Updated 06/2/2024.

DivE Mentorship Weekend @ UPenn (for rising juniors and seniors)

The Diversity and Equity Initiative in the Mind Sciences (DivE In) is now accepting applications (deadline is May 31). This initiative is geared towards serving undergraduate students from marginalized groups that are traditionally underrepresented in graduate school and involves a weekend at Penn devoted to discussing graduate school and the application process. We also have a strong focus on mentoring and networking: students get connected with a mentor, have mock interviews with Penn faculty, and have opportunities to informally network with members of the Penn community. Travel to Penn and expenses are fully paid for admitted students to reduce barriers to engaging with faculty and trainee mentors.
We encourage rising juniors, seniors, and recent or not-so-recent graduates from underrepresented backgrounds to apply. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of need (e.g., lack of access to mentorship), fit (e.g., interest in pursuing graduate programs in the mind sciences) and merit (e.g., quality of written responses). We will prioritize applications from students that are not already affiliated with Penn.
Please share widely with students and networks.  
DivE In 2024 will be October 18-20.
Link to application (deadline is May 31):  https://upenn.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dcD2pz0B8fTteoS 
Email for questions: minddivein@sas.upenn.edu
Natalia Aponte Borges
MindCORE DivE In
Communications Lead
Natalia Enid Aponte Borges (she)
Biology PhD Candidate
Songbird Neuroethology
Schmidt Lab | Biology Dept.