Fall 2017

  • Glenn Tesler (UCSD): Multi de Bruijn Sequences
  • Sami Assaf (USC): Nonsymmetric Macdonald Polynomials
  • Eric Rains (CalTech): Vanishing integrals of Macdonald and Koornwinder polynomials
  • Matt Hogancamp (USC): Catalan combinatorics and torus links
  • Dominic Searles (USC): Combinatorial bases of polynomials
  • Richard Arratia (USC): Symmetric functions and the infinite dimensional simplex
  • Mohamed Omar (Harvey Mudd): A Proof of the Peak Polynomial Positivity Conjecture
  • Sarah Mason (Wake Forest University): Quasisymmetric power sums
  • Samantha Dahlberg (UBC): Chromatic symmetric functions and e-positivity
  • Ezgi Kantarci Oguz (USC): Crystal graphs for shifted tableaux
  • Nantel Bergeron (York University): Polytopes of independent sets of relations and their 1-skeleta

Spring 2017

  • David Kempe (USC): Quasi-regular sequences and optimal schedules for security games
  • Sara Billey (University of Washington): Enumeration of Parabolic Double Cosets for Symmetric Groups and Beyond
  • Stephen DeSalvo (UCLA): Pattern avoidance for random permutations
  • Marino Remero (UCSD): On the Delta Conjecture at $q=1$
  • Vasu Tewari (UWashington): Noncommutative Schur functions and operators on compositions
  • Per Alexandersson (UPenn): An e-positive conjecture for LLT polynomials
  • Jesse Levitt (USC): From Surfaces to Cluster Algebras and Back: An Ongoing Story
  • Anne Schilling (UC Davis): Stanley symmetric functions from the crystal perspective
  • Fu Liu (UC Davis): Ehrhart positivity
  • Francis Su (Harvey Mudd College): A polytopal generalization of Sperner’s lemma
  • Anastasia Chaves (UC Berkeley)

Fall 2016

  • Jim Haglund (UPenn): The combinatorics of non symmetric Macdonald polynomials and their specializations
  • Larry Goldstein (USC): A lenient BKR operation for events occurring for disjoint reasons
  • Matt Hogancamp (USC): Link homology and combinatorics
  • Maria Gillespie (UC Davis): Monodromy and K-theory of Schubert Curves via Generalized Jeu de Taquin
  • Dominic Searles (USC): The slide and glide bases of the polynomial ring
  • Damir Yeliussizov (UCLA): Duality and deformations of stable Grothendieck polynomials
  • Martin Tassy (UCLA): Height functions and fast tileability
  • Gaku Liu (MIT): A counterexample to the extension space conjecture for realizable oriented matroids
  • Aaron Lauda (USC): An introduction to odd symmetric functions
  • Sami Assaf (USC): Schubert calculus by thinking inside the box

Spring 2016

  • John Shareshian (Washington University St. Louis): Joint distributions of permutation statistics and symmetric functions
  • Alejandro Morales (UCLA): Hook-length formulas for skew shapes
  • Dominic Searles (USC): Schubert polynomials and slide polynomials
  • Stephen DeSalvo (UCLA): On the number of integer partitions of size n: a quantitative asymptotic analysis
  • Brendon Rhoades (UCSD): Evidence for parking conjectures
  • Richard Arratia (USC): Low rank labelled structures, and completely effective error bounds for Stirling Numbers of the first and second kind via rooks and Poisson approximation
  • Monica Vazirani (UC Davis): A Schur-Weyl-like construction of L(k^N) for the DAHA
  • Sami Assaf (USC): Multiplicity-free Kronecker products
  • Jason Fulman (USC): Generating functions and enumeration in finite classical groups
  • Adam Sheffer (CalTech): Distinct distances and heavy lines
  • Steph van Willigenburg (UBC): Maximal supports and Schur-positivity among connected skew shapes


Running overtime is the one unforgivable error a lecturer can make. After fifty minutes (one microcentury as von Neumann used to say) everybody’s attention will turn elsewhere.

Gian-Carlo Rota