In order to receive your Dornsife Scholars Award funds, we will need the following:
- A copy of your Dornsife Scholars Award offer letter from the dean.
- Proof of graduation from USC with a minimum GPA of 3.5 (STARS report is fine.)
- Graduate School Acceptance Letter
- Proof of Registration/Enrollment in Courses (including Student ID# and Courses)
- Copy of Tuition Bill including new Student ID#. (The bill should be detailed to show the expenses for which you are being charged, such as tuition, housing, etc.)
- The exact start date of the semester you are entering.
- Your personal email address so that we can reach you in the future. We acknowledge Dana and David Dornsife by providing updates on the accomplishments, successes and plans of our Dornsife Scholars.
For institutions other than USC, also include:
- The Remit to Name that should appear on the check. (Some institutions use, for example, “President and Trustees of ___ University.” Others use “___ University,” or “___ University, College of ___”, etc.) Be sure to get the correct name.
- The Remit To Address/mailing address. (Please note that the address on your tuition bill is not necessarily the correct address to send the check. To avoid payment delay, please contact the appropriate office for the correct mailing address to receive a check from our university).
- The Official name and address of the institution. (This is sometimes different from the remit name and address.)
- You must provide contact information (name, email, phone number) for the responsible person/office at the receiving institution. This is necessary should we need to reach out to them for payment processing. To avoid delays, check with the institution for the correct contact information.
- Send the documents as attachments, not embedded in your email, to the Dornsife Scholars Coordinator (
Keep in mind when ready to receive the funds:
- If you are receiving other financial aid, be sure to let your institution know that you will be receiving $10,000 paid directly to them from the University of Southern California, Dornsife College of Letters, Arts & Sciences, to be applied to your student account. You will want to know what, if any, effect it might have on your financial aid package.
- Due to standard processing time, and any unforeseen delays, we cannot guarantee that payment will be received before tuition and fees are due or before classes begin.
- Payments are sent in the amount of $10,000. However, some institutions deposit the funds in two installments of $5,000 each. If you notice that you received only $5,000 in your student account, be sure to contact your Student Financial Services office to inquire about the second installment.
For further information or to request disbursement, contact the Dornsife Scholar Program Coordinator @ Please include “Dornsife Scholar Award” in the subject line.