Economics Publications
- Depression, Poverty, and Economic Shocks: Evidence from India, with M Angelucci. AEA Papers and Proceedings, May 2024, 114.
- The Economic Impact of Depression Treatment in India: Evidence from Community-Based Provision of Pharmacotherapy, with M Angelucci. American Economic Review. January 2024, 114(1), pp. 169-98. IZA Discussion Paper 14393. Online Appendix, Ideas for India
- Adverse Selection in the Marriage Market: HIV Testing and Marriage in Rural Malawi, with M Angelucci. The Review of Economic Studies. October 2021, 88(5), pp. 2119-2148. Evidence Base
- The Market for High-Quality Medicine: Retail Chain Entry and Drug Quality in India, with W Yin. The Review of Economics and Statistics, March 2019, 101(1), pp. 76-90. VoxEU, VoxDev, Ideas for India
- Learning, Hygiene, and Traditional Medicine, with SAA Naqvi and WP Schmidt, The Economic Journal, July 2018, 128(612), pp. F545-F574. Appendix, VoxDev, Development Impact, Evidence Base, Royal Economic Society, GlobalDev
- Assortative Matching Under Asymmetric Information: Evidence from Malawi, with M Angelucci, American Economic Review: Papers and Proceedings, May 2017, 107(5), pp. 154-157.
- The Indirect Impact of Antiretroviral Therapy: Mortality Risk, Mental Health, and HIV-Negative Labor Supply, with V Baranov and HP Kohler, Journal of Health Economics, 44, December 2015, pp. 195-211
- Constraints on Compliance and the Impact of Health Information in Rural Pakistan, with SAA Naqvi and WP Schmidt, Health Economics, 24(9), September 2015, pp. 1065-81.
- Health Care Competition and Antibiotic Use in Taiwan, with CL Hung and TL Lauderdale, Journal of Industrial Economics, 63(2), June 2015, pp. 371-393.
- Learning During a Crisis: the SARS Epidemic in Taiwan, with CF Chiang and A Malani, Journal of Development Economics, 112, January 2015, pp. 1-18. Evidence Base, Business Insider, Chicago Sun-Times
- Does Clean Water Make You Dirty? Water Supply and Sanitation in the Philippines, Journal of Human Resources, 47(1), 2012, pp. 147-73.
Completed Papers
- The Long-Term Impact of Pharmacotherapy in India, with M Angelucci. Conditionally accepted based on pre-results review, Journal of Development Economics.
- Depression, Pharmacotherapy, and the Demand for a Novel Health Product, with M Angelucci. Under Review. IZA Discussion Paper 15832.
- Remote Work and the Heterogeneous Impact of COVID-19 on Employment and Health, with M Angelucci, M Angrisani, A Kapteyn, and S Schaner. Diario Financiero (Chile)
Health Policy Publications
- Gender differences in outcomes of early intervention services for first episode psychosis, with SI Hong and R Rosenheck, Early Intervention in Psychiatry, January 2023, 1-9.
- COVID-19 Vaccines and Mental Distress, with F Perez-Arce, M Angrisani, J Darling, A Kapteyn, and K Thomas. PLOS One, September 2021, 16(9).
- Socioeconomic Status and the effectiveness of treatment for first-episode psychosis, with R Rosenheck. Health Services Research. June 2021, 56(3), pp. 409-417.
- Trajectories of mental distress among US adults during the COVID-19 pandemic, with K Riehm, C Holingue, E Smail, A Kapteyn, J Thrul, F Kreuter, E McGinty, L Kalb, C Veldhuis, R Johnson, M Fallin, and E Stuart. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, March 2021, 55(2), pp. 93-102.
- Mental Distress in the United States at the Beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, with C Holingue, L Kalb, K Riehm, A Kapteyn, C Veldhuis, R Johnson, MD Fallin, F Kreuter, E Stuart, and J Thrul. American Journal of Public Health, November 2020, 110(11), pp. 1628-1634.
- Know your epidemic, know your response: Early perceptions of COVID-19 and self-reported social distancing in the United States, with A Ciancio, F Kampfen, I Kohler, W Bruine de Bruin, J Darling, A Kapteyn, J Maurer, and HP Kohler. PLOS One, September 2020, 15(9).
- Associations between media exposure and mental distress among US adults at the beginnning of the COVID-19 pandemic, with K Reihm, C Holingue, L Kalb, A Kapteyn, Q Jiang, C Veldhuis, R Johnson, M Fallin, F Kreuter, and E Stuart. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, July 2020, 59(5), pp. 630-638.
- Tracking the Effect of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Lives of American Households, with A Kapteyn, M Angrisani, W Bruine de Bruin, T Gutsche, Y Liu, E Meijer, F Perez-Arce, S Schaner, and K Thomas. Survey Research Methods, June 2020, 14(2), pp. 179-186.
- Relationships Between Initial COVID-19 Risk Perceptions and Protective Health Behaviors: A National Survey, with W Bruine de Bruin. American Journal of Preventative Medicine, May 2020, 59(2), pp. 157-167.