A Photo of Minor in Mind Body Studies student Atticus Dobbie

 Atticus Dobbie

Class of 2024

Major: Dance
Hometown: New York City

Can you tell us about your journey?
As a dancer, I am quite in tune with my body and my physicality. But, as I have become older and must continually do my own individual movement research, I realized the mindfulness component of
my physical practice was lacking. Through mind-body studies, yoga, meditation, and other mindfulness
practices, the establishment of my mind & body connection has furthered and enhanced my dance practice.

What’s your fitness routine?
My schedule being busy, and most of my energy being exerted in my dance classes, I don’t really go the gym. I have been implementing a simple workout with some of my roommates called
“Quick 10” simply meaning do 10 pushups. Its quick, easy, and makes you feel great. Do 10 of those a day and you have 100 pushups. As you become stronger, a “quick 10” can become a “quick 20.”

What inspires you?
Watching dance inspires me, especially when the movement is pushing boundaries or breaking patterns. Whether that’s watching my classmates dance every day or going to watch a performance of my favorite company, watching dance performed inspires me to continue my personal journey and further discover my own movement language, and it boosts my own creativity and ideas revolving around dance.