4QTestimonia (or Messianic Anthology, 4Q175)
Testimonia was found in Cave Four near the site of Khirbet Qumran near the shores of the Dead Sea in the early 1950’s. It is a short document, complete except for a piece missing in the lower right corner. The name “Testimonia” comes from an early type of Christian writing, which it resembles in literary style. The Christian Testimonia was a collection of verses from the Bible about the Messiah, strung together to prove some kind of a point. Verses used like this are usually called “proof-texts.” The Testimonia from Qumran is not a Christian document but does resemble the early Christian Testimonia because of its use of a number of verses dealing with a theme.
The Qumran text includes five biblical quotations connected by interpretation. The first two quotations refer to the raising up of a prophet like Moses. The third quotation refers to a royal Messiah, the fourth to a priestly Messiah. The quotation from Joshua is connected to the coming of a time of great disaster, brought on by those dedicated to evil. The manuscript is usually dated to the middle of the first century B.C.E.

- Discovering the scrolls The finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
- Testimonia An anthology of Bible verses concerning the Messiah.
- Isaiah Pesher An ancient commentary on the book of Isaiah.
- The Rule of the Congregation Rules for living in the Messianic age.
- Copper Scroll A list of buried treasure.
- Qohelet Fragments from the Book of Ecclesiastes.
- The Words of Moses A document using themes from the book of Deuteronomy.
Article Categories
Non-Biblical Ancient Texts Relating to the Biblical World: Non-biblical inscriptions and documents from ancient times that improve our understanding of the world of the Bible.
Biblical Manuscripts: Images and commentary on ancient and medieval copies of the Bible.
Dead Sea Scrolls: Images and commentary on selected Dead Sea Scrolls manuscripts.
USC Archaeology Research Center: Images of artifacts from the teaching collection of the University of Southern California.