Program Support

The community created by USC’s Postbaccalaureate Premedical Program is all about support. Preparing for and launching a successful application to medical school can be daunting, but our students know what to expect every step of the way, thanks to our network of knowledgeable advisors and committed students.

Advisement and Coaching: Our support staff includes the program director and our advisor, as well as full-time premedical advisors in the Dornsife College Office of Pre-Health Advisement. We are available year-round for appointments and questions. We provide personal coaching to help every student build a strong personal profile for their medical school application and guide them throughout their entire application cycle and their interviews.

Support for a Strong CommunityStudents come together often to share information and experiences and discuss topics relevant to our Postbaccs. Some common discussions include student experiences at USC, ideas and tips for success, how and here to find meaningful clinical experiences, the benefits and shortcomings of different MCAT prep programs, school selection strategies, and characteristics of various volunteer, research and international opportunities. These communities bring together students at all points in the program, and sometimes those who have entered medical school, to share information about every stage of the application and interview process.

Program Workshops: We provide a sequence of workshops for all Postbaccs to help them build a strong profile and get ready for their application cycle. These include: “How to Build a Strong Portfolio for Med School”, “Basics of the Primary AMCAS Application” and “School Selection for Medical School”. These workshops enable students to prepare in advance for a compelling application and help them learn from what other successful students have done in the past.

Peer Mentoring Program: Newly admitted Postbacc students are assigned a peer mentor, who is typically a year ahead in the program. These mentors are available for questions, act as liaisons for the program, and pass along helpful information, academic or otherwise, to ensure a smooth transition for new students into the program.

Program Letter of RecommendationEvery student in good standing receives an extensive letter of recommendation from the Director of the program during their application year.

Academic Support

Faculty AdvisementOne of the most important resources through the program is faculty guidance and advisement. Professors hold office hours to provide additional support to Postbacc students. Students are encouraged to get to know and build professional relationships with their professors. We work closely with each student to develop a personal academic plan that matches their objectives and they own medical school application timeline. The program staff is also available to provide students with advise and support as they progress through the program.

Academic Orientation: Incoming students attend an academic orientation to get to know their cohort and classmates. This is also a great opportunity for incoming students to learn how to approach each course. Students also pick up helpful tips on study methods, lab work, and test preparation.

Chemistry Bootcamp: Doing well in their first gen chem course is key to success for all Postbaccs. Since our program caters to career changers, most of our students have little or no prior science experience before entering. We want to offer our students the advantage they need to start our program with a solid chemistry foundation. To help our incoming Postbaccs prepare for their first gen chem course at USC, we host a Summer Chemistry Bootcamp for incoming Postbaccs, free of charge. This intensive 5-week course is a great way to learn the chemistry fundamentals you need in order to be successful in general chemistry.

Physics Bootcamp: The majority of our Postbaccs take two semesters of Physics during the summer at the end of their first year. To give our students the maximum advantage, we also offer a free 3-week Physics Bootcamp in April every year to go over all the physics fundamentals that our students need in order to ensure success in their intensive summer physics classes.

Supplemental Instruction: Supplemental Instruction (SI) is offered to all USC students enrolled in premedical courses. SI sessions are weekly multi-hour sessions, run by students who have previously excelled in the courses. They are held several times per week for the convenience of the students. SI leaders review the topics covered each week in the courses. SI is an excellent tool for clarifying concepts, reviewing material and determining what topics to focus on. SI is a free resource for USC students and an asset for Postbaccs.

Chemistry Tutorial Classes: The Postbacc program has arranged with the Chemistry Department to let Postbacc students have the option to sit in on Chemistry tutorial courses for additional Chemistry prep and practice during their gen chem or organic chemistry courses. Postbacc students do not pay the additional fees for these tutorial classes which are typically required for enrolled undergraduates.