
Dornsife First-Year Advising (FYA) provides academic advising for entering freshman students in most Dornsife majors. All first-time freshmen will start their Dornsife career working directly with someone from the First Year Advising team based on the declared major and will transition to their major department at the completion of their first full year of study at USC.


The Dornsife First-Year Advising team is available Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. for in-person and remote (online) academic advising appointments. We look forward to working with you throughout your first year!


    Dornsife First-Year Advising (FYA) is built on four pillars: support, empowerconnect, and prepare. FYA advisors provide a holistic and diverse approach to meet the needs of first-year ­students in their transition from high school to USC. FYA advisors provide dedicated outreach to facilitate connections to Dornsife and the greater Trojan community. Through empowering students to explore their academic, personal, and career goals, our individualized support lays the foundation for students to succeed at USC and beyond.

    Support Empower Connect Prepare

    Learning Outcomes

    Dornsife First-Year Advising (FYA) facilitates students’ successful transition from high school to USC. At the end of the first year, students will feel supported and empowered to pursue their goals, connected to the Trojan community, and prepared to take on the challenges and opportunities of college life.

    FYA Approach

    At USC Dornsife all students can thrive in college and graduate to become lifelong learners, and FYA helps freshmen launch this journey.

    After completion of new student orientation, FYA advisors connect with students to discuss their academic progress, explore goals, and share resources and opportunities. Advisors build these connections through proactive communications, advising appointments, and various events during students’ first year.

    First-Year Advising culminates with our transition fair where students will meet advisors and faculty from their academic departments and together with FYA advisors celebrate the completion of their first year. From orientation to advising appointments to an end-of-year celebration, First-Year Advising provides what students need to build a foundation for academic success and make the most of their first year.  Learn more about your academic advisor by visiting “Meet the FYA Team

    Defining the Academic Advising Partnership

    Academic Advising is a partnership between the student and their assigned advisor, through which students clarify, pursue, and reevaluate goals; navigate their academic journey, and engage with their campus community.


    Contact Us

    Dornsife First-Year Advising

    Office: Grace Ford Salvatori (GFS) 320

    Phone: 213.740.2534

    Email: fya@dornsife.usc.edu