g., covariance structure analysis, multi-dimensional scaling, log linear model, meta-analysis.

LING 610: Seminar in Linguistic Theory (3 units, max 12)

LING 631: Seminar in Phonological Theory (3 units, max 12)

LING 632: Seminar in Phonetics (3 units, max 12)

Readings in phonetic theory and current research as the framework for a discussion-oriented class. 

Prerequisite: LING 580

LING 635: Seminar in Syntax (3 units, max 12)

LING 636: Seminar in Semantics (3 units, max 12)

LING 676: Seminar in Psycholinguistics (3 units, max 12)

LING 790: Research (1-12 units)

Research leading to the doctorate. Maximum units which may be applied to the degree to be determined by the department. 


LING 794abcdz: Doctoral Dissertation (2 units per course abcd, 0 units z)

Credit on acceptance of dissertation.