Studying Economics

    Study Abroad

    The increasing importance of international trade and the globalization of economic activity makes studying abroad critical for economics students. You will learn about the field of economics from an international perspective, develop a deeper understanding of the implications of globalization, and gain a greater awareness of how differences in political institutions play a role in economic outcomes. At the same time, you can sharpen your cross-cultural communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, making you more attractive to future employers.


    A rigorous training in economics prepares a student for many career paths. We expect that our students will be competitive for jobs in:

    Economic Consulting

    Federal Reserve Banks

    Big Data Analytic Firms

    Wall Street & Finance

    Real Estate Development

    Graduate School

    For those students interested in applying for a PhD in economics, we strongly suggest that you contact Professor Paulina Oliva ( during your junior year. Graduate School in Economics is highly rewarding and rigorous. We believe that our students can excel at the very best PhD programs.

    In order to properly prepare for these programs, students need to both excel in undergraduate econ classes but also take courses at USC’s Math Department.  Real Analysis and probability theory are highly recommended as courses that help a young economist to prepare for the rigor of graduate school.  Strong letters of recommendation are crucial for being admitted to excellent PhD programs.

    Economics training is also a pathway for going to medical school, law school and business school and public policy schools. Professor Paulina Oliva will lead a group meeting to discuss these career paths.

    Kaprielian Hall
    Kaprielian Hall
    Kaprielian Hall
    Kaprielian Hall

    Program Leadership

    Director of Undergraduate Teaching and Curriculum

    Mark Moore

    Academic Program Administrator

    Karina Chicas