Who should apply?

The program is targeted at students who want to acquire the mathematical foundations and the practical skill set needed to lead in the data-driven world.


Applicants must submit the USC Graduate Admission application, along with:

  1. 3 letters of recommendation
  2. A statement of purpose
  3. A resumé or CV
  4. Official transcripts
  5. English Proficiency Test Scores (international applicants only)

We do not require GRE tests.


Applicants should have a Bachelor of Science degree in a mathematics-intensive field. Prerequisites for the program include:


  • multivariable calculus (Equivalent to USC’s MATH 226 or MATH 229)
  • linear algebra (Equivalent to USC’s MATH 225 or MATH 235)
  • probability (undergraduate-level, equivalent to USC’s MATH 407)


  • statistics (undergraduate-level, equivalent to USC’s MATH 307 or MATH 408)
  • basic optimization knowledge (e.g., convexity, gradient, Hessian)
  • Python/R programming


Applications are accepted only for a Fall semester start.

SEPTEMBER 1st: Applications open
FEBRUARY 15th: Applications due (Now EXTENDED to March 1, 2025)

Department of Mathematics

Office: KAP 104

Graduate Programs Manager

Susan Sath Vaswani
Office: KAP 104C

Faculty Program Leaders

Xiaohui Chen
Office: KAP 406B
Email: xiaohuic@usc.edu

Stanislav Minsker
Office: KAP 406E
Email: minsker@usc.edu