E-mail: larowe@usc.edu
Phone: (213) 821-2268

Address: University of Southern California, Department of Earth Sciences Zumberge Hall of Sciences, 3651 Trousdale Pkwy. Los Angeles, California 90089-0740


University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D. in Earth and Planetary Science, 2005

Washington University in St. Louis, B.A. in Earth & Planetary Sciences, 1998

St. Lawrence University Semester Abroad in Kenya and Tanzania, 1997

    • Associate Professor, University of Southern California (since 2018)  

    • Adjunct Professor, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (since 2016)  

    • Assistant Professor (Research), University of Southern California (2014-2018)

    • Research Scientist, University of Southern California, Los Angeles (2012 – 2013)

    • Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Southern California, Los Angeles (2011)

    • Research Scientist II, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta (2008-2011)

    • Postdoctoral Researcher, Utrecht University, Netherlands (2006-2008)

    • Graduate Student Researcher, University of California, Berkeley (1998-2005)

    1. Savoie, E.R., Lanclos, V.C., Henson, M.W., Cheng, C., Getz, E., Barnes, S.J., LaRowe, D.E., Rappe, M.S. and Thrash, J.C. (2021) Ecophysiology of the cosmopolitan OM252 bacterioplankton (Gammaproteobacteria), mSystems (LINK)

    2. LaRowe, D.E., Carlson, H.K. and Amend, J.P. The energetic potential for undiscovered  manganese metabolisms in nature (2021), Frontiers in Microbiology (LINK)

    3. Weber, J.M., Henderson, B. LaRowe, D.E., Goldman, A.D., Perl, S.M., Billings, K. and  Barge, L.M. Iron-sulfur minerals drive NAD+ reduction under prebiotic Earth conditions, Astrobiology (LINK)

    4. Lu, G.-S., LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2021) Bioenergetic potentials in terrestrial, shallow-sea and deep-sea hydrothermal systems, Chemical Geology (LINK)

    5. Bay, S.K., Dong, X., Bradley, J.A., Leung, P.M., Jirapanjawat, T., Arndt, S.K., Cook, P.L.M., LaRowe, D.E., Nauer, P.A., Chiri, E., Greening, C. (2021) Trace gas oxidizers are globally dominant and active members of soil biomes, Nature Microbiology (LINK)

    6. Maltais, T.R., VanderVelde, D., LaRowe, D.E., Goldman, A. Barge, L.M. (2020) Reactivity of metabolic intermediates and cofactor stability under early Earth conditions, (LINK)

    7. Amend, J.P., Aronson, H., Macalady, J. and LaRowe, D.E. (2020) Another chemolithotrophic metabolism missing in nature—sulfur comproportionation, Environmental Microbiology, (LINK)

    8. LaRowe, D.E., Arndt, S., Bradley, J.A., Estes, E. R., Hoarfrost, A., Lang, S.Q., Lloyd, K.G.,Mahmoudi, N., Orsi, W.D., Shah Walter, S. R., Steen, A.D. and Zhao, R. (2020) The fate of organic carbon in marine sediments – new insights from recent data and analysis, Earth Science Reviews (LINK)

    9. Lu, G.-S., LaRowe, D.E., Gilhooly III, W.P., Druschel, G.K., Fike, D.A., Price, R. and Amend, J.P. (2020) Bioenergetic characterization of a shallow-sea hydrothermal vent system: Milos Island, Greece, PLoS ONE, (LINK)

    10. Amend, J.P. and LaRowe, D.E. (2019) Mini-Review: Demystifying Microbial Reaction Energetics, Environmental Microbiology  (LINK)

    11. Herrmann, A.M., LaRowe, D.E. and Plante, A.F. (2019) Editorial: EnvironmentalBioenergetics, Frontiers in Environmental Bioenergetics (LINK)

    12. LaRowe, D.E., Arndt, S., Bradley, J.A., Burwicz, E., Dale, A.W. and Amend, J.P. (2020) Organic carbon and microbial activity in marine sediments on a global scale throughout the Quaternary, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (LINK)

    13. Nguyen, T.B., Topçuoğlu, B.D., Holden, J.F., LaRowe, D.E., Lang, S.Q., (2020) Influence of energy availability on the carbon isotopes of methane and biomarkers during hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (LINK)

    14. Bradley, J.A., Arndt, S., Amend, J.P., Burwicz, E., Dale, A.W., Egger, M, LaRowe, D.E. (2020) Widespread energy limitation in global marine sediments, Science Advances (LINK)

    15. Giunta,T.,  Young, D., Warr, O., Kohl, I., Ash, J., Martini, A., Rumble, D., Pérez-Rodríguez,I. Wasley, M., LaRowe, D.E., Gilbert, A., Sherwood Lollar, B. (2019) Methane sources and sinks in continental sedimentary systems:  New insights from paired clumped isotopologues 13CH3D and 12CH2D2, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 245, 327-351. (LINK)

    16. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2020) Energy limits for life in the subsurface, in WholeEarth Carbon: Past to Present, Cambridge University Press, Eds. Beth Orcutt, Isabelle Daniel, Rajdeep Dasgupta, 586-619

    17. Robador, A. LaRowe, D.E., Finkel, S.E., Nealson, K.H., Amend, J.P. (2018) Changes in microbial energy metabolism measured by nanocalorimetry during growth phase transitions, Frontiers in Microbiology: Microbial Physiology and Metabolism, 9:109 (LINK)

    18. Bradley, J.A., Amend, J.P. and LaRowe, D.E. (2019) Survival of the fewest: Microbial dormancy and maintenance in marine sediments through deep time, Geobiology (LINK)

    19. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2019) The energetics of fermentation in natural settings, Geomicrobiology, 36, 492-505. (LINK)

    20. Bradley, J.A., Amend, J.P. and LaRowe, D.E. (2018) Bioenergetic controls on microbial ecophysiology in marine sediments, Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology, 9, Article 180. (LINK)

    21. Arndt, S. and LaRowe, D.E.,, Organic matter degradation and preservation, in Earth Science Series. Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, Ed. White, W.M. Springer, New York. in press
    22. Bradley, J.A., Amend, J.P. and LaRowe, D.E. (2018) Necromass as a source of energy for microorganisms in marine sediments, JGR Biogeoscience 123, 577-590. (LINK)
    23. LaRowe, D.E.,, Koch, B.P., Robador, A., Witt, M., Ksionzek, K. and Amend, J.P. (2017) Identification of organic compounds in ocean basement fluids, Organic Geochemistry,113, 124-127. (LINK)
    24. Reese, B.K., Zinke, L., Sobol, M., LaRowe, D.E.,, Zhang, X.X., Jaekel, U., Orcutt, B.N., Wang, F., Dittmar, T., Defforey, D., Tully, B., Paytan, A., Sylvan, J. Amend, J., Edwards, K. and Girguis, P. (2018) Total and active bacteria within oligotrophic sediment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Flank, Geomicrobiology Journal, 35, 468-483. (LINK)
    25. Rowe, A.R., Yoshimura, M., LaRowe, D.E., Bird, L.J., Amend, J.P., Hashimoto, K., Nealson, K.H., Okamoto, A. (2017) In situ electrochemical enrichment and isolation of a magnetite-reducing bacterium from a high pH serpentinizing spring, Environmental Microbiology, 19, 2272-2285. (LINK)

    26. LaRowe, D.E., Burwicz, E., Arndt, S., Dale, A.W. and Amend, J.P. (2017) The temperature and volume of global marine sediments, Geology, 45, 275-278. (LINK)
    27. Young, E.D., Kohl, I. E., Sherwood Lollar, B., Etiope, G., Rumble III, D., Li, S. (李姝宁), Haghnegahdar, M.A., Schauble, E.A., McCain, K.A., Foustoukos, D.I., Sutclife, C., Warr, O., Ballentine, C.J., Onstott, T.C., Hosgormez, H., Neubeck, A., Marques, J.M., Rowe, A.R., Pérez-Rodríguez, I., LaRowe, D.E., Magnabosco, C., Yeung, L.Y., Ash, J.L. and Bryndzia, T. (2017) The relative abundances of resolved 12CH2D2 and 13CH3D and mechanisms controlling isotopic bond ordering in abiotic and biotic methane gases, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 203, 235-264. (LINK)

    28. Sylvan, J.B., Wankel, S.D., LaRowe, D.E., Charoenpong, C.N., Huber, J.A., Moyer, C.L. and Edwards, K.J. (2017) Evidence for microbial mediation of subseafloor nitrogen redox processes at Loihi Seamount, Hawaii, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 198, 131-150 (LINK)

    29. Amend, J.P. and LaRowe, D.E. (2016), Ocean sediments – an enormous but little-understood microbial habitat, Microbe (American Society for Microbiology news magazine), 11, 427-432. (LINK)

    30. Robador, A. LaRowe, D.E., Jungbluth, S.P., Lin, H.-T., Rappé, M.S., Nealson, K.H. and Amend, J.P. (2016) Nanocalorimetric characterization of microbial activity in deep subsurface oceanic crustal fluids, Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology, 7, Article 454, 8p. (LINK)

    31. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2016) The energetics of anabolism in natural settings, ISME J, 10, 1285-1295. (LINK)

    32. McKay, L., Klokman, V., Mendlovitz, H., LaRowe, D.E., Hoer, D., Albert, D., de Beer, D., Zabel, M., Amend, J.P. Teske, A.  (2016) Thermal and geochemical influences of microbial biogeography in the hydrothermal sediments of Guaymas Basin, Gulf of California,Environmental Microbiology Reports, 8, 150-161. (LINK)

    33. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2015) Power limits for microbial life, Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology, 6, Article 718. (LINK)

    34. Price, R.E., LaRowe, D.E., Italiano, F., Savov, I, Pichler, T. and Amend, J.P. (2015) Subsurface hydrothermal processes and the bioenergetics of chemolithoautotrophy at the shallow-sea vents off Panarea Island (Italy), Chemical Geology, 407-408, 21-45. (LINK)

    35. Lin, H.-T., Amend, J.P., LaRowe, D.E.,  Bingham, J.-P., and Cowen, J.P. (2015) Dissolved amino acids in oceanic basaltic basement fluids, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 164, 175-190 (LINK)

    36. Robador, A., Jungbluth, S.P., LaRowe, D.E., Bowers, R.M., Rappé, Amend, J.P., Cowen, J. (2015) Activity and phylogenetic diversity of sulfate-reducing microorganisms in low-temperature subsurface fluids within the upper oceanic crust, Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology, 5, Article 748. (LINK)

    37. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2015) Catabolic rates, population sizes and doubling/replacement times of microorganisms in natural settings, American Journal of Science, 315, 167-203 (LINK)

    38. Osburn, M.R., LaRowe, D.E. , Momper, L, and Amend, J.P. (2014) Chemolithotrophy in the continental deep subsurface: Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF), USA, Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology, 5, Article 610. (LINK)

    39. Teske, A.P., Callaghan, A.V. and LaRowe, D.E. (2014) Biosphere Frontiers: Deep Life in the sedimented hydrothermal system of Guaymas Basin, Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology, 5, Article 362, (LINK)

    40. Hernández-Sánchez, M.T., LaRowe, D.E., Deng, F., Homoky, W.B., Browning, T., Pabortsava, K., Henderson, G., Mills, R.A. and Pancost, R.D. (2014) Further insights into how sediment redox status controls the preservation and composition of sedimentary organic biomarkers, Organic Geochemistry, 76, 220-234. (LINK)

    41. Takai, K., Nakamura, K., LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2014) Life under subseafloor extremes, in Earth and Life Processes Discovered from Subseafloor Environment – A Decade of Science Achieved by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), Eds. R. Stein, D. Blackman, F. Inagaki, and H.-C. Larsen, 149-174. (LINK)

    42. Orcutt, B.N., LaRowe, D.E., Lloyd, K.G., Mills, H., Orsi, W., Reese, B.K., Sauvage, J., Huber, J. and Amend, J.P. (2014) IODP deep biosphere research workshop report – A synthesis of recent investigations, and discussion of new research questions and drilling targets, Scientific Drilling, 17, 61-66. (LINK)

    43. Marlow, J., and LaRowe, D.E., Ehlmann, B.L., Amend, J.P. and Orphan, V. (2014)  The Potential for Biologically Catalyzed Anaerobic Methane Oxidation on Ancient Mars, Astrobiology, 14, DOI: 10.1089/ast.2013.1078 (LINK)

    44. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2014) Energetic constraints on life in marine deep sediments, in Life in Extreme Environments: Microbial Life in the Deep Biosphere, J. Kallmeyer and K. Wagner, eds., De Gruyter Publishing, 279-302. (LINK)

    45. LaRowe, D.E., Dale, A.W., Aguilera, D. R., L’Heureux, I., Amend, J.P. and Regnier, P. (2014) Modeling microbial reaction rates in a submarine hydrothermal vent chimney wall, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 124, 72-97. (LINK)

    46. Orcutt, B.N., LaRowe, D.E., Biddle, J.F., Cowell, F., Kirkpatrick, J.B., Lapham, L., Mills, H., Reese, B., Sylvan, J. and Wankel, S. (2013) Microbial activity in the marine deep biosphere: Progress and prospects, Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology, 4, article 189, 15p (LINK)

    47. Regnier, P., Friedlingstein, P., Ciais, P., Mackenzie, F.T., Gruber, N.,  Janssens, I., Laruelle, G.G., Lauerwald, R., Luyssaert,S.,  Andersson, A.J., Arndt, S., Arnosti, C., Borges, A.V., Dale, A.W., Galego-Sala, A., Godderis, Y., Hartmann, J., Heinze, C., Ilyiana, T., Joos, F., LaRowe, D.E., Leifeld, J., Meysman, F.J.R., Munhoven, G., Raymond, P.A., Spahni, R., Suntharalingham, P. and Thullner, M. (2013) Anthropogenic perturbation of the land to ocean carbon fluxes, Nature Geosci. 6, 597-607. (LINK)

    48. Arndt, S., Jørgensen, B.B., LaRowe, D.E., Middelburg, J.B.M., Pancost, R.D., Regnier, P., (2013) Quantifying the degradation of organic matter in marine sediments: A review and synthesis, Earth Sci. Rev., 123, 53-86. (LINK)

    49. Amend, J.P., LaRowe, D.E., McCollom, T.M. and Shock, E.L. (2013) The energetics of organic synthesis inside and outside the cell, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 368, 1-15. (LINK)

    50. LaRowe, D.E., Dale, A.W., Amend, J.P. and Van Cappellen, P. (2012) Thermodynamic limitations on microbially catalyzed   reaction rates, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 90, 96-109. (LINK)

    51. LaRowe, D.E. and Dick, J.M. (2012) Calculation of the standard molal thermodynamic properties of crystalline peptides, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 80, 70-91. (LINK)

    52. Nielsen, S.G., Goff, M., Hesselbo, S.P., Jenkyns, H.C., LaRowe, D.E. and Lee, C.-T. A. (2011) Thallium isotopes in early diagenetic pyrite – A paleoredox proxy? Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 75, 6690-6704. (LINK)

    53. LaRowe, D.E. and Van Cappellen, P. (2011) Degradation of natural organic matter: A thermodynamic analysis. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 75, 2030-2042. (LINK)

    54. Regnier, P., Dale, A. W., Arndt, S., LaRowe, D.E., Mogollón, J.M. & Van Cappellen, P. (2011) Quantitative analysis of anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) in marine sediments: a modeling perspective. Earth Science Reviews, 106, 105-130. (LINK)

    55. Nielsen, S.G., Mar-Gerrison, S., Gannoun, A., LaRowe, D.E., Klemm, V.,  Halliday, A.N., Burton, K.W. and Hein, J.R. (2009) Thallium isotope evidence for a permanent increase in marine organic carbon export in the early Eocene. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 278, 297-307.  (LINK)

    56. LaRowe, D.E., Dale, A.W. and Regnier, P. (2008) A thermodynamic analysis of the anaerobic oxidation of methane in marine sediments. Geobiology 6, 436-449. (LINK)

    57. LaRowe, D.E. and Regnier, P. (2008) Thermodynamic potential for the abiotic synthesis of adenine, cytosine, guanine, thymine, uracil, ribose, and deoxyribose in hydrothermal systems, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 38, 383-397. (LINK)

    58. Franiatte, M., Richard, L., Elie, M., Nguyen-Trung, C., Perfetti, E. and LaRowe, D. E. (2008) Hydrothermal stability of adenine under controlled fugacities of N2, CO2 and H2. Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, 38, 139-148. (LINK)

    59. LaRowe, D. E. and Helgeson, H. C. (2007) Quantifying the energetics of metabolic reactions in diverse biogeochemical systems: Electron flow and ATP synthesis. Geobiology 5, 153-168. (LINK)

    60. LaRowe, D.E. and Helgeson, H.C. (2006) Biomolecules in Hydrothermal Systems: Calculation of the standard molal thermodynamic properties of nucleic-acid bases, nucleosides, and nucleotides at elevated temperatures and pressures. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 70, 4680-4724. (LINK)

    61. LaRowe, D. E. and Helgeson, H. C. (2006) Energetics of metabolism in hydrothermal systems: Calculation of the standard molal thermodynamic properties of magnesium-complexed adenosine nucleotides and NAD and NADP at elevated temperatures and pressures. Thermochim. Acta 448, 82-106. (LINK)

    62. Dick, J.M., LaRowe, D.E., and Helgeson, H.C. (2006) Temperature, pressure, and electrochemical constraints on protein speciation: Group additivity calculation of the standard molal thermodynamic properties of ionized unfolded proteins. Biogeosciences, 3, 311-336. (LINK)

    • Margeret E. Bewig Memorial Field Camp Award, Washington University in St. Louis, 1998

    • Ernest L. Ohle Jr. Award, Washington University in St. Louis, 1998

    • Co-I: An Icelandic analog for hydrothermal habitability on Mars (02/2020 – 01/2023), NASA – Habitable Worlds, $908,904, Lead PI Roy Price, (LaRowe’s share – $95,085) Grant number 80NSSC20K0228

    • Co-I: Becoming Biotic: Recapitulating Ancient Metabolic Pathways (6/01/2017 to 5/31/2019) NSF/NASA (Ideas Lab for the Origins of Life), Lead PI Laurie Barge, $998,000

    • PI, Carbon, energy and microorganisms (7/01/2017-6/30/2018) Zumberge Fund Individual Grant, University of Southern California, $30,000

    • PI, Microorganisms and organic carbon in marine subsurface, Workshop to be held in March 2018, C-DEBI, $22,800

    • Co-I: Organic matter in marine sediments – deep energy and deep life (7/01/2017 to 06/30/2019), Deep Carbon Observatory’s Deep Energy Community renewal proposal, Lead PIs Ed Young & Isabelle Daniel, Sloan Foundation, $20,157

    • ARCS Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley, 2 years (1998-1999)

    • Graduate Opportunity Program Award, University of California, Berkeley, 2 years (2000-2001)

    • NSF-funded Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI) Postdoctoral Scholar Program, 2 years (April 2012-March 2014)

    • Collaborator on NASA Astrobiology Institute Grant based at USC, lead PI  Jan Amend, $6.7 million

    • Funded Collaborator, NSF Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI), lead PI  Jan Amend, $25 million

    • Co-I: ICY WORLDS: Astrobiology at the Rock-Water Interface and Beyond…, NASA Astrobiology Institute based at JPL, lead PI Isik Kanik, $8.1 million

    • Chair of the Department of Earth Sciences Taskforce on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (2020-)

    • Co-Vice Chair of 2022 Gordon Research Conference on Deep Carbon Science: Exploring Fluxes, Forms and Origins of Deep Carbon in Earth and Other Terrestrial Planets.

    • Joint Provost/Academic Senate Task Force on Research Faculty, USC, 2019

    • Session co-organizer for the 2019 Astrobiology Conference, Life’s Dark Ages: Molecular evolution between the origin of life and the LUCA, Bellevue, Washington, USA, June 24-28, 2019.

    • Lead organizer for Workshop: Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI) – Microorganisms and Organic Carbon in the Marine Subsurface, Knoxville, TN, USA, March 11-13, 2018

    • Reviewer and committee member for Zumberge Fund Individual Grant program, USC (2018)​

    • Steering Committee member for National Science Foundation (Division of Environmental Biology) funded Research Coordination Network for Exploration of Life’s Origins, based at the Santa Fe Institute, PI Chris Kempes, Sept. 2017 – August 2022. 

    • 2017 Fall AGU meeting session organizer, Interfacing Hydrology and Microbiology: Combining Hydrologic Tools with Microbiological Methods to Study Subsurface Ecosystems, with Tess Weathers, Stephanic Carr and Geoffery Wheat 

    • 2017 Fall AGU meeting session organizer, Bioenergetics as a driver of biogeochemical processes and cycling, with Alain Plante and Anke Herrmann 

    • Guest Editor for Special Topic Issue: Environmental Bioenergetics, in Frontiers – Microbiological Chemistry and Geomicrobiology 2017-2018.

    • Instructor at the Southern California GeoBiology Course, Catalina Island, CA,  2014, 2015, 2016, 2017

    • Dornsife Natural Sciences and Mathematics NTT Personnel Committee, University of Southern California (2016 -)

    • Co-organizer of DCO – C-DEBI Origins and Movements of Subsurface Microbes Workshop, May 9-10, 2016, Los Angeles, CA

    • Session organizer at the 2015 AGU/CGU/GAC/MAC  Joint Assembly, Montreal, Canada

    • Associate Editorial Board, Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology (2014 – )

    • Department of Earth Sciences (USC) Faculty Merit Review Committee, 2014 & 2017

    • Instructor at NASA-NORDIC Astrobiology Winter School, “Water and the Evolution of Life in the Universe,” Honolulu, HI,  January 2014

    • Co-organizer for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (DEBI) Research Coordination Network (RCN) meeting and workshop, Bioenergetics and Subsurface Metabolisms, April 2014

    • Co-Organizer of Geobiology/Paleoenvironment Seminar Series, University of Southern California, 2013-2014

    • Member of the International Committee for ISEB, International Society for Environmental Biogeochemistry (2013 – )

    • Geochemical Society’s Goldschmidt Student Travel Fund Committee (2013-)

    • Instructor at the International Society for Environmental Biogeochemistry short course –  “Microbe-Mineral Interactions: Molecular to Global Scale Interactions”, Riviera Maya, Mexico, November 2012

    • Session organizer at the 2008 Goldschmidt Conference in Davos, Switzerland

    • NASA Exobiology Panel member

    • Reviewer for Nature, Nature Geoscience, Nature Communications, International Society for Microbial Ecology Journal (ISME J), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, American Journal of Science, Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Reports, Geofluids, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres, PLoS ONE, Geomicrobiology, Frontiers in Biogeochemistry, American Chemical Society Books, National Science Foundation, Journal of Sea Research, Geochemical Transactions, C-DEBI graduate fellowship program, Journal of Molecular Evolution, C-DEBI postdoctoral fellowship program, Frontiers in Extreme Microbiology, Elements, Geo-Marine Letters, Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal

    • Ph.D. qualifying committee for Caleb Rosen (LaRowe/Amend), USC (2022-23)

    • Ph.D. qualifying committee for Jordon Coelho (Cameron Thrash), USC (2021)

    • Ph.D. qualifying committee for Kilian Ashley (LaRowe, West), USC (2022)

    • Ph.D. qualifying committee for Maya Yanez (Jan Amend), USC (2019-2021)

    • Ph.D. qualifying committee for V. Celeste Lanclos (Cameron Thrash), USC (2019-2020)

    • Ph.D. qualifying committee for Abby Lunstrum (Will Berelson), USC (2019)

    • Ph.D. qualifying committee for Diana Bojanova (Amend Lab), USC (2018 – 2019)

    • Ph.D. qualifying committee for Heidi Aronson (Amend Lab), USC (2018 – 2019)

    • Ph.D. dissertation committee for Bingran Cheng (Ziebis Lab), USC (2018 – 2019)

    • Ph.D. qualifying committee for Casey Barr, USC

    • Ph.D. qualifying committee for Martin Van-Den-Berghe, USC

    • Ph.D. thesis committee for Jayme Feyhl-Buska, USC

    • Postdoctoral Advisor for James Bradley, USC (Oct. 2016 -)

    • Ph.D. thesis committee for Igor Markelov, University of Waterloo

    • Ph.D. thesis committee for Jotautas Baronas, USC

    • Ph.D. thesis committee for Guang-Sin Lu, USC

    • Master’s thesis committee for Eric Kleinsasser, USC

    • California State University, Fullerton, Department of Geological Sciences seminar speaker, October 27, 2021

    • 2021 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, Session: Thermodynamic Regulation of Microbial Metabolism and Biogeochemistry with Environmental Change

    • Keynote speaker at the Southern California Geobiology Meeting, 2021

    • Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI) Annual Meeting, Marina, California, November 2018 

    • Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany, Center for Advanced Studies, 17 September, 2018

    • University of California, Riverside, Hewett Club Speaker Series in the Earth Science Department, March 6, 2018

    • University of California, Los Angeles, Geocheminar Seminar, February 23, 2018

    • Speaker at Gordon Conference, “Deep Carbon Science in the Context of Geologic Time”, Bryant

    • College, Rhode Island, USA, June 17-22, 2018

    • USC Earth Science Department Lecture, January 29, 2018

    • Caltech, Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences Geoclub Seminar, September 28,

    • 1 st Geobiology Society Conference, Banff, Canada, 11-14 June 2017

    • NASA Astrobiology Institute – Life Underground Annual Meeting, Catalina Island, CA, August 31 – September 1, 2016

    • Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI) Annual Meeting, Marina, CA, October 17-20, 2016

    • Stanford University, Department of Geological Sciences Seminar, April 5, 2016

    • University of California, Los Angeles, Geochemistry Seminar, February 23, 2016

    • Invited speaker for the Deep Carbon Observatory Deep Life Modeling and Visualization Workshop Monte Verità, Switzerland, March 14-17, 2016.

    • Invited speaker for the 3rd International Workshop on Microbial life under extreme energy limitation, Sandbjerg Castle, Denmark, September 2015

    • Invited speaker for American Geophysical Union session, Wanted, Dead or Alive: Microbes in the Subsurface, San Francisco, December 2014

    • Cornell University, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences Department Seminar, April 2014

    • Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (DEBI) Research Coordination Network (RCN) meeting, Los Angeles, April 2014

    • Keynote speaker for American Geophysical Union session, Carbon Transformations in Hydrothermal System, San Francisco, December 2013

    • Bristol University, School of Geographical Sciences Biogeochemistry Seminar, May 2012

    • University of Southern California, Paleoenvironment Seminar, April 2012

    • University of Hawaii, Astrobiology Seminar, February 2012

    • Invited participant at Exploring Knowledge Gaps Along the Global Carbon Route: A Hitchhiker’s Guide for a Boundless Cycle Workshop, Belgium, October 2011

    • University of California, Irvine, Department of Earth System Science, May 2010

    • University of California, San Diego, Scripps Institute of Oceanography, May 2010

    • Penn State University, lecturer for Issues in Microbial Geobiology seminar, October 2009

    • Georgia Institute of Technology, Department of Earth & Atmospheric Science, March 2008

    • Utrecht University, Department of Earth Sciences – Geochemistry, January 2006

    • Fall 2013 Co-instructor for Geochemistry, University of Southern California

    • Spring 2011, 2010 & 2009 Co-instructor for Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Georgia Institute of Technology

    • Fall 2010 & 2009 Co-instructor for Environment and Health, Georgia Institute of Technology

    • Fall 2006 Co-organizer for Geomicrobiology Seminar, Utrecht University

    • Fall 2003 & 1999 Graduate Student Instructor for Introduction to Geochemistry, University of California, Berkeley

    • Fall 2000 Graduate Student Instructor for Astrobiology, University of California, Berkeley


    1. Price, R.E., Rucker, H.R., Sanchez, A.M., Barge, L.M., Ely, T., Fraeman, A.A., Giovannelli, D., LaRowe, D.E. (2022) Habitability of saponite-rich hydrothermal systems of early Mars and a modern Earth-based analogue in Iceland, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, Houston.

    2. Rucker, H.R., Ely, T.D., LaRowe, D.E., Giovannelli, D., Price, R.E. (2022) Quantifying thebioavailable energy in an ancient hydrothermal vent on Mars and a modern Earth-based analogue, Astrobiology Conference, Atlanta, USA

    3. Weber, J.M., Henderson, B.L., LaRowe, D.E., Goldman, A.D., Perl, S. M., Billings, K., Barge,L.M. (2022) Investigation of protometabolic redox reactions: Cofactors NAD and ubiquinone, Astrobiology Conference, Atlanta, USA

    4. Aronson, H., Macalady, J., LaRowe, D.E., Amend, J.P. (2021) Isolation of a Putative Sulfur

    5. Comproportionating Microorganism from the Karst at Frasassi, Italy, Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI) Annual Meeting, Nov. 16-17, Marina, CA

    6. LaRowe, D.E. (2021) Microbial energy usage in marine sediments – rates, limits and activity levels, Fall AGU Meeting, New Orleans

    7. Yanez, M., LaRowe, D.E., Cable, M.L. and and Jan P. Amend (2021) Energy Yields for Microbial Acetylenotrophy on Titan, American Astronomical Society – Division of Planetary Sciences Annual Meeting, virtual, Oct. 3-8.

    8. LaRowe, D.E. (2021) Life through time and space, Southern California Geobiology Symposium, Los Angeles, May 20-21.

    9. Yanez, M., Cable, M.L., LaRowe, D.E. and and Jan P. Amend (2021) Microbial Acetylenotrophyon Titan, Southern California Geobiology Symposium, Los Angeles, May 20-21.

    10. H. R. Rucker, R. E. Price, T. D. Ely, LaRowe, D.E. (2021) Habitability of Eridania Lake: An Ancient Mars Lacustrine Hydrothermal Vent, Compared to an Icelandic Analogue Fjord Site, Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Virtual)

    11. Amend, J.P., Aronson, H.S. and LaRowe, D.E. (2020) Predicting, hunting for, and finding (?)new microbial catabolisms, Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI) Annual Meeting, December 2-3, virtual.

    12. Feyhl-Buska, J., Smith, I.E., Wu, F., LaRowe, D.E., Robador, A. and Amend, J.P. (2020) Entirely inactive or ineffectively activated? Stimulating deep continental subsurface microorganisms in a calorimeter, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA

    13. Weber, J.M., Crucilla, S.J., Barge, L.M., LaRowe, D.E., Goldman, A.D. (2020) BecomingBiotic: Exploring the Origin of Metabolic Pathways, Gordon Research Conference –Origin of Life

    14. Aronson, H., Macalady, J., LaRowe, D.E., Amend, J.P. (2019) Sulfur Comproportionation andSulfur Disproportionation in the Karst of Frasassi, Italy? AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA 

    15. Aronson, H., Macalady, J., LaRowe, D.E.., Amend, J.P. (2019) A novel sulfur catabolism‘missing in nature’ AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA

    16. Bradley, J.A., Arndt, S., Amend, J.P., Glud, R., Wenzhöfer, F., Burwicz, E. and LaRowe, D.E. (2019) The power of microbial life in marine sediments, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2019

    17. Bojanova, D.P., LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2019) The bioenergetic basis of metabolicflexibility in low energy systems, Southern California Geobiology Symposium, Caltech, April 6

    18. Amend, J.P., Aronson, H., LaRowe, D.E., Macalady, J.L., (2019) Is sulfur comproportionation acatabolism ‘missing in nature’, Twenty-ninth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

    19. Bradley, J.A., Arndt, S., Amend, J.P., Burwicz, E., Dale, A.W., Egger, M. and LaRowe, D.E.(2019) Bioenergetics of Microbial Life in Marine Sediments, Twenty-ninth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Barcelona, Spain.

    20. Rogers, K.L., Steele, A., Fox, P.A., Catalano, J.G., Goldman, A.D., Iwsa, J., Korenaga, J., Lang,S.Q., LaRowe, D.E., McCollum, T.M., McGown, L., Shelley, J., Schaller, M.F., Trail, D., Watson, E.B. (2019) The Earth First origins Project: Constructing Life from the Ground Up, Astrobiology Science Conference, Bellevue, Washington, USA, June 24-28

    21. Trembath-Reichert, E., Ortiz, M.F., Seyler, L.M., LaRowe, D.E., Amend, J. and Huber, J.A. (2019)Single-cell microbial metabolism and growth rates from subsurface environments, Astrobiology Science Conference, Bellevue, Washington, USA, June 24-28

    22. Amend, J.P., Aronson, H., LaRowe, D.E., Macalady, J.L., (2019) Catabolisms ‘Missing inNature’, Astrobiology Science Conference, Bellevue, Washington, USA, June 24-28

    23. LaRowe, D.E. (2019) Thermodynamics of nucleic acid and amino acid polymerization underearly Earth conditions, Astrobiology Science Conference, Bellevue, Washington, USA,June 24-28

    24. Bradley, J., Amend, J., LaRowe, D.E. (2018) Microbial energetics in oligotrophic marinesediments. 12th International Congress of Extremophiles, Ischia, Italy. September 2018.

    25. LaRowe, D.E., Burwicz, E., Arndt, S., Dale, A.W. and Amend, J.P. (2017) Organic carbon and microbial activity in marine sediments on a global scale AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, December 2017

    26. Bradley, J.A., Amend, J.P. and LaRowe, D.E. (2017) Necromass as a source of energy for microorganisms in marine sediments AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, December 2017 

    27. Amend, J.P. Lu, G.-S., and LaRowe, D.E. (2017) Geochemical sources of Energy for Chemolithoautotrophic Metabolisms in Global Hydrothermal Ecosystems, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, December 2017

    28. Lu, G.-S., LaRowe, D.E., Gilhooly III, W.P., Druschel, G.K., Fike, D.A. and Amend, J.P. (2017) Chemolithoautotrophy in shallow-sea hydrothermal systems, Milos Island, Greece, AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, USA, December 2017

    29. Amend, J.P. and LaRowe, D.E. (2017) the redox ladder of microbial catabolism: what are we missing? International Workshop on Marine Geomicrobiology 2017, Sønderborg, Denmark, September 2017

    30. Bradley, J.A., Amend, J.P. and LaRowe, D.E. (2017) Necromass as a source of energy for microorganisms in marine sediments International Workshop on Marine Geomicrobiology 2017, Sønderborg, Denmark, September 2017

    31. Amend, J.P., Robador, A., LaRowe, D.E. and Jungbluth, S. (2017) Activity and phylogenetic diversity of microorganisms in subsurface fluids in the upper ocean crust, International Society for Subsurface Microbiology Symposium, November, Rotorua, New Zealand 

    32. Maltais, T.R., VanderVelde, D., LaRowe, D.E., Goldman, A. Barge, L.M., (2017) Which Came First, Proteins or Cofactors? Recreating Metabolic Reactions of the Early Earth, XVIIIth International Society for the Study of the Origin of Life, San Diego, July 2017

    33. Bradley, J.A., Amend, J.P. and LaRowe, D.E. (2017) Necromass as a source of energy for microorganisms in marine sediments Southern California Geobiology Meeting, Los Angeles, CA 

    34. LaRowe, D.E. (2017) Marine sediments as microbial habitats on a global scale, 1 st Geobiology Society Conference, June 11-14, Banff, Canada

    35. Rowe, A. R., Yoshimura, M., LaRowe, D.E., Bird, L.J., Amend, J.P., Hashimoto, K., Nealson,.H., Okamoto, A. (2017), In situ electrochemical enrichment and isolation of a magnetite-reducing bacterium from a high pH serpentinizing spring, Astrobiology Conference, Mesa, AZ, USA

    36. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2017), Power limits for the deep biosphere, Astrobiology Conference, Mesa, AZ, USA

    37. Amend, J.P., Robador, A., LaRowe, D.E. and Jungbluth, S. (2017) Activity and phylogenetic diversity of microorganisms in subsurface fluids in the upper ocean crust, ACS National Meeting, April, San Francisco, CA

    38. Bradley, J., Arndt, S., Amend, J.P. and LaRowe, D.E. (2016) Develop a 1-D biogeochemical-evolutionary model for deep sediments, Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI) Annual Meeting, October 17-20, Marina, CA

    39. Young, E.D., Kohl, I. E., Sherwood Lollar, B., Etiope, G., Rumble III, D., Li, S., Haghnegahdar, M.A., Schauble, E.A., McCain, K.A., Foustoukos, D.I., Sutclife, C., Warr, O., Ballentine, C.J., Onstott, T.C., Hosgormez, H., Neubeck, A., Marques, J.M., Rowe, A.R., Pérez-Rodríguez, I., LaRowe, D.E. and Bryndzia, T. (2016) The relative abundances of resolved 12CH2D2 and 13CH3D and mechanisms controlling isotopic bond ordering in abiotic and biotic methane gases, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December

    40. LaRowe, D.E., Burwicz, E., Dale, A.W., Arndt, S. and Amend, J.P. (2016) Physiochemical control on microbial activity in marine sediments, Center for Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (C-DEBI) Annual Meeting, October 17-20

    41. LaRowe, D.E., Burwicz, E., Dale, A.W., Arndt, S. and Amend, J.P. (2016) Subsurface microbial activity, NASA Astrobiology Institute – Life Underground Annual Meeting, Catalina Island, CA, August 31 – September 1

    42. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2016), The energetic of anabolism in natural settings, Twenty-sixth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Yokohama, Japan

    43. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2015) Marine sediments as habitats for microorganisms, NASA Astrobiology Institute – Life Underground Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November 2015

    44. Robador, A., LaRowe, D.E., Jungbluth, S.P., Rappé, M.S., Huber, J.A., Girguis, P.R., Nealson,K.H. and Amend, J.P. (2015) Characterization of microbial energy metabolism in deep subsurface oceanic crustal fluids, NASA Astrobiology Institute – Life Underground Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November 2015

    45. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2015) The energetics of anabolism in natural settings, 3rd International Workshop on Microbial life under extreme energy limitation, Sandbjerg Castle, Denmark, September 2015.

    46. Osburn, M.R., LaRowe, D.E., Momper, L.M. and Amend, J.P. (2015) The energetic landscape of chemolithotrophy in the continental deep subsurface: Sanford Underground Research facility (SURF), USA, 3rd International Workshop on Microbial life under extreme energy limitation, Sandbjerg Castle, Denmark, September 2015

    47. Osburn, M.R., Amend, J.P., LaRowe, D.E., Wanger, G., Momper, L.M.,  Kiel-Reese, B., El-Naggar, M., Bhartia, R., Orphan, V., Jangir, Y. and Moser, D. (2015) Habitability of the Terrestrial Deep Subsurface: Sanford Underground Research Facility, South Dakota, USA, Astrobiology Science Conference: Habitability, Habitable Worlds and Life, Chicago, USA, June 15-19.

    48. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2015) Bioenergetic and kinetic constraints on microbial communities supported by water rock interactions, Astrobiology Science Conference: Habitability, Habitable Worlds and Life, Chicago, USA, June 15-19.

    49. Amend, J.P. and LaRowe, D.E. (2015) Marine deep sediments as incubators of micorbial life, Deep Carbon Observatory International Science Meeting, Munich, Germany (March 26-28).

    50. Koch, B.P., LaRowe, D.E., Fahl, K., Lechtenfeld, O.J.,  Witt, M. and Geibert, W. (2015) Physico-chemical controls on dissolved organic matter transformation, ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grenada, Spain

    51. Marlow, J., and LaRowe, D.E., Ehlmann, B.L., Amend, J.P. and Orphan, V. (2014)  Bioenergetic and Geobiological Possibilities of Methanotrophy on Mars, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2014

    52. Sylvan, J.B., Wankel, S.D., LaRowe, D.E., Huber, J.A., Moyer, C.L. and Edwards, K.J. (2014) Subseafloor nitrogen redox processes at Loihi Seamount, Hawaii, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2014

    53. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2014) Energy and power limits for microbial activity, invited AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2014

    54. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2014) Environmental and bioenergetic constraints on the synthesis of biomass, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, December 2014

    55. LaRowe, D.E., Riley, W., Myrold, D.D. and Kleber, M. (2014) A bioenergetic approach to constrain substrate quality in carbon turnover models, Complex Soil System Conference, Berkeley, CA, September 3-5.

    56. LaRowe, D.E., Burwicz, E., Dale, A.W., Arndt, S. and Amend, J.P. (2014) Microbial activity in marine sediments, Dark Energy Biosphere Investigations (DEBI) Research Coordination Network (RCN) Meeting and Workshop, Los Angeles, CA

    57. Robador, A., LaRowe, D.E., Nealson, K.H. and Amend, J.P. (2014) Nanocalorimetry analysis of microbial energy metabolism, Southern California Geobiology Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, April

    58. LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2014) Energy limits on microbial life: growth, maintenance, persistence, Twenty-fourth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Sacramento, CA, June

    59. Osburn, M.R., Momper, L., LaRowe, D.E. and Amend, J.P. (2014) Life underground: Energetics and microbial diversity in a gold mine, Twenty-fourth Annual V. M. Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference, Sacramento, CA, June