Bridge Undergraduate Science Program (BUGS)
We are training the next generation of undergraduate students to surmount disciplinary boundaries as they work to better understand the human body and impact health
Seeking Feedback from our BUGS/Jr Alumni
The information being collected in this survey is: (1) for statistical purposes for planned future funding applications with relevant agencies, (2) for use on our website, social media and other promotional materials – please make sure to indicate at the end of the survey your consent/non-consent for these purposes, and (3) to evaluate impact and allow us to rationally consider changes to improve the program in the future.
Thanks for your participation!
2024 BUGS & BUGS Jr Summer Research Program Finale Symposium
Saturday, August 3, 2024 | 8:30a – 4:00p @ Michelson Hall (MCB; 1002 Childs Way, Los Angeles CA, 90089)
Webinar ID 951 2619 0128; passcode 31415 (morning session only | 8:30am – 1:00pm)
Current Program available here: Symposium Schedule
Undergraduates will participate in oral (slide) and poster presentations in the morning session (8:30a-1:00p); High school students will participate in poster presentations in the afternoon session (1:30p-4:00p)
RSVP site is now CLOSED.
Parking is available at the Downey Way Parking Structure (next to Michelson Hall) at the rate of $4/hr or $20/day (pay via TextToPark: signs posted in structure)
Please email with any questions.
– The Bridge Institute team

Our interdisciplinary research effort intensifies every summer with the Bridge Undergraduate Science Program, known as BUGS for short. Undergraduate students in the program pair with a USC faculty member and often collaborate with graduate student, postdoctoral fellows or staff to perform hands-on research in USC research labs. Students also benefit from Bridge-sponsored peer community-building activities research seminars and multi-disciplinary social mixers.
Curious to learn the kind of research our previous BUGS have done? Get to know the Class of 2018, Class of 2019, Class of 2021 and Class of 2023 or check out previous news articles about our students and their achievements.

Previous news articles about our students and their achievements
Bridge Undergraduate Researchers Kylie Burdsall Commits to Stanford Medicine and Sanraj Mittal Heads to Rockefeller University
USC Bridge News
by Kathlynn Alba, April 30, 2020
While the COVID-19 pandemic has put many important on-campus events on hold for many of our undergraduates, namely the 2020 USC commencement, there is still much to celebrate.
Pharmacy lab’s former intern exploring interests as USC undergrad
by Eric Lindberg, June 13th, 2019
You could certainly call Bethany Chen a chemist. Or a robot programmer. She’s definitely a computer scientist. Don’t forget about hip-hop dancer, philosopher and black belt expert in hapkido.
A longtime science enthusiast, the rising sophomore at USC has interests that range across the map. And like many undergrads, she’s taking advantage of opportunities at USC to consider options for her future and gain experience in diverse fields.
BUGS is one of a few immersive U.S. programs that allows students to explore across scientific disciplines and additionally incorporates opportunities to collaborate with students in the USC School of Cinematic Arts. A unique highlight of the program is the summer finale symposium (the first Friday and Saturday in August) where BUGS provide short oral presentations of their work to their scientific mentors, peers and family, as well as the university community. Check out our 2022 BUGS Activities Schedule and 2022 BUGS Finale Symposium Schedule for a taste of the programmatic activities and planning.

STEP 1: Find a faculty mentor
STEP 2: Establish a research project and draft a proposal. 2024 BUGS Research Proposal Template ( .docx)
STEP 3: Apply for USC fellowships*
STEP 4: Submit BUGS application
2024 BUGS Program application portal is NOW CLOSED
*BUGS are encouraged to participate concurrently in any of these undergraduate fellowships: SURF, Provost’s or WISE. All applications to the BUGS program will be considered for funding through the Trudi Berwin Student Support Award, the Dang Family Endowed Undergraduate Research Fellowship, and other fellowship sources that are managed through the Bridge Institute.
For more details about the BUGS Program, please read our FAQ page.
Before opening or completing the 2024 BUGS Program application through Qualtrics, please preview the questions to prepare your materials/answers here. (2023 BUGS Program Qualtrics Application Preview).

Interested in working together or have an idea to share?
Bridge Undergraduate Science Program
(BUGS and BUGS Jr. Programs)