El Whittingham

Email lwhittin@usc.edu
El Whittingham’s research focuses on queer communities in urban Senegal. He looks broadly at networks of solidarity, community building and transnational queer activism in Senegal and within disaporic West African queer communites in Europe and the United States. He is currently interested in diasporic Sufi brotherhoods in the south of France and the role of Sufi religious leaders in these communities and in diasporic networks. His research is also interested in the role of the griot in contemporary queer spaces and queer Sufi practice in the Francophone African Sahel.
He is also a filmmaker and has worked extensively with filmmaker Rithy Panh in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
- BA University Of Washington, 6/2016
- BASC University Of Washington
- MA University Of Washington