Peer-Reviewed Publications
Waizman, Y., Vaccaro, A. G., Newsome, P., Aviv, E. C., León, G. A., Berzenski, S. R., & Saxbe, D. E. (2024). Behavioral and neural evidence for difficulty recognizing masked emotional faces. Emotion. Advance online publication.
Seamon, E., Mattera, J.A., Keim, S.A., Leerkes, E.M., Rennels, J.L., Kayl, A.J., Kulhanek, K.M., Narvaez, D., Sanborn, S.M., Grandits, J.B., Schetter, C.D., Coussons-Read, M., Tarullo, A.R., Schoppe-Sullivan, S.J., Thomason, M.E., Braungart-Rieker, J.M., Lumeng, J.C., Lenze, S.N., Christian, L.M., …. Gartstein, M.A. (2024). Leveraging machine learning to study how temperament scores predict pre-term birth status. Global pediatrics, 9, 100220.
León, G. A., Morris, A. R., Gilbertson, C. H., Turner, A., Betron, H., Ortega, L. D., Guillemette, S., Kuhil, S., Wang, J., Demenko V., Liu, J., Longdon, A., Ouyang, J., & Saxbe, D. E. (2024). Glee in threes: Positive affect synchrony in parent-infant triads is moderated by maternal hair cortisol and parenting stress. Infant Behavior and Development, 76, 101976.
Aviv, E., Waizman, Y., Kim, E., Liu, J., Rodsky, E., & Saxbe, D. (2024). Cognitive household labor: gender disparities and consequences for maternal mental health and wellbeing. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 1-10.
Cárdenas, S. I., Waizman, Y., Truong, V., Sellery, P., Stoycos, S. A., Yeh, F. C., Rajagopalan, V., & Saxbe, D. E. (2024). White matter microstructure organization across the transition to fatherhood. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 67, 101374.
Waizman, Y., Herschel, E., Cárdenas, S. I., Vaccaro, A. G., Aviv, E. C., Sellery, P. E., Goldenberg, D., Kaplan, J., & Saxbe, D. E. (2024). Neural correlates of inhibitory control in the context of infant cry and paternal postpartum mental health. Behavioural Brain Research, 465, 114947.
Saxbe, D., & Martínez-García, M. (2024). Cortical volume reductions in men transitioning to first-time fatherhood reflect both parenting engagement and mental health risk. Cerebral Cortex, 34(4), bhae126.
Aviv, E. C., Cardenás, S. I., León, G., Waizman, Y. H., Gonzales, C., Flores, G., Martínez-García, M., & Saxbe, D. E. (2023). Prenatal prolactin predicts postnatal parenting attitudes and brain structure remodeling in first-time fathers. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 156, 106332.
Aviv, E. C., Preston, E. G., Waizman, Y. H., Dews, A. A., Flores, G., & Saxbe, D. E. (2023). Fathers’ subjective childbirth stress predicts depressive symptoms at six months postpartum. Journal of Affective Disorders, 339, 593–600.
Cárdenas, S. I., Tse, W., León, G., Kim, A., Tureson, K., Lai, M., & Saxbe, D. E. (2023). Prenatal testosterone synchrony in first-time parents predicts fathers’ postpartum relationship quality. Hormones and Behavior, 156, 105440.
Corner, G. W., Rasmussen, H. F., Khaled, M., Morris, A. R., Khoddam, H., Barbee, N., Herzig, S., Brasby, Y., Seibert, E., Sellery, P. E., Margolin, G., & Saxbe, D. (2023). The birth of a story: Childbirth experiences, meaning-making, and postpartum adjustment. Journal of Family Psychology, 37(5), 667–679.
Martínez-García, M., Paternina-Die, M., Cardenas, S. I., Vilarroya, O., Desco, M., Carmona, S., & Saxbe, D. E. (2023). First-time fathers show longitudinal gray matter cortical volume reductions: Evidence from two international samples. Cerebral Cortex, 33(7), 4156–4163.
Morris, A. R., & Saxbe, D. E. (2023). Differences in infant negative affectivity during the COVID-19 pandemic. Infant Mental Health Journal, 44(4), 466–479.
Saxbe, D., Martínez-Garcia, M., Cardenas, S. I., Waizman, Y., & Carmona, S. (2023). Changes in left hippocampal volume in first-time fathers: Associations with oxytocin, testosterone, and adaptation to parenthood. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 35(7), e13270.
Bastain, T. M., Knapp, E. A., Law, A., Algermissen, M., Avalos, L. A., Birnhak, Z., Blackwell, C., Breton, C. V., Duarte, C., Frazier, J., Ganiban, J., Greenwood, P., Herbstman, J., Hernandez-Castro, I., Hofheimer, J., Karagas, M. R., Lewis, J., Pagliaccio, D., Ramphal, B., … For the Environmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes Program Collaborators. (2022). COVID-19 Pandemic Experiences and Symptoms of Pandemic-Associated Traumatic Stress Among Mothers in the US. JAMA Network Open, 5(12), e2247330.
Cardenas, S. I., Morris, A. R., Marshall, N., Aviv, E. C., Martínez García, M., Sellery, P., & Saxbe, D. E. (2022). Fathers matter from the start: The role of expectant fathers in child development. Child Development Perspectives, 16(1), 54–59.
Liu, C. H., Rodebaugh, T. L., & Saxbe, D. E. (2022). New Insights in Psychological Processes: Introduction to the Special Issue on COVID-19 and Mental Health. Clinical Psychological Science, 10(6), 1019–1026.
Marshall, N. A., Kaplan, J., Stoycos, S. A., Goldenberg, D., Khoddam, H., Cárdenas, S. I., Sellery, P., & Saxbe, D. (2022). Stronger mentalizing network connectivity in expectant fathers predicts postpartum father-infant bonding and parenting behavior. Social Neuroscience, 17(1), 21–36.
Monk, C., Dimidjian, S., Galinsky, E., Gregory, K. D., Hoffman, M. C., Howell, E. A., Miller, E. S., Osborne, C., Rogers, C. E., Saxbe, D. E., & D’Alton, M. E. (2022). The transition to parenthood in obstetrics: Enhancing prenatal care for 2-generation impact. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MFM, 4(5), 100678.
Morris, A. R., Aviv, E. C., Khaled, M., Corner, G. W., & Saxbe, D. E. (2022). Prenatal romantic relationship satisfaction predicts parent–infant bonding for fathers, but not mothers. Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 11(3), 244–253.
Morris, A. R., Herzig, S. E., Orozco, M., Truong, V., Campuzano, V., Sridhara, S., Sellery, P., & Saxbe, D. E. (2022). Delivering alone in a pandemic: Anticipated changes to partner presence at birth are associated with prenatal distress. Families, Systems, & Health, 40(1), 126–131.
Morris, A. R., & Saxbe, D. E. (2022). Mental Health and Prenatal Bonding in Pregnant Women During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence for Heightened Risk Compared With a Prepandemic Sample. Clinical Psychological Science, 10(5), 846–855.
Cardenas, S. I., Corbisiero, M. F., Morris, A. R., & Saxbe, D. E. (2021). Associations between Paid Paternity Leave and Parental Mental Health Across the Transition to Parenthood: Evidence from a Repeated-Measure Study of First-Time Parents in California. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 30(12), 3080–3094.
Naya, C. H., Saxbe, D. E., & Dunton, G. F. (2021). Early effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on fertility preferences in the United States: an exploratory study. Fertility and sterility, 116(4), 1128–1138.
Cardenas, S. I., Stoycos, S. A., Sellery, P., Marshall, N., Khoddam, H., Kaplan, J., Goldenberg, D., & Saxbe, D. E. (2021). Theory of mind processing in expectant fathers: Associations with prenatal oxytocin and parental attunement. Developmental Psychobiology.
Khaled, M., Corner, W, G., Morris, A., Havaldar, S., Luo, E., Saxbe, D. (2021). Physiological linkage in pregnancy: Couples’ cortisol, negative conflict behavior, and postpartum depression. Biological Psychology.
Morris, A., Turner, A., Gilbertson, H, C., Corner, G., Mendez, J, A., Saxbe, E., D. Physical touch during father-infant interactions is associated with paternal oxytocin levels. Infant Behavior and Development.
Naya, H, C., Saxbe, D., & Dunton, F, G. (2021). The disparate impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the fertility preferences of people trying to conceive. Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
Gruber, J., Mendle, J., Lindquist, K. A., Schmader, T., Clark, L. A., Bliss-Moreau, E., Akinola, M., Atlas, L., Barch, D. M., Barrett, L. F., Borelli, J. L., Brannon, T. N., Bunge, S. A., Campos, B., Cantlon, J., Carter, R., Carter-Sowell, A. R., Chen, S., Craske, M. G., … Williams, L. A. (2020). The Future of Women in Psychological Science. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
Goldenberg, D., Marshall, N., Cardenas, S., Saxbe, D. (2020). 6 The Development of the Social Brain within a Family Context. The Social Brain: A Developmental Perspective.
Joel, S., Eastwick, P., Allison, C., Arriaga, X., Baker, Z., Bar-Kalifa, E., Bergeron, S., Birnbaum, G., Brock, R., Brumbaugh, C., Carmichael, C., Chenl, S., Clarke, J., Cobb, R., Coolsen, M., Davis, J., Jong, D., Debrot, A., DeHaas, E., … Faureu, R. (2020). Machine learning uncovers the most robust self-report predictors of relationship quality across 43 longitudinal couples studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences – PNAS, 117(32), 19061–19071.
Corner, G., Rasmussen, H., Pettit, C., Arbel, R., Daspe, M.E., Saxbe, D. (2020). The Physiology of Dyadic Meaning-Making in Couples’ Discussions About Loss. Psychosomatic Medicine., 82(6).
Bierstetel, S. J., Farrell, A. K., Briskin, J. L., Harvey, M. W., Gable, S. L., Ha, T., Ickes, W., Lin, W.-F., Orina, M. M., Saxbe, D., Simpson, J. A., Ta, V. P., & Slatcher, R. B. (2020). Associations between language style matching and relationship commitment and satisfaction: An integrative data analysis. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 37(8–9), 2459–2481.
Naya, C. H., Saxbe, D., Dunton, G. F., Belcher, B. (2020). Psychological and Biological Stress Synchrony in Mother-Child Dyads: Effect Modification by Financial Hardship. Annals of Behavioral Medicine.
Sandman, C., Young, K., Burklund, L., Saxbe, D., Lieberman, M., & Craske, M. (2020). Changes in functional connectivity with cognitive behavioral therapy for social anxiety disorder predict outcomes at follow-up. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 129, 103612–.
Corner, G., Stoycos, S., Khaled, M., & Saxbe, D. (2020). Interpersonal Processes and the Development of Emotion Dysregulation. In The Oxford Handbook of Emotion Dysregulation (1st ed.). Oxford University Press.
Saxbe, D. E., Beckes, L., Stoycos, S. A., & Coan, J. A. (2020). Social Allostasis and Social Allostatic Load: A New Model for Research in Social Dynamics, Stress, and Health. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 15(2), 469–482.
Sewart, A., Niles, A., Burklund, L., Saxbe, D., Lieberman, M., & Craske, M. (2020). Corrigendum to “Examining Positive and Negative Affect as Outcomes and Moderators of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder” [Behav. Ther. 50(6) (2019) 1112–1124]. Behavior Therapy, 51(1), 203–203.
Weinstock, L. et al, (2020). Best practices in research mentoring in clinical science. Journal of Abnormal Psychology., 129(1), 70–81.
Khoddam, H., Goldenberg, D., Stoycos, S.A., Horton, K.T., Marshall, N., Cardenas, S., Kaplan, J., & Saxbe, D.E (2020). How do expectant fathers respond to infant cry? Examining brain and behavioral responses and the moderating role of testosterone. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN)
Khaled, M., Corner, G. W., Horton, K., Stoycos, S., Khoddam, H., & Saxbe, D. E. (2020). Prenatal relationship conflict behavior predicts childbirth experiences and birth outcomes. Journal of Family Psychology
Saxbe, D.E., Beckes, L., Stoycos, S.A., & Coan, J.A. (2020). Social allostasis and social allostatic load: A new model for research in social dynamics, emotion, and stress. Perspectives on Psychologial Science
Cardenas, S., Khaled, M., & Saxbe, D. (2019). Commentary on translational impact: From individual to dyad to triad to social group: Applying the group actor–partner interdependence model to research on the transition to parenthood. Translational Issues in Psychological Science., 5(4), 402–404.
Incollingo Rodriguez, R. (2019). The buddy system: A randomized controlled experiment of the benefits and costs of dieting in pairs. Journal of Health Psychology, 24(14), 1945–1954.
Morris, A., Beam, Christopher., Saxbe, D., Lichtenstein, P., Reiss, D., Spotts, E., Ganiban, J., & Neiderhiser, J. (2019). Does parents’ level of depressive symptomatology moderate cousins’ similarity in depressive symptomatology? Behavior Genetics.
Sewart, N., Niles, A., Burklund, L., Saxbe, D., Lieberman, M., & Craske, M. (2019). Examining Positive and Negative Affect as Outcomes and Moderators of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder. Behavior Therapy, 50(6), 1112–1124.
Saxbe, D.E., Khaled, M., Horton, K., & Mendez, A.J. (2019). Maternal prenatal plasma oxytocin is positively associated with prenatal psychological symptoms, but method of immunoassay extraction may affect results. Biological Psychology, 147: Special Issue on Biopsychosocial Predictors of Perinatal Depressive Symptoms; Eds.. Drs. IIona Yim and Christine Dunkel Schetter
Saxbe, D., Khaled, M., & Horton, K. (2019). Plasma oxytocin is positively associated with symptoms of depression and anxiety in expectant mothers. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 100, S15–S15.
Naya, C., Lopez, N., Saxbe, D., Yang, C., Belcher, B., & Dunton, G. (2019). Like parent, like child: The real-time psychological and biological synchrony of stress in families in naturalistic settings. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 107, 26–26.
Hahn-Holbrook, S., Saxbe, D., Bixby, C., Steele, C., & Glynn, L. (2019). Human milk as “chrononutrition”: implications for child health and development. Pediatric Research, 85(7), 936–942.
Repetti, R. L., & Saxbe, D. E. (2019). The influence of chronic family stressors on adult health. In B. H. Fiese, M. Celano, K. Deater-Deckard, E. N. Jouriles, & M. A. Whisman (Eds.), APA handbooks in psychology®. APA handbook of contemporary family psychology: Applications and broad impact of family psychology (p. 121–136). American Psychological Association.
Corner, S., Saxbe, D., Chaspari, T., Rasmussen, H., Perrone, L., Pettit, C., Friendly, M., Timmons, A., & Margolin, G (2019). Compassion in a heartbeat: Physiology during couples’ loss discussions. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36(6), 1671–1694.
Brown, Y., Brown, L., Goldin, P., Torre, J., Burklund, L., Davies, C., Niles, A., Lieberman, M., Saxbe, D., & Craske, M (2019). Self-referential processing during observation of a speech performance task in social anxiety disorder from pre- to post-treatment: Evidence of disrupted neural activation. Psychiatry Research. Neuroimaging, 284, 13–20.
Ha, R., Rogers, A., Hibel, L., Saxbe, D., Laurent, H., & Granger, D. (2019). Interpersonal attunement in the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis: A review and meta-analysis. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 100, S7–S7.
Gruber, S., Saxbe, D., Brushman, B., McNamara, T., & Rhodes, M (2019). How Can Psychological Science Contribute to a Healthier, Happier, and More Sustainable World? Perspectives on Psychological Science, 14(1), 3–6.
Young, L., LeBeau, R., Niles, A., Hsu, K., Burklund, L., Mesri, B., Saxbe, D., Lieberman, M., & Craske, M (2019). Neural connectivity during affect labeling predicts treatment response to psychological therapies for social anxiety disorder. Journal of Affective Disorders, 242, 105–110.
Saxbe, D.E., Rossin-Slater, M., & Goldenberg, D. (2018). The transition to parenthood as a critical window for health. American Psychologist, 73 (9), 1190-1200
Saxbe, D., Khoddam, H., Piero, L., Stoycos, S., Gimbel, S., Margolin, G., & Kaplan, J (2018). Community violence exposure in early adolescence: Longitudinal associations with hippocampal and amygdala volume and resting state connectivity. Developmental Science, 21(6)
Saxbe, D., Khoddam, H., Corner, G., Stoycos, S., & Khaled, M. (2018). Physiological correlates associated with interpersonal emotion dynamics. In Interpersonal Emotion Dynamics in Close Relationships (pp. 110–128). Cambridge University Press.
Saxbe, D.E., Corner, G., Khaled, M., Horton, K., Wu, B., & Lyden, H.A (2018). The weight of fatherhood: Identifying mechanisms to explain paternal perinatal weight gain. Health Psychology Review, 12(3), 294-311
Corner, G.W., Saxbe, D.E., Chaspari, T., Rasmussen, H.F., Perrone, L., Pettit, C., Friendly, M., Timmons, A.C., Margolin, G. (2018). Compassion in a heartbeat: Physiology during couples’ loss discussions. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 36(6), 1671-1694
Saxbe, D.E., Horton, K., & Tsai, B.A., (2018). The Birth Experiences Questionnaire: A brief measure assessing psychosocial dimensions of childbirth. Journal of Family Psychology, 32 (2), 262-268
Saxbe, D., Lyden, H., Bimbel, S., Sachs, M., Del Piero, L., Margolin, G., & Kaplan, J. (2018). Longitudinal Associations Between Family Aggression, Externalizing Behavior, and the Structure and Function of the Amygdala. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 28(1), 134–149.
Stoycos, D., Del Piero, L., Margolin, G., Kaplan, J., & Saxbe, D. (2017). Neural correlates of inhibitory spillover in adolescence: associations with internalizing symptoms. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 12(10), 1637–1646.
Saxbe, D., Schetter, C., Dimon, C., Adam, E., & Shalowitz, M. (2017). High paternal testosterone may protect against postpartum depressive symptoms in fathers, but confer risk to mothers and children. Hormones and Behavior, 95, 103–112.
Saxbe, D., Golan, O., Ostfeld-Etzion, S., Hirschler‐Guttenberg, Y., Zagoory‐Sharon, O., & Feldman, R. (2017). HPA axis linkage in parent–child dyads: Effects of parent sex, autism spectrum diagnosis, and dyadic relationship behavior. Developmental Psychobiology, 59(6), 776–786.
Lyden, H., Gimbel, S., Del Piero, L., Tsai, B., Sachs, M., Kaplan, J., Margolin, G., & Saxbe, D (2017). Corrigendum: Associations between Family Adversity and Brain Volume in Adolescence: Manual vs. Automated Brain Segmentation Yields Different Results. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11, 458–458.
Saxbe, D., Edelstein, R., Lyden, H., Wardecker, B., Chopik, W, & Moors, A. (2017). Fathers’ decline in testosterone and synchrony with partner testosterone during pregnancy predicts greater postpartum relationship investment. Hormones and Behavior, 90, 39–47.
Young, B., Burklund, L., Torre, J., Saxbe, D., Lieberman, M., & Craske, M. (2017). Treatment for social anxiety disorder alters functional connectivity in emotion regulation neural circuitry. Psychiatry Research. Neuroimaging, 261, 44–51.
Saxbe, D. (2017). Birth of a New Perspective? A Call for Biopsychosocial Research on Childbirth. Current Directions in Psychological Science : a Journal of the American Psychological Society, 26(1), 81–86.
Edelstein, R., Chopik, W., Saxbe, D., Wardecker, B., Moors, A., & LaBelle, O (2017). Prospective and dyadic associations between expectant parents’ prenatal hormone changes and postpartum parenting outcomes. Developmental Psychobiology, 59(1), 77–90.
Saxbe, D.E., Dunkel Schetter, C., Guardino, C.M., Ramey, S.L., Shalowitz, M.U., Thorp, J.M., Vance, M., & Community Child Health Network (CCHN) (2016). Sleep quality predicts persistence of parental postpartum depressive symptoms and transmission of depressive symptoms from mothers to fathers. Annals of Behavioral Medicine
Saxbe, D.E., & Edelstein, R.S., Lyden, H.A., Wardecker, B.M., Chopik, W.J., & Moors, A.C. (2016). Fathers’ prenatal testosterone decline and synchrony with partner testosterone predicts greater postpartum relationship investment. Hormones & Behavior
Lyden, H., Gimbel, S.I., Del Piero, L.B., Kaplan, J.T., Margolin, G.,& Saxbe, D.E. (2016). Associations between family adversity and brain volume in adolescence: Manual vs. automated brain segmentations yield different results. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience.
Dunkel Schetter, S., Saxbe, D., Cheadle, A., & Guardino, C(2016). Postpartum Depressive Symptoms Following Consecutive Pregnancies: Stability, Change, and Mechanisms. Clinical Psychological Science, 4(5), 909–918.
Del Piero, S., Saxbe. D., & Margolin, G. (2016). Basic emotion processing and the adolescent brain: Task demands, analytic approaches, and trajectories of changes. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 19(C), 174–189.
Guardino, C.M., Dunkel Schetter, C., Saxbe, D.E., Adam, E.K., Ramey, S.L., Shalowitz, M.U., & Community Child Health Network (CCHN) (2016). Diurnal salivary cortisol patterns prior to pregnancy predict infant birth weight. Health Psychology
Saxbe, D et al. (2016). Neural mediators of the intergenerational transmission of family aggression. Development and Psychopathology, 28(2), 595–606.
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For a full list of Dr. Darby Saxbe’s publications, please visit her Google Scholar page here.