The Neuroscience Undergraduate Program offers several awards and scholarships supported by our generous donors. Through the Experiential Learning Fellowships, students are provided with an in-person experience to learn and work along side faculty and contribute to a research lab. It is an opportunity for students to gain knowledge and guidance from other lab members as they identify their specific area of research.
Brian Phillip Rakusin Neuroscience Scholarship Award
Established in memory of Brian Phillip Rakusin, USC’s first Neuroscience Major. Recipients of this award must have sophomore or junior standing and remain on campus for a year following receipt of the award (2025 or 2026 graduates). Successful candidates must demonstrate outstanding achievements and aspirations in the field of Neuroscience. Applicants must be majoring in Neuroscience, with an overall GPA of 3.2 or higher. (deadline Thursday, March 13, 2025, 5 pm); submission will include a resume, STARS report, a paragraph describing the student’s research (limit 650 words) that highlights their scientific contribution to the research and a letter of support from your PI; an example of their scholarship (paper or poster) may also be submitted. Please submit all materials (in a single combined PDF file) and in the subject line put Brian Phillip Rakusin Scholarship Application – First Name, Last Name to Erin Russell at The Brian Phillip Rakusin Scholarship is administered consistent with the University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination. Recipients are chosen without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited characteristic.
2024: Allison Chang
2023: Lisa Tchitchkan
2022: Alethea Vittali de Jesus
2021: Ammar Dharani, Isabella Gianatiempo and Nishan Sohoni
2020: Zihan Sun
2019: Ali Sahimi
2018: Catrina Hacker
2017: Kevin Jiang
2016: Mehak Khan
2015: Eshed Margalit
2014: Sarah Herald
2013: Manan Shah
2012: Russell Stewart
2011: Brenda Yang and Jeannie Zhang
2010: Erika Schnaps
2009: Ashnoo Nanavatu
2008: Timothy J. Florence
2007: Ehte Bahiru
2006: Krissti Coonce
2005: Ashley Wofford
Brian Phillip Rakusin Neuroscience Scholarship Award Recipient 2024
Allison Chang is a junior majoring in neuroscience and pursuing a progressive degree in medical gerontology. In Dr. Dion Dickman’s lab, she has been investigating the role of calcium-dependent determinants of synaptic heterogeneity at the neuromuscular junction by applying confocal microscopy. Aside from her studies, she enjoys volunteering as a learning assistant for organic chemistry classes, supporting peers in USC Christian Challenge, and interning at a local pediatrics office. In her free time, she enjoys reading, playing beach volleyball, embarking on national park road trips, and playing the piano. Allison is very grateful to have been selected for the Brian Phillip Rakusin Scholarship Award this year. She would like to extend a special thanks to Dr. Dion Dickman, Jerry Chien, Rebecca Stark, and everyone at the Dickman Lab for their mentorship and support.

Neuroscience Outstanding Student of the Year Award
Candidates for this award will typically be graduating seniors (although students at all levels are eligible) and must demonstrate outstanding achievements and aspirations in the field of Neuroscience. Applicants must be undergraduate students majoring in Neuroscience, with an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher. (deadline Thursday, March 13, 2025, 5 pm); the submission will include a resume, a STARS report, a paragraph describing the student’s research (limit 650 words) that highlights their scientific contribution to the research, and a letter of support from your PI; an example of their scholarship (paper or poster) may also be submitted. Please submit all materials (in a single combined PDF file) and in the subject line put Neuroscience Outstanding Student of the Year Award Application – First Name, Last Name to Erin Russell at The Neuroscience Outstanding Student of the Year Award is administered consistent with the University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination. Recipients are chosen without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited characteristic.
2024: Maxfield Hohn
2023: Arun Ahuja
2022: Alicia Kao and Zasca Ristianto
2021: Alex (Jin Hyung) Chung and Bryce Lorenz
2020: Rae Lan
2019: Catrina Hacker
2018: Kevin Jiang
2017: Mekah Khan
2016: Samantha Howard, Eshed Margalit, and Arvin Saremi
2015: Sarah Herald and Manan Shah
2014: Joshua Dreyzen
2013: Katherine Fu and Russell Stewart
2012: Brenda Yang
2011: Kelly Girskis, Yvonne Kaptein, and Jeremy Tanner
Maxfield is a graduating senior and prospective physician-scientist majoring in neuroscience with a minor in philosophy. As a member of the Jakowec-Petzinger lab, he conducts research on the protective and restorative effects of exercise on astrocytes and neurons in mouse models of Parkinson’s Disease. His work in the Eich lab involves analyzing the relationships between intellectual humility, curiosity, age, and confidence. He has been proud to wear many hats as a student, serving as a coauthor, editor, and illustrator for the Crash Review Team, as the president of Nu Rho Psi, and as a member of several USC choirs. He is honored to have been selected for this award, and is beyond grateful to Dr. Michael Jakowec, Dr. Teal Eich, Dr. Rita Barakat, Amelia Marvit, all of his labmates, and his family for all of their support and mentorship.

Dornsife Neuroscience Experiential Learning Fellowship
The Dornsife Neuroscience Experiential Learning Fellowship provides USC Dornsife Neuroscience undergraduate students with a limited number of fellowships for undergraduate research in the neurosciences. Each undergraduate student funded by the program will receive a stipend in the amount of $1000 to support research specifically in the Dornsife College. Students are expected to conduct research during the awarded term (the Spring 2025 semester) of not less than 10 hours per week. All full-time USC Dornsife faculty engaged in neuroscience research are eligible to serve as faculty supervisors. The Faculty supervisors will also receive $500 toward their lab for each student supervised.
Eligibility and Application Requirements:
Students must be a declared Neuroscience major or minor in good academic standing in order to apply. Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis. Students are asked to provide the following:
- A support letter from a faculty member in Dornsife College who agrees to sponsor the student.
- A one-two page research proposal detailing the research that the student will be conducting, and specifically how it relates to the neurosciences.
Please submit all materials (in a single combined PDF file) and in the subject line put “Dornsife Neuroscience Experiential Learning Fellowship Application – First Name, Last Name” to Erin Russell at All applications are to be emailed by Thursday March 13, 2025, 5 pm in order to receive full consideration. The Dornsife Neuroscience Experiential Learning Fellowship is administered consistent with the University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination. Recipients are chosen without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited characteristic.
Ng Family Fellowships in Computational Neurosciences
The Ng Family Fellowships in Computational Neurosciences provides USC Dornsife Computational Neuroscience undergraduate students with a limited number of fellowships for undergraduate research in the neurosciences. Each undergraduate student funded by the program will receive a stipend in the amount of $2000 to support research specifically in the Dornsife College. Students are expected to conduct research during the awarded academic year (2024-2025) of not less than 10 hours per week. All full-time USC Dornsife faculty engaged in neuroscience research are eligible to serve as faculty supervisors. The Faculty supervisors will also receive $500 toward their lab for each student supervised.
Eligibility and Application Requirements:
Students must be a declared Computational Neuroscience major in good academic standing in order to apply. Fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis. Students are asked to provide the following:
- A support letter from a faculty member in Dornsife College who agrees to sponsor the student.
- A one-two page research proposal detailing the research that the student will be conducting, and specifically how it relates to the neurosciences.
Please submit all materials (in a single combined PDF file) and in the subject line put “Ng Family Fellowships in Computational Neurosciences Application – First Name, Last Name” to Erin Russell at All applications are to be emailed by Thursday March, 13 2025, 5 pm in order to receive full consideration. The Ng Family Fellowships in Computational Neurosciences is administered consistent with the University’s Notice of Non-Discrimination. Recipients are chosen without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, or any other prohibited characteristic.