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Sign Up for USC PEP’s Newsletter
Tomorrow is the last day to submit to the 2023 Writers Awards! Details on submitting can be found in our previous post and, as always, we are available via comment or DM to answer any questions.
Reminder: the awards are open to both adults and youth!
We’ve gotten fancy and USC’s hooked us up with a text to give. Text USCPEP to 71777 to help support expanding liberal arts educational opportunities for people in-custody across the U.S.
In the news
It’s official! This spring we will offer ALL Writing 320 students USC credit. If you’re interested in taking a class with students who are incarcerated to write YOUR stories, email PEP co-director Prof. De Dominic for d-clearance:!

Annual Writers Awards

On Campus Events
Thanks to @ogpenn, @be_dizzle, and Travielle Pope for coming and sharing Facing Life with us and talking about their work.

Readers’ Circle
Save the date 🗓️ Our Spring Social will include an @uscpepreaders workspace, guest speakers, lunch provisions and more.
We loved meeting + working with our PEP community members at our last event — be sure to RSVP at the link in our bio!