Logo and Graphic Guidebook
In November 2011, The USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, the largest, oldest and most diverse of USC’s 19 schools, was one of the first academic units to begin implementing the university’s new graphic identity program.
USC Dornsife partnered with University Communications and the renowned graphic design firm Pentagram to establish a comprehensive graphic identity program that encompasses its publications, Web site, correspondence, electronic communications, video productions, and more.
As part of the identity system, logotypes for USC Dornsife were created for use across all media, including formal and informal logotypes. Accompanying logotypes also were created for each of USC Dornsife’s 33 academic departments and dozens of research centers and institutes.
In addition to new logotypes, USC Dornsife’s system mirrors USC’s new graphic identity program with the incorporation of new typefaces and use of the university’s shield.
The approved typefaces for use in USC Dornsife publications and other print materials are Adobe Caslon Pro and National. Each typeface offers a wide range of styles to allow for small and digital use without compromising quality.
The shield, which has long existed as part of the university’s seal, may be used as an icon throughout the new program — in keeping with the identities of many top-caliber universities.
The official university colors, PMS 201C (cardinal) and PMS 123C (gold), as well as athletic and spirit marks, have not changed.
To maintain consistency throughout the university system, the USC Dornsife program prohibits the use of any additional iconography, marks or artwork outside of the approved university seal, shield and Trojan head (the latter may only be used for spirit-related applications). Existing iconography can be used as illustrative elements.
Downloadable USC Dornsife Logotypes
The formal USC Dornsife logotype consists of the USC monogram, Dornsife wordmark and the academic unit descriptor. Combined in a precise manner, these elements create a distinct logotype for USC Dornsife. The spacing between the USC monogram, the Dornsife wordmark and academic unit descriptor have been carefully considered for the best balance and readability. Do not alter or attempt to create the logotype in any way. Always use approved artwork.
The logotypes provided are the approved color versions of the USC Dornsife logotype. As a standard, USC’s official colors — Pantone 201C (cardinal), Pantone 123C (gold) and black (including their CMYK and RGB equivalents) — should be used and the USC monogram should always appear in the dominant color. In limited applications in which printing restrictions do not permit two-color usage, the grayscale color combination should be used. The grayscale color combination should never be used on the Web. For specific information about color conversions for CMYK and RGB visit identity.usc.edu.
Available for download are print logotypes (4 inches, CMYK, 300 dpi) or web logotypes (1000 pixels by 330 pixels, RGB, 72 dpi).
To save a file, PC Users: Right-click on the image and select “Save Link As.” Mac Users: Click and hold the image and select “Download Link to Disk.”
USC Dornsife Sub-unit Logotypes
The USC Graphic Identity Program has been designed specifically to allow complex entities such as USC Dornsife, with all its various departments, programs, institutes, centers and offices, enough flexibility to represent themselves in unique and compelling ways. In this program, the university identity is represented by the university monogram. The academic unit is represented prominently by the Dornsife wordmark next to the university monogram. Specific departments, programs, institutes, centers and offices are represented by a descriptor line paired with the university monogram, Dornsife wordmark and academic unit descriptor.
By the beginning of the Spring 2012 semester, USC Dornsife sub-unit logotypes and sub-unit electronic letterhead will be available for download through mydornsife.usc.edu. Please contact the USC Dornsife Office of Communication at (213) 821-6797 or communication@dornsife.usc.edu if your sub-unit is in need of these logotypes at an earlier date.
USC Dornsife Stationery and Business Cards

The university’s approved stationery vendors have all of graphic elements and assets for the USC Graphic Identity Program, including those for USC Dornsife and all USC academic units.
To order stationery
• Go to usc.edu/purchasing
• Click on Trojan e-Market and Log-in
• Click on Search for Contract Supplier
• For Business Cards enter: Corporate Graphics
• For Letterhead enter: Letterhead Factory
You will be prompted with instructions for personalizing your stationery items and asked to fill out your contact information in the appropriate fields. If you have any questions, contact USC Purchasing Services at (213) 740-9786 or e-mail smartens@usc.edu.
Social Media
Facebook and Twitter Guidelines
Social networking Web sites such as Facebook and Twitter are great channels for sharing news, events, information and multimedia with an online community of peers and colleagues.
The USC Dornsife Office of Communication has assembled a set of guidelines from respected online and industry sources for you to effectively and appropriately use these forums on behalf of the USC Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences.
Social media accounts that purport to represent official USC Dornsife business (including departments, divisions, offices, centers, institutes, programs, series, etc.) must be coordinated and approved by USC Dornsife.
If you have questions, contact communication@dornsife.usc.edu.
Contact Us
Questions regarding the new graphic identity program may be directed to the Office of Communication at (213) 821-6797 or communication@dornsife.usc.edu