USC Dornsife Pre-Health Test Prep Scholarship

The USC Dornsife Pre-Health Test Prep Scholarship is awarded to full-time undergraduate students of any major, in good academic standing, who plan to pursue a career in healthcare. The scholarship, provided by funds generously donated to the Dornsife Pre-Health Advising Office, will assist students in need of financial support to help prepare for the MCAT, DAT, PCAT, GRE, or applicable standardized exam for entry into a health professional school.

Scholarship awards vary in amount from $300, up to a max of $2,500 (funds are extremely limited in 2024). You may be chosen for a full or partial scholarship.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Junior or senior class standing, full-time enrollment status at USC (2023–2024 AY)
  • Have completed most or all of the required prerequisite core classes (see Pre-Health Tracks
    • Plan to begin a prep course for a standardized exam, and sit for exam within next three to six months
  • Minimum USC Overall GPA of 3.3, Minimum USC science GPA of 3.3

IMPORTANT NOTE: Students who have previously taken the MCAT, DAT, GRE or any other required standardized test are not eligible to apply for this scholarship.  Students may only receive this award once, however, our office may be able to suggest additional sources of available funding.  

Criteria on which applicants are evaluated include: demonstrated academic excellence, readiness to begin preparation for standardized test-taking (completed prerequisites), commitment to pursue a career in healthcare,  and financial need for test preparation.

Application Timeline:

Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis in the Spring.  Students will be notified in early March (early decision) or April (late decision) regarding their status.  

To limit the impact to your financial aid package, awards will be sent to finalists during the summer semester, between mid-May and July.

Important Note: The USC Dornsife Pre-Health Advising office continues to seek additional sources of funding for our students as one of our top priorities. A limited number of courses are also available as generously donated from our partner test prep companies (Princeton Review, Kaplan, Swartwood, and Sketchy). If you are looking for test prep support after spring deadline, we encourage you to pursue scholarships through various student organizations, and Fee Assistance Programs offered directly through the testing agencies. Please contact us via email.or schedule an appointment if you would like to discuss additional options. 

How to Apply:

1) Compile Your Required Application Materials:

    • Your GPA, and science GPA
    • Name and contact information for your academic advisor @ USC
    • Name and contact info for one academic or professional reference
      • A faculty member or professor, staff administrator or mentor who is familiar with your pre-health journey and commitment to academic excellence. 
      • No formal letter is required
    • Your current resume, including your major/minor, academic achievements, involvement in campus and community activities, work experience, and other notable interests
    • Your Unofficial USC Transcript (available in OASIS via the myUSC portal) in PDF format
  • Your scholarship essay, responding to the following prompt (maximum 1000 words): 
    • Imagine you’re sitting across from our scholarship committee, sipping a cup of your favorite beverage. Now, tell us your story: Why do you need this scholarship? How do you envision this scholarship propelling you towards your dreams in healthcare? We’re eager to hear your tale of ambition, determination, and the journey you’re embarking on. Paint us a vivid picture of how this scholarship will be your ally in achieving greatness.
  • Your current Financial Aid Summary from OASIS (PDF of screen shot)
  • Your choice of test prep course/package/materials 
    • Link to the course/package or materials with clearly indicates the total cost. 
    • You will be asked to indicate whether you have already purchased or when you plan to purchase 

2) Due to funding delay, no Test Prep Scholarships available for 2024

For questions or application assistance, please contact the Dornsife Pre-Health Advising Office at (213) 740-4844 or


Contact Us

Office of Pre-Health Advisement

3641 Watt Way
Hedco Neurosciences Building (HNB), Suite 120
Los Angeles, CA 90089

Visit us: HNB 120 (Hedco Neurosciences Building, Suite 120)

Hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

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