Please Stay

ByAshley Busenlener
Scene 1:

Dining room table, plates stacked with napkins and silverware and cups next to them. There are 5 seats at the table. We are in a dining room/kitchen area.

(LISA enters with a platter of food, begins setting table and humming a tune to herself)

(sets 5 places at the table and sits at the head, clasps hands and begins praying)

LISA: Bless us oh Lord for the food you have set down at our table and for the loving gaze you shed on each of us every day.

(begins taking food from the platter and putting some on every plate)

(when she has finished, gazes at chair to the right of her) LISA: Bobby will you please use your fork to eat and not your hands…Yes, Angelica you need to eat all your dinner if you want dessert. How was your day Celine? …Well you know that ACT class is going to help you get your score up. Getting a scholarship is important…Clarissa dear, I know you think those tests are bullshit, but Celine has to take them to get into college…Yes, yes I know there are schools that don’t use test scores, but do we really want to send her to a hippy dippy school?…Honey can we talk about this later, not in front of the kids.

DIRECTOR: Let’s hold a moment.

(Director enters from the audience, he is very expressive with his movements and facial features)

DIRECTOR: Beautiful, Lisa, beautiful. Just absolutely wonderful. There’s just one tiny thing I want you to fix.

LISA: Yes?

DIRECTOR: I need you to get a little more frustrated with Clarissa. She’s this very progressive, anti-government type woman, and your character is very much a moderate.

LISA: Ok. Also, question. Do you know why the playwright decided to make my character’s spouse a woman?

DIRECTOR: He’s a very progressive man himself. He’s all about pushing the envelope.


DIRECTOR: Does it make you uncomfortable?

LISA: No, no it’s just my first rehearsal and I wanted to get a better sense of the play. Also I wonder if there’s one thing we can change.

DIRECTOR: Probably not, but what is it?

LISA: The dead son’s name is Bobby, and my actual husband’s name is Bobby. Would it be possible to change the son’s name?

DIRECTOR: (laughs) Hun, it’d be easier to change your husband’s name than to get the playwright to change anything in this script. I know this is your first real show, but just get comfortable with it. At least the spouse isn’t named Bobby.

LISA: Of course.

DIRECTOR: We’re going to run that scene again and then end rehearsal.


Scene 2:

(decor of dining room and kitchen has changed slightly, BOBBY sits at the table reading a newspaper, LISA enters, not seeing him)

BOBBY: Good morning love.

(LISA jumps)

LISA: Oh I didn’t see you.

BOBBY: Talking to ghosts so much that you were weirded out when one talked back?

LISA: (laughs nervously) I know you’re not a ghost.

BOBBY: Oh, don’t forget you’re taking Caroline to her soccer match tonight.

LISA: Oh! Right…. wait I can’t.

BOBBY: Lisa, I told you weeks ago I had an important meeting with a client tonight and you needed to take her…

LISA: Bobby I can’t, I have rehearsal.

BOBBY: (slightly frustrated) I guess I’ll see if Lily’s mom can take her, and I’ll go to the second half of the game.

LISA: Great. (Returns to looking at her script)

BOBBY: You know, you should try to make her next game, she was a little upset that you missed the first one.

LISA: Bobby, I had rehearsal, you know this is my first big break.

BOBBY: Tell your daughter that. I’m going to make sure she’s up for school.

LISA: (absent mindedly nods)

(BOBBY exits)

LISA: (pauses) Angelica darling are you ready for school?….Ok great, go grab Bobby and we’ll get in the car…Oh Clarissa you don’t have to take them I’ve got it…Are you sure?….Oh Celine get down here! (yells offstage, CAROLINE enters, she is about 16, typical teenage girl, LISA does not see her)…Ok Clarissa if you really want to drive the rascals today that’s fine. Just be careful, you know I worry about your driving. (gives CLARISSA peck on cheek)

CAROLINE: Mom this is starting to get a little weird.

LISA: (jolted out of her reverie) Oh Caroline, there you are! Where’s your father?

CAROLINE: Grabbing his stuff for work, he’s going to drive me to school today.

LISA: Oh. You don’t want me to drive you?

CAROLINE: No that’s ok, I wanted to ask him what he thought of my last soccer game, and you weren’t there so…

LISA: Honey, I was at rehearsal.

CAROLINE: OK, have fun talking to dead people I guess.

LISA: Well they’re not dead for the entirety of the play, there’s flashback scenes.

CAROLINE: Whatever mom.

(BOBBY enters)

BOBBY: Ready to go pumpkin?

CAROLINE: Dad seriously?

BOBBY: What?


LISA: Honey are you sure you want to drive today?

BOBBY: Yeah, I don’t mind at all.

LISA: I really think it’s a bad idea, letting you two get in the car without me.

BOBBY: Why? We’ve done it plenty of times.

LISA: I just have a bad feeling.

CAROLINE: Hey Dad we gotta go or I’ll be late.

BOBBY: Lisa there’s nothing to worry about. (kisses her quick and exits with Caroline behind him)

LISA: No no no no no no no no no. Officer, officer please there must be some mistake. They can’t all be dead. My little Bobby? Angelica? Celine? Clarissa?? My Clarissa?…Why. Why. Why.


Scene 3:

(we remain in the same kitchen, LISA is sitting at the table with her head in her hands, she is wearing all black, kitchen slightly messier)

LISA: (lifts head) And then there was one, but soon there will be none…How can I go on like this? I refuse to believe that they’re gone. They can’t be gone. I love them too much. I will make them stay here. I will make them STAY.

(BOBBY enters in pajamas)

BOBBY: Lisa what are you wailing about? It’s 2 in the morning.

LISA: Sorry dear, just practicing my lines.

BOBBY: Isn’t that what the six hour rehearsal you had tonight was for?

LISA: No, I mean yes, but no.

BOBBY: You’re not making any sense.

LISA: Well yes I practice them there, but it’s more working on the scenes. I have to learn my lines when I’m not at the theatre.

BOBBY: I see. Come to bed, it’s late.

LISA: In a minute.

BOBBY: Lisa.

LISA: I need to concentrate on the deaths of my beloved children and wife.

BOBBY: You’ve got a husband and daughter right here to pay attention to you. You’ve barely noticed us for months. Caroline has her championship game tomorrow.

LISA: Mhmm. (stares at the script in front of her)

BOBBY: I’m sure she’d love it if you could be there.

LISA: I have rehearsal.

BOBBY: At 2 pm?

LISA: Yes, it’s another 6-hour rehearsal.

BOBBY: I think you’re taking this acting thing a little too far.

LISA: This is my livelihood!

BOBBY: You only just started! You were perfectly happy working in that casting office, and now you have this little part and you think you’re a primadonna.

LISA: You know this has been my dream!

BOBBY: It’s consuming you! I never know if you’re talking to me anymore or to your dead fictional wife and children! Caroline and I are real! Pay attention to us!

(CAROLINE enters, also in pajamas)

CAROLINE: Mom, Dad, you’re being really loud and I’m trying to sleep.

BOBBY: Sorry Caroline.

LISA: Yes, yes, sorry Celine dear.

CAROLINE: Mom that’s not my name.

LISA: Right sorry.

BOBBY: I’m going back to bed.

(BOBBY gives LISA a sad look and exits)

CAROLINE: What’s wrong with you?

LISA: Nothing, I’m fine. Of course I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be fine?

CAROLINE: Woah there, I was just asking.

LISA: Can you just go back to sleep? I was trying to practice my lines.

CAROLINE: Depends. Are you coming to my game tomorrow?

LISA: I’m sorry, I can’t – I have rehearsal.

CAROLINE: You’ve had rehearsal during every single one of my games this season. You can’t miss it just once? Not even for my championship game?

(LISA shakes her head and starts to talk but)

CAROLINE: You don’t care about me at all! (CAROLINE storms out)

LISA: Celine wait! I do care! Damnit. Not Celine. Celine is dead. No, Celine isn’t real. None of it is real. It isn’t real, it’s a play, pay attention to your real family Lisa. C’mon Lisa it’s just a play OK. None of this is real.


Scene 4:

(LISA is in her robe cooking in the kitchen, it is nighttime)

(BOBBY & CAROLINE enter singing “We are the Champions,” Caroline is wearing her soccer uniform & BOBBY is decked out in her team colors)

CAROLINE: (so excited about winning she forgets she’s supposed to be angry with her mother) Mom, Mom! We won! We won the game!

LISA: (deadpan, with no enthusiasm) That’s great honey.

BOBBY: Lisa, this is really exciting.

LISA: (ignoring him, almost talking to herself) They hate me, and I am all alone.

BOBBY: What are you talking about?

LISA: (turns abruptly to face CAROLINE & BOBBY) The director’s friend came to watch the run tonight, and he hated me. He told the director that, and now he probably hates me too.

BOBBY: I’m sure he doesn’t hate…

LISA: (flash of manic joy) I know! I know what I have to do.

CAROLINE: (slightly weirded out) Mom.. are you OK?

LISA: I need to become my character.

BOBBY: That seems extreme.

LISA: (calm, collected) You don’t understand. The play has to become my reality.

CAROLINE: Mom, you’re starting to sound insane.

LISA: The director’s friend said I sounded too sane. Like it didn’t bother me that my wife and three children were dead.

BOBBY: Lisa, it’s one critic.

LISA: There will be so many more. This is my only chance.

BOBBY: Just stop. Maybe you should quit the show.

LISA: (laughs) Quit the show?! And I’m insane?

CAROLINE: Do whatever you want Mom…it’s not like you care enough to listen anyways. (exits)

LISA: At least that’s more guilt I can channel into the show.

BOBBY: Lisa what’s the real problem here?

LISA: The problem is you’re not dead.

BOBBY: Excuse me?

LISA: I can’t feel emotionally connected to my character if I have a loving family to go home to.

BOBBY: (laughs) So you want us to leave?

LISA: That would certainly help.

BOBBY: (sidles up to LISA, pulls her robe off one shoulder) Now I know you’re joking.

LISA: What are you doing?

BOBBY: You just need to relax.

LISA: Bobby stop, this isn’t right. I’m in mourning.

BOBBY: Stop being an actress and be my wife.

LISA: Right now I have to be someone else’s widow.

BOBBY: OK maybe saying you should quit the show was a little extreme, but you certainly need a break.

LISA: I don’t have time to take a break! The show opens in two weeks!

BOBBY: (getting angry) Well what do you want me to do Lisa? How can I help you? You want me to die?

LISA: No, but you can leave.

BOBBY: You’re serious.

LISA: Yes. Please leave.

(BOBBY exits and returns with CAROLINE by the hand, he is holding a suitcase and a stack of clothes)

CAROLINE: Dad what’s going on?

BOBBY: This is what you want Lisa?? You want us gone? (He plans to call her bluff, He starts putting the clothes in the suitcase)

LISA: Bobby it’s the only way.

CAROLINE: Mom, mom stop!

BOBBY: Grab your stuff Caroline, your mom wants us to go.

LISA: I’m sorry, I can’t love you. I have to love my dead children, Angelica, Celine, and Bobby.

BOBBY: Lisa, last chance. Do you want us to leave? Because we won’t come back, (he desperately wants her to say stay)

LISA: (as if in a trance) Please stay.


LISA: Please stay Clarissa, please don’t be dead. I told you not to drive the car, I need you here, please I can’t do this without you.

(At same time) BOBBY: Lisa stop please. We’re right here. It’s me, your husband Bobby.

LISA: I should have taken the children to school that day, why did you all have to die, why did you all leave me, I’m so sad, I can’t bear it. (LISA begins whispering the next lines almost to herself) I need you Clarissa, I need you, please stay, please stay.


BOBBY: (he has been staring at LISA helpless, but he snaps out of it) Caroline, let’s go. She wants us gone, so we’ll leave.

(LISA continues to ask Clarissa to stay)

CAROLINE: Goodbye mom, I hope you’re happy now…

(BOBBY & CAROLINE exit with the suitcase)

LISA: (snaps out of her reverie) They’re gone. Good, good that’s what I wanted. Now I can be the best. Clarissa, we can be the best!



Scene 5:

(LISA enters the kitchen with a tub of ice cream and holding a newspaper clipping)

LISA: (reading from the newspaper) Lisa Cartwright, the newest actress in our theatre scene may find herself soon to leave it. In a 2-hour long performance of Please Stay, Cartwright mourns so unconvincingly that I don’t think one person even teared up in the theatre tonight. Her deadpan acting and inability to produce any sort of emotion makes this show the must not see of the year and a complete flop.

(staggers over to chair)

LISA: A complete flop. (starts laughing) Do they know what I gave up for this show? I poured my soul into it. I told my husband and daughter to leave so that I could feel my character’s pain. And now I’ve lost everything. Lost everything to the theatre (starts laughing, then pauses suddenly) But at least I have you, my dear Clarissa, you’ve kept by my side through all of this. Maybe I’ll start dating women. Men are too complicated. They want so much attention and seem like they need sex. Bobby kept complaining about the lack of sex. (laughs again) Well when Clarissa died in that car crash I wasn’t getting laid, was I? I had to know what that felt like. I would almost rather be her at this point. Anything can be better than this. Clarissa stay with me. I know the play is over. I know my life is in shambles. So Clarissa please stay with me. Please.

Ashley Busenlener is a sophomore majoring in Theatre and minoring in Public Relations. She is the publicist for Aeneid Theatre Company and the marketing director of Brand New Theatre, which produced Please Stay last semester, as part of their One Act Play Festival. Ashley also is a marketing/production intern at Hero Theatre, and a social media assistant for USC Civic Engagement. She loves anything to do with theatre and public relations, and loves to keep busy. Check out and follow all the awesome organizations she works for at: Aeneid USC, Brand New Theater, HERO Theater, USC Civic Engage.