Welcome to Dornsife Tutoring!
Tutoring services are available to students currently registered in some classes in the following subjects:
- Biology (BISC)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- French (FREN)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Spanish (SPAN)
Other assistance available to students in Dornsife classes:
IMPORTANT: Students must reserve appointments using their USC email address, name, and USCID numbers. Accounts without one or more of these required elements are deleted without notice. Tutoring services are for specific classes that users must be currently registered in.
There is no cost to students for these tutoring services, but there is a limit of one hour per week per class per student.
Schedule a Tutoring Appointment
To view a list of classes, tutors, and to schedule an appointment, please visit tutoring@usc’s calendar.