An academic project from the Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies at USC and the T. Marie Chilton Chair in Catholic Theology at Loyola Marymount University

For nearly 500 years, Our Lady of Guadalupe has lived prominently in the imagination and hearts of millions of people across the Americas and beyond.
Lo guadalupano – the world of Guadalupe — embraces inter-related and ever-evolving realities: the famous tilma itself, apparition accounts and religious practices, along with a vibrant universe of art. It has engendered a huge corpus of work in Spanish and English, including devotional writings, prayers and music. Academic Guadalupan studies include historical explorations, revisionist accounts, and contemporary interpretations employing gender and political foci.
Guadalupe – At the Break of Dawn re-examines and integrates important and underexplored aspects of lo guadalupano through high-level scholarship that is collaborative and inter-disciplinary.
Guadalupe – At the Break of Dawn launched in May 2021 with a series of webinars featuring conversations with theologians, art historians and musicians who will share viewpoints, raise questions, and find areas of convergence and divergence in the study of lo guadalupano.
During academic year 2021-22, the project continued with an academic symposium in Los Angeles featuring participants from across the U.S., Europe and Latin America.
During academic year 2022-23, IACS continues work on an important scholarly book project. A range of academics from different disciplines and cultural backgrounds will contribute chapters to an edited volume of essays in both English and Spanish, to be published by a leading academic press. The book will be a major contribution to the study of the world of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.
Jeanette Favrot Peterson, Professor of Art History, Emeritus, University of California, Santa Barbara
Deidre Sklar, Dance Ethnographer, Retired, Oberlin College
Dorian Llywelyn, S.J., Director, Center of Ignatian Spirituality, LMU
Carlos García Alayón, Ph.D. Candidate – Scripture, University of Notre Dame
Elina Vuola, Professor of Global Christianity and Dialogue of Religions, University of Helsinki
Sarah Jane Boss, Professor of Dogmatic Theology, St. Mary’s College Oscott
Timothy Matovina, Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
Virginia R. Azcuy, Professor of Theology, Universidad Católica de Argentina & Universidad Católica de Chile
Nancy Pineda-Madrid, Professor of Theology, T. Marie Chilton Chair of Catholic Theology, Loyola Marymount University
Pedro Rubalcava, Director of Music Development, Oregon Catholic Press