S-Side Story is a group that discusses the exciting developments in syntactic research and its interfaces. Since June 2021, S-Side Story has taken over the former Syntax+. Given the increasing amount of interest and work in semantics and the interface with morphology, but also psycholinguistics, the plus sign was too underspecified to capture everything. The new name aims to represent the multifaceted research interests of the group while still maintining syntax at its core.
We hold regular meetings for students and faculty members to present their research projects and get feedback. Occassionally, we have special talks given by invited speakers.
All topics which are of relevance to syntax, semantics, and their interfaces are welcome. If you want to schedule a presentation at S-Side Story or want to be added to the mailing list, please contact Nelli Marutyan (nmarutya@usc.edu) or Yaqing Hu (yaqinghu@usc.edu).
Check out the schedule for Fall 2024 Presentations:
September 4th, Wednesday
Presenter: Deniz Rudin
Topic: A Workshop on Creating Pofessional Websites
September 11th, Wednesday
Presenter: Luismi Toquero Perez
Topic: TBA
September 18th, Wednesday
Presenter: TBA
Topic: TBA
September 25th, Wednesday
Presenter: Zhendong Liu
Topic: TBA
October 2nd, Wednesday
Presenter: Carolina Fraga
Title: TBA
October 9th, Wednesday
Presenter: Katie Kennedy
Title: TBA
October 16th, Wednesday
Presenter: Mete Oguz
Title: TBA
October 23rd, Wednesday
Presenter: Nelli Marutyan
Title: TBA
October 30th, Wednesday
Presenter: Su Yingyu
Title: TBA
November 6th, Wednesday
Presenter: Peter O’Neill
Title: TBA
November 13th, Wednesday
Presenter: Yaqing Hu
Title: TBA
November 20th, Wednesday
Presenter: Fulang Chen (MIT)
Title: TBA
December 4th, Wednesday
Presenter: Andrew Simpson and Zhixian Huang
Title: TBA