Freshmen interested in Anthropology are encouraged to enroll in a GE Seminar taught by Anthropology faculty.
USC requires all incoming freshmen to enroll in a General Education Seminar (GESM) during their first year at the University. These courses are limited to 19 incoming undergraduates and earn credit in one of the six Core Literacies of the General Education Program.
The following General Education Seminars are taught by faculty in the Department of Anthropology:
GESM 130g, Seminar in Social Analysis
- “Political Animals–Species, Class, Race, and Gender,” Dr. Luisa Reis Castro, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, reiscast@usc.edu
- “Food and Sex, Culture and Power,” Dr. Alyssa James, Visiting Assistant Professor, alyssaj@usc.edu.
- “Family and Kinship in Cross-Cultural Perspective, M/W, 830a.-950a., Erin Moore, Professor (Teaching) of Anthropology
GESM 120g, Seminar in Humanistic Inquiry
- “Reading Black Love,” Dr. Lanita Jacobs, Associate Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity and Anthropology, jacobshu@usc.edu
- “Ghost Stories-Throughout Time and Around the World,” Dr. Tok Thompson, Professor (Teaching) of Anthropology, tokthomp@usc.edu
- “Mindfulness in Cultural Practices,” Dr. Thomas Ward, Professor (Teaching) of Anthropology, tww@usc.edu
- “Strangers and Strange Lands,” and “Time in Culture and Social Experience,” Dr. Emily Zeamer, Associate Professor (Teaching) of Anthropology, zeamer@usc.edu
GE Seminars
For more information about USC General Education Seminars, see the GE program website.
Current GESM courses can be found by searching the Course Schedule for GESM.
Questions about Anthropology classes or faculty? Contact the Anthropology Director of Undergraduate Studies: anth-dus@dornsife.usc.edu.