Welcome to USC Dornsife Faculty-Led Programs!


Faculty-led programs are undergraduate courses designed and led by Dornsife faculty members to enhance the learning experience of Dornsife programs and its students. We offer international and domestic travel for undergraduate students, with a balance of learning inside and outside the classroom. These programs are directed during the Maymester or Summer sessions only.

For general FLP questions email flp@dornsife.usc.edu. Specific program questions should be directed to the faculty director of the program.

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For students, this takes the form of fostering critical thought, intellectual growth, and professional practices through exposure to traditions, languages, perspectives, and contexts in courses that are conducted both internationally and domestically.


Faculty Led Programs provide opportunities to research on-site, to innovate experiential curricula and programming, and to teach and work with students across cultures and contexts. These programs enrich the work, instruction and professional lives of our faculty back here on USC’s Campus in Los Angeles.



Faculty-Led Programs are 4-week immersive programs for undergraduates. We offer various domestic and international programs that teach GE courses, electives, introductory language classes, and upper-division major courses.  We encourage you to apply to our current Maymesters, Spring Break, and Summer programs! For any information, contact our office at flp@dornsife.usc.edu.

Faculty Led Programs

For general questions regarding program details.