Sweet Dreams

ByNatalie Bedrossian

The static of a TV
Is my sole symphony,
Across my skin,
Raising mountains and
Trees and grass from
As a young, small boy
Around the satin spill,
Sliding into my chest
And sneaking away
with two fish eggs.
She sings and slices
Chunks from my skin,
Fishing sorrow’s beads
From out of my seas.
The water washes away
The whale’s wailing
And the wolf’s whistling,
But is unable to wane
My woe’s wafting.
The striating sheets
Scratch against my
Sanding down
My stimulated fences.
Sugar pours over
The shadows
And seeps
Into my soil,
Slowing down my scenarios
And stopping my stresses,
Sinking my skeleton
Into a suffocating suspension
And shipping me straight to the
Land of Syrupy, Sweet dreams.

Natalie Bedrossian is a senior at the University of Southern California. She is an English Major, Psychology Minor, and TO student who is on a three-year track. She wants to be an entertainment attorney in the future, and will hopefully attend law school beginning in the Fall of 2021. She loves animals, especially her two dogs Flash and Max—even when they don’t love her back and just want to sleep.