We will discuss work by Issay Matsumoto (History): “Real Estate and Japanese American Belonging in Territorial Hawaiʻi.” Comment will be provided by Suiyi Tang (American Studies and Ethnicity).
Thursday, February 13 | 3:00 PM
KAP 445, 4-5:30PM
Joanne Leow is Associate Professor and Tier 2 Canada Research Chair of Transnational and Decolonial Digital Humanities in the Department of English at Simon Fraser University. Her first academic monograph is Counter-Cartographies: Reading Singapore Otherwise (Liverpool University Press, 2024). Her creative work and research lie at the intersections of the environmental humanities, transnational and diasporic cultural production, global Asia studies, autotheory, and decoloniality. Her ecocritical SSHRC-funded project Intertidal Polyphonies includes videography, photography, audio field recordings, and interviews with writers and artists from Hong Kong, Singapore, and Vancouver.
Wesley Attewell is Assistant Professor of Geography at the University of Hong Kong. He works at the intersection of human geography, American studies, and Asian diaspora studies to map the transnational geographies of US empire-building from the Cold War into the present. His work seeks to better understand how the US has combined military, development, and capitalist interventions to pacify colonized subjects across Asia, the Pacific, and the Middle East. His book, The Quiet Violence of Empire: How USAID Waged Counterinsurgency in Afghanistan, was published by the University of Minnesota Press in Spring 2023.
Eleana Kim is a cultural anthropologist and award-winning author whose research and writing are organized around core anthropological concerns with nature and culture and the biological and the social in the production of personhood and social value. Her books, Adopted Territory: Transnational Korean Adoption and the Politics of Belonging (2010) and Making Peace with Nature: Ecological Encounters Along the Korean DMZ (2022), were both published by Duke University Press. She is currently Professor of Anthropology at the University of California, Irvine.
Paul Nadal is an assistant professor of English and American Studies at Princeton University. He is completing a book on the relationship between remittances and novels in the Philippine diaspora, a chapter of which was published in the September 2021 issue of American Literature and awarded the Best Essay Prize by the American Literature Society. He currently serves as the Elected Delegate Representative for Literary Theory and Method for the MLA.
Hosted by the Transpacific Research Cluster
Sponsored by the Department of American Studies & Ethnicity, the Center for Transpacific Studies, the East Asian Studies Center, and the Center on Science, Technology, and Public LifeFrom left to right: Eleana Kim, Joanne Leow, Wesley Attewell, & Paul Nadal -
Wednesday, October 16, 2024 | 12:00PM-1:00PM | ASC 207 | RSVP
Book Talk by Edward Wong (The New York Times), with introductions by Prof. Viet Thanh Nguyen (English and American Studies & Ethnicity, USC) and moderated by Clayton Dube (USC US-China Institute).
The son of Chinese immigrants in Washington, DC, Edward Wong grew up among family secrets. His father toiled in Chinese restaurants and rarely spoke of his native land or his years in the People’s Liberation Army under Mao. Yook Kearn Wong came of age during the Japanese occupation in World War II and the Communist revolution, when he fell under the spell of Mao’s promise of a powerful China. His astonishing journey as a soldier took him from Manchuria during the Korean War to Xinjiang on the Central Asian frontier. In 1962, disillusioned with the Communist Party, he made plans for a desperate escape to Hong Kong.
When Edward Wong became the Beijing bureau chief for The New York Times, he investigated his father’s mysterious past while assessing for himself the dream of a resurgent China. He met the citizens driving the nation’s astounding economic boom and global expansion—and grappling with the vortex of nationalistic rule under Xi Jinping, the most powerful leader since Mao. Following in his father’s footsteps, he witnessed ethnic struggles in Xinjiang and Tibet and pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. And he had an insider’s view of the world’s two superpowers meeting at a perilous crossroads.
Wong tells a moving chronicle of a family and a nation that spans decades of momentous change and gives profound insight into a new authoritarian age transforming the world. A groundbreaking book, At the Edge of Empire is the essential work for understanding China today.
Students in Professor Nancy Lutkehaus’ Thematic Options Core 101 class are excited to announce the opening on Thursday, April 25th of their student-curated exhibition “Housed Treasures: Grace Nicholson, California, and the USC Pacific Asia Museum.”
The exhibition, in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the “Treasure House”—now known as the USC Pacific Asia Museum—examines the life and legacy of Grace Nicholson, the collector and gallerist who built the Treasure House in 1924.
The program will feature the student curators of the exhibition and guest speakers, including Bethany Montagano, Director of USC Museums; William Deverell, Director of the Huntington-USC Institute on California and the West, Sonya Lee, Professor of Art History and Director of East Asian Languages and Culture, Karin Huebner, Director of Programs for the Harman Academy For Polymathic Study, and Rebecca Hall, Curator of the Pacific Asia Museum.
An opening program will be held in DML 240 at 5:00 pm, followed by a reception at 6:00 pm Thursday April 25th.
Event Address:
Doheny Memorial Library
3550 Trousdale Parkway, University Park CampusContact us at lmusacch@usc.edu, ruthdsan@usc.edu, or ebroth@usc.edu if you have any questions.
Suggested On-Campus Parking: USC McCarthy Way Parking Structure, 620 USC McCarthy Way, Los Angeles, CA 90089
Lyko Day is Elizabeth C. Small Professor and Chair of English, and affiliated faculty in the Department of Critical Race and Political Economy at MountHolyoke College. Day is the author of Alien Capital: Asian Racialization and the Logic of Settler Colonial Capitalism (Duke University Press, 2016) and her essays have appearedin American Quarterly, Amerasia, Monthly Review, and PMLA. She coedited the special issue “Solidarities of Nonalignment: Abolition, Decolonization, and Anticapitalism” for Critical Ethnic Studies and has edited forums in Verge: Studies in Global Asias and Society and Space. Her second book project focuses on racial capitalism and the nuclear unconscious, and she is co-editing the special issue “Palestine After Analogy” with Nasser Abourahme for Critical Ethnic Studies.
Davorn Sisavath is Assistant Professor of Asian American Studies at California State University, Fullerton. Her interdisciplinary research and teaching focus on U.S. militarism, science, technology and warfare, environmental pollution, and Southeast Asian and Asian American histories. She is currently working on a book manuscript that examines metallic violence in postwar spaces, including Laos, Irag, and the US. Using both exploratory and explanatory research designs, she explains what emerges after war and how the impact of warhas been shown to linger in different forms. Her writing has appeared in Radical History Review,Journal of Transnational American Studies, Anthropological Quarterly, and Critical Ethnic Studies.
Michelle N. Huang is AssistantProfessor of English and Asian American Studies at Northwestern University. She has research and teaching interests in contemporary Asian American literature, posthumanism, and feminist science studies. Her current project, MolecularRace, examines posthumanist aesthetics in post-1965 Asian American literature to trace racial representation and epistemology at nonhuman, minute scales. Her work appears in American Literature, Journal of Asian American Studies, Amerasia, and Post 45: Contemporaries, among other venues. Her film essay, INHUMAN FIGURES: Robots, Clones, and Aliens can be viewed online at the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center website.
Erin Suzuki is Associate Professor of Literature at UC San Diego. Her research interests are in Asian American literature, Pacific Island literatures, 20th and 21st century American literature, and transpacific studies. Her book, Ocean Passages: Navigating Pacific Islander and Asian American Literatures (Temple University Press) analyzes the ways that Asian American and Indigenous Pacific subjectivities have been constructed against and alongside one another in the wake of the colonial conflicts that have shaped the modern transpacific.
Moderated by Dr. Jane Hu
USC Kaprielian Hall (KAP 445) -
Mila Zuo is an associate professor in the Department of Theatre and Film at UBC, as well as the Graduate Advisor for the Cinema & Media Studies graduate programs. She is the author of Vulgar Beauty. Accompanying research can be found in Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory, Celebrity Studies Journal, Journal of Chinese Cinemas, Feminist Media Histories journal, and in various anthologies on contemporary cinema and media studies. In addition to her scholarly work, Zuo writes, directs, and produces narrative films, visual essays, documentaries, and music videos. Her short films have screened in international film festivals and universities, including Carnal Orient (2016) which premiered at Slamdance Film Festival, and her short narrative film Kin (2021), which was the recipient of the 2019 Oregon Media Arts Fellowship, and screened at HollyShorts Film Festival.
Mila Zuo offers a new theorization of cinematic feminine beauty by showing how mediated encounters with Chinese film and popular culture stars produce feelings of Chineseness. To illustrate this, Zuo uses the vulgar as an analytic to trace how racial, gendered, and cultural identity is imagined and produced through affect. She frames the vulgar as a characteristic that is experienced through the Chinese concept of weidao, or flavor, in which bitter, salty, pungent, sweet, and sour performances of beauty produce non-Western forms of sexualized and racialized femininity. Analyzing contemporary film and media ranging from actress Gong Li’s post-Mao movies of the late 1980s and 1990s to Joan Chen’s performance in Twin Peaks to Ali Wong’s stand-up comedy specials, Zuo shows how vulgar beauty disrupts Western and colonial notions of beauty. Vulgar beauty, then, becomes the taste of difference. By demonstrating how Chinese feminine beauty becomes a cinematic invention invested in forms of affective racialization, Zuo makes a critical reconsideration of aesthetic theory.
Co-organized by the Department of American Studies and Ethnicity & The Center for Transpacific Studies.
Friday March 29, 1pm PST
RSVP: bitly.ly/milazuo
Dr. Joy James is Ebenezer Fitch Professor of Humanities at Williams College. She is the author of Resisting State Violence; Shadowboxing:
Representations of Black Feminist Politics, Transcending the Talented Tenth and Seeking the Beloved Community. James has published numerous articles on: political theory, police, prison and slavery abolition; radicalizing feminisms; diasporic anti-black racism; and US politics; and writes on the Captive Maternal through the lens of “The Womb of Western Theory.” James’s most recent books include:
Contextualizing Angela Davis, In Pursuit of Revolutionary Love and New Bones Abolition: Captive Maternal Agency and the Afterlife of Erica Garner.
Co-organized by USC Transpacific Studies
Cluster & Africana Research ClusterMarch 25th, 6-7:30PM PST
RSVP: bit.ly/new-bones-abolition
The Transpacific Studies Research Cluster is excited to announce book talk on Surface Relations, with Dr. Vivian Huang, two Fridays from now, on March 1st at 1pm PST. RSVP link: bit.ly/surface-relations
Recent and Upcoming Events
Contact Us
Janet Alison Hoskins
Professor of Anthropology and Religion
Director, Center for Transpacific Studies
Email: jhoskins@usc.edu
University of Southern California
3620 S. Vermont Ave, KAP 352
Los Angeles, Ca 90089-2532