
ByAllegra Samsen


I. LA: the 6 word story

Bad day; cried in an uber



II. Scroll Song

I have the world at my fingertips and decide to

scroll instead of scour

like instead of love

comment instead of communicate

I spend the days curating not creating passion dripping from my nail beds like wet laundry set to dry

on a breezy afternoon



III. Cocaine Crescendo

I’m sorry but no one warned me about the casualization of cocaine? I feel like I should have been warned. Notified by carrier owl? Something? Seminars have lectured me about the semiotics of materials; the human function of associating a connotation with visual apparitions. But the semiotics of snorting? That one wasn’t on the syllabus, professor. The heaviness I feel in my heart when I view some seemingly decent people key coke in clandestine frat corners is a sadness akin to mourning. I know it is valid to be both subjectively and objectively upset about this. The subjective: coke is a skeleton in my family’s closet, a harrowing harbinger for the demise of my mom’s dad. A white prick of a substance that spiralled my brother towards psychosis. The objective? Haring coined it first. Crack is wack. If weed is a gateway drug, then I liken cocaine to a “highway” drug. A substance sending you zooming haphazardly down the fast lane. Destroying what you must, for the speed is insurmountable. Fatalities don’t matter when you’re on top of the world and a bass from a new R&B song ripples through your body as your juul hit hits, exacerbating the medley of poisons you have orchestrated in your own rendition of this conniving symphony. Oh how the crowd will coo. And how you will not hear them, your eyes making amorphous shapes of their geometric features–instead pining and fixating on the illumination of those flashing lights. Look how they fucking shine for you, baby. The objective? Cocaine cannot lead to much good. Its normalization in our college culture–of fast paced everything and anything–is death. This is the cocaine crescendo. And like any crescendo, it will end in an eerie, finite point of silence. Utter absence.