Faculty Bookplate

The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake

Random House / Professor of English Aimee Bender‘s new novel tells the story of young Rose Edelstein, who can literally taste the emotions of whoever prepares her food, giving her unwanted insight into other people’s secret emotional lives. more >



Discovering Speech, Words, and Mind

Wiley / Professor of Linguistics Dani Byrd and Associate Professor of Psychology and Linguistics Toben H. Mintz apply a scientific approach to the study of various aspects of speech, using everyday examples to introduce the beginning student to the world of language and cognition.



Tense, Aspect, and Indexicality

Oxford University Press / James Higginbotham, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy and Linguistics, and Linda MacDonald Hilf Chair in Philosophy, discusses the principles governing demonstrative, temporal and indexical expressions in natural language and presents new ideas in the semantics of sentence structure.



The Prism and the Rainbow
A Christian Explains Why Evolution Is Not a Threat

The Johns Hopkins University Press / Joel W. Martin, adjunct professor of biological sciences, argues that it is not contradictory to be a practicing, faithful Christian who accepts the science of evolution.



Hokkeji and the Reemergence of Female Monastic Orders in Premodern Japan

University of Hawaii Press / Lori Meeks, associate professor of religion, and East Asian languages and cultures, explores the revival of Japan’s most famous convent and the re-establishment of a nuns’ ordination lineage in Japan.



The Last Tortoise
A Tale of Extinction in Our Lifetime

Belknap Press / Craig B. Stanford, professor of anthropology and biological sciences, details how human predation has overcome the tortoise’s evolutionary advantages, extinguishing several species and threatening the remaining 45.



Door to the River
Essays & Reviews from the 1960s into the Digital Age

Black Sparrow Press / Aram Saroyan, lecturer in the Master of Professional Writing Program, explores the task of finding one’s way as a writer: the ongoing search for the various doors that must be opened in order to renew one’s resources and access creativity.



Golden Gate
The Life and Times of America’s Greatest Bridge

Bloomsbury Press / Kevin Starr, University Professor and professor of history, tells of the history of the Golden Gate Bridge, and the rich and peculiar history of the California experience.




Saints and Church Spaces in the Late Antique Mediterranean
Architecture, Cult and Community

Cambridge University Press / Ann Marie Yasin, associate professor of classics and art history, presents a new approach to the architecture and decoration of early Christian churches of the Mediterranean.



Read more articles from USC College Magazine’s Fall 2010/Winter 2011 issue