Click the title below for more information:

    Academic Support

    Economics Peer Tutoring – Free peer tutoring offered for ECON 203, 205, 303, 305, 317 & 318: 

    Math Center – Opportunity to be tutored by your TA in Math 118, 125, 126, 225, 226, 308, 407, & 408 courses:

    Dornsife Tutoring – We offer free tutoring for BISC 120, 220, CHEM 102, 105ab, 322ab, and a number of math, physics, psychology, and language courses:

    Supplemental Instruction (SI) – Academic support offered for ECON 317, MATH 126, MATH 226, and other courses via small, collaborative groups with classmates. Further review of lecture material, homework, and review exam strategies with SI leaders: or 

    Writing Center – Through individual consultation, the Writing Center assists with the skills and processes of critical thinking, drafting, and revising that lead to clearly expressed positions, coherent arguments, and persuasive reasoning. Handouts and video tutorials are also available on their website: 

    Kortschak Center for Learning & Creativity  Students receive assistance with organization, study skills, time management, and learning strategies. Students also have the opportunity to work one-on-one with an academic coach: 

    Community Engagement

    Asian Pacific American Student Services (APASS) – The center provides programs, services, and resources for students who identify as Asian Pacific American and educational opportunities for the entire campus: 

    Center for Black Cultural and Student Affairs (CBCSA) – The center works towards creating an optimal learning environment for students who identify as Black and the Trojan family at large: 

    La CASA – La CASA works with student who identify as Latinx to provide academic, personal, and cultural support, as well as helping students develop leadership skills: 

    First-Generation at USC – The First Generation Plus Success Center at USC (FG+SC) serves as a resource hub for current first-generation, undocumented, transfer, and former foster youth students as they navigate campus. FG+SC fosters a sense of belonging and a culture of holistic well-being through intentional mentorship, supportive services, and leadership opportunities: 

    Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer+ Student Center (LGBTQ+SC) – The center welcomes students from across the gender and sexuality identity spectra to provide support, education, advocacy, and connection to community: 

    Office of Religious & Spiritual Life – The center encourages the pursuit of meaning through spiritual reflection and free inquiry, provides fair opportunities to participate in religious life, advances mutual understanding and respect among differing traditions. They also co-sponsors events with other university units and partnerships of student religious groups: 

    Counseling & Mental Health

    Campus Support & Intervention (CSI) – CSI works with all student populations to provide support, guidance, and resources to troubleshoot and resolve complex issues: 

    Ask ARI – A virtual wellness assistant that engages in dialog about wellbeing issues and then facilitates the use of online educational and self-care strategies to assist students in increasing their levels of personal functioning: 

    Crisis Support – Students are encouraged to walk-in for urgent matters at both Engemann and Eric Cohen Student Health Centers. Students can also call the 24/7 line: 213-740-9355 (WELL)

    Trojans Care for Trojans (TC4T) – An initiative that empowers USC students, faculty, and staff to take action when they are concerned about a fellow Trojan challenged with personal difficulties: 

    Office for Equity, Equal Opportunity, and Title IX (EEO_TIX) – EEO-TIX manages the University’s response to reports of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation involving community members at all of its locations, including Keck Medicine of USC departments, institutes, and satellite operations 

    Sexual Violence Prevention and Support – Relationship and Sexual Violence Prevention and Services (RSVP) provides immediate therapy services for situations related to gender- and power-based harm (e.g., sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking). All services are confidential. Located in USC Student Health’s Engemann Student Health Center Suite 356

    The Haven at College – The Haven at College helps students struggling with mental health and substance use challenges to have a successful and safe college experience: 

    Student Basic Needs – The Student Basic Needs department fosters a culture of holistic well-being by helping to eliminate life barriers, such as food, housing, and economic injustice, that may jeopardize student academic and personal success

    Office of Student Accessibility Services (OSAS) – Student Accessibility Services is the unit responsible for ensuring equal access for students with disabilities in compliance with state and federal law: 

    Department of Public Safety (DPS) – DPS provides a safe and secure environment on campus and in the local USC community for students, faculty, staff, and campus visitors: 

    Experiential Learning

    Overseas Studies – Pursue academic work that complements one’s studies, gain a deeper understanding of a particular culture, and improve foreign language skills: 

    Student Opportunities for Academic Research (SOAR) – Funding opportunity for Dornsife undergraduates serving as a research assistant in a faculty member’s project during the fall and spring semesters: 

    Summer Undergraduate Research Fund (SURF) – Funding opportunity for Dornsife students to pursue research in conjunction with Dornsife faculty, either on or off campus, during the summer semester: 

    Joint Educational Project (JEP) – Offers a range of service and service-learning opportunities in nearby schools, community-based organizations, health-care facilities and legal clinics. These programs combine hands-on experience with reflective practice, enabling students to learn by doing 

    *A list of all Experiential Learning programs can be found here: 

    Internships & Careers

    Career Center – Career center provides a full range of services and signature events to help students seeking job or Internship opportunities: 

    Dornsife Career Pathways – Career Pathways works with Dornsife students to align academic interests and career pathways through student-centered career advisement and programming: 

    LinkedIn Learning – A leading online learning platform that helps students learn business, software, technology and creative skills to achieve personal and professional goals. For free USC student access: 

    Pre-Professional Advising

    Pre-Law Advising – Pre-law advisors host workshops and meet with students to aid in all aspects of the law school application process. For more information: 

    Pre-Health Advising – Pre-health advisors aid students in all aspects of pre-health course planning and application components. For more information: 

    Pre-Graduate School Advising – Pre-grad advisors host information sessions and aid in all graduate school application components. For more information:

    Progressive Degree Programs (PDP)

    Progressive Degree Program – Provides superior USC undergraduate students the opportunity to pursue a master’s degree as they finish their bachelor’s degree. It’s a terrific way for students to deepen their education and prepare for a successful future. For a list of progressive degrees offered: 

    Scholarships & Awards

    Dornsife Continuing Student Scholarship (CSS) – Undergraduate Dornsife major students who plan to be enrolled as full-time for the following academic year are eligible to apply: 

    Academic Achievement Award (AAA) – Allows students with excellent academic records to complete multiple undergraduate degree objectives without adding to their time-to-degree by providing funding for up to 21 units: 

    *For a list of University Scholarships & Fellowships: 

    *For a list of scholar distinctions and awards that can apply towards graduate studies: 

    Transfer Student Programs

    Transfer Student Assembly – TSA seeks to build a sense of connection to the Trojan Family, a supportive community, and provide resources for all students who might face challenges in successfully transitioning and integrating on campus in order to build a shared foundation for academic, social, and professional growth. Connect with TSA here: or

    Dornsife Transfer Experience – The Transfer Experience Program is designed to cultivate a welcoming and supportive environment for USC Dornsife transfer students, celebrating their dedication and hard work as they pursue higher education in their first semester. This program is designed to honor the perseverance of our transfer students and prepare them for academic excellence and discovery at USC.

    USC Campus near Tommy Trojan and fountain
    USC Campus near Tommy Trojan and fountain
    USC Campus near Tommy Trojan and fountain
    USC Campus near Tommy Trojan and fountain
    USC Campus near Tommy Trojan and fountain
    USC Campus near Tommy Trojan and fountain
    USC Campus near Tommy Trojan and fountain
    USC Campus near Tommy Trojan and fountain
    USC Campus near Tommy Trojan and fountain