About the Project
My Armenian Story is an oral history project that collects Armenian life stories through crowd-sourced interviews. Community members are encouraged to interview their family and friends using a smartphone and submit those interviews to the collection.
The planning stage was supported by a grant from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation of Lisbon, Portugal. The purpose of the project is to record, gather, and document individual stories and reconstitute them as part of the national story. #MyArmenianStory serves as a resource base that reflects the scope and depth of the Armenian experience for researchers.
Since its launch, the Institute has worked tirelessly to expand the program’s reach to include Armenian stories from all over the world, integrate the program in educational and community contexts, and facilitate access to materials.
Guide for Teachers
Oral history provides students of all ages with meaningful opportunities to engage with their family and community and to learn about the experiences worldwide. Oral history brings the Social Studies and Armenian Studies curricula to life as students realize that they are surrounded by, and are part of, the creation of history.
Bring oral history to your classroom. Check out this easy-to-use instructional guide for middle school, high school, and college students.
How to set up a DIY oral history interview
Upload your content to the USC Institute of Armenian Studies #MyArmenianStory platform.
Join thousands of other stories and contribute useful research material for scholars today and tomorrow.
Gegham MughnetsyanSetting up for an interview
Brandon BalayanConducting the interview
Conduct Your Oral History Interview & Upload Your Interview
Fill out the form at the link below with information about your planned or completed oral history interview.
After you complete the form, you will receive an email from myarmenianstory@usc.edu within the next two business days with instructions on how to upload your files.
If you have any questions please send an email to myarmenianstory@usc.edu.