MPStruc is one of the most well-known membrane protein databases available. It was established in 1999 by Professor Stephen White at UC Irvine.


In recent years, with the rapid growth in the number of membrane protein structures available, searching for these membrane protein structures has become more complicated.

Researchers at the Bridge Institute joined mpstruc in May 2018 to develop an automation process to search for new membrane protein structures. After the initial results are obtained from the automatic search algorithm, we confirm and curate the data before posting the information about the structures to mpstruc, ensuring the timeliness and accuracy of the data available to researchers around the world.

To learn more about the Membrane Proteins of Known 3D Structure databaseCLICK HERE for their website.

Current Members

Vadim Cherezov, PhD

Professor of Chemistry


Gye Won Han, PhD

Co-Director, Bridge Structural Biology Center


Former Members

Raymond C. Stevens, PhD

Professor Emeritus of Chemistry


Nilkanth Patel, PhD

Jeff Siu

Data Scientist

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