From New Thinking about Propositions with King and Speaks, Oxford University Press: Chapter 3: Why Traditional Conceptions of Propositions Can’t Be Correct Chapter 6: A Cognitive Theory of Propositions Chapter 9: Critique of Two Views: Propositions as Propeties and Propositions as Facts Chapter 12: Clarifying and Improving the Cognitive Theory to Meet its Explanatory Burden From Analytic Philosophy in America and Other Historical and Contemporary Essays, Princeton University Press: Chapter 2: Methodology in 19th and Early 20th Centruy Analytic Philosophy Chapter 3: Language, Meaning, and Information Chapter 7: What is the Frege/Russell Analysis of Quantification? From Rethinkinking Language, Mind, and Meaning, Princeton University Press: Chapter 4: Linguistic Cognition, Understanding, and Millian Modes of Presentation