Selected Peer-Reviewed Papers
- Leles, SG, and NM Levine, (2023), Mechanistic constraints on the trade-off between photosynthesis and respiration in response to warming, Science Advances
- Reynolds, R, S Hyun, B Tully, J Bien, and NM Levine, (2023), A Statistical Approach for Identifying Heterotrophic Microbial Functional Guilds from Large Genomic Datasets, Frontiers in Microbiology
- Walworth, NG, JL Espinoza, PA Argyle, J Hinners, NM Levine, MA Doblin, CL Dupont, and S Collins, (2023), Genus-wide transcriptional landscapes reveal correlated gene networks underlying microevolutionary divergence in diatoms, Molecular Biology and Evolution
- Nguyen, T, EJ Zakem, A Ebrahimi, J Schwartzman, T Calgar, K Amarnath, U Alcolombri, F Peaudecerf, T Hwa, R Stocker, OX Cordero, and NM Levine, (2022), The effect of microbial activities on ocean-scale ocean carbon transport, Nature Communications
- Zakem, EJ, B Bayer, W Qin, A Santoro, Y Zhang, and NM Levine, (2022), Global-scale abundances, nitrification rates, and carbon fixation rates of marine nitrifying microorganisms, Biogeosciences
- Moran, MA, EB Kujawinski, WF Schroer, SA Amin, NR Bates, EM Bertrand, R Braakman, CT Brown, MW Covert, SC Doney, S Dyhrman, AS Edison, AM Eren, NM Levine, L Li, AC. Ross, MA Saito, AE Santoro, D Segré, A Shade, MB Sullivan, and A Vardi, (2022), Microbial Metabolites in the Marine Carbon Cycle, Nature Microbiology
- Norris, N, U Alcolombri, Y Yawata, F Menolascina, E Frazzoli, NM Levine, VI Fernandez, and R Stocker,(2022), Bacterial chemotaxis to saccharides is governed by a trade-off between sensing and uptake, Biophysical Journal
- Argyle, PA, NG Walworth, J Hinners, S Collins, NM Levine, and MA Doblin, (2021), Multivariate trait analysis reveals diatom plasticity constrained to a reduced set of biological axes, ISME Comm
- Zaiss-Bowman, J, P Boyd, S Doney, J Havenhand, NM Levine,(2021), Impact of Lagrangian Sea Surface Temperature Variability on Southern Ocean Phytoplankton Community Growth Rates, Global Biogeochemical Cycles
- Walworth, N, J Hinners, PA Argyle, SG Leles, MA Doblin, S Collins, and NM Levine, (2021), The evolution of trait correlations constrains phenotypic adaptation to high CO2 in a eukaryotic alga, Proceedings of the Royal Society B, doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2021.0940
- Norris N, NM Levine, VI Fernandez and R Stocker, (2021), Mechanistic model of nutrient uptake explains dichotomy between marine oligotrophic and copiotrophic bacteria, PLOS Computational Biology, doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009023
- Levine, NM and SG Leles, (2021), Marine plankton metabolisms revealed, Nature Microbiology
- Zakem, EJ, BB Cael, and NM Levine, (2021), A unified theory for organic matter accumulation, PNAS,doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2016896118 →Highlighted by PNAS with a Commentary
- McParland, EL, MD Lee, E Webb, H Alexander, and NM Levine, (2021), DMSP synthesis genes distinguish two types of DMSP producer phenotypes, Environmental Microbiology
- Liu, X and NM Levine, (2021), Ecosystem implications of fine-scale frontal disturbances in the oligotrophic ocean – An idealized modeling approach, Progress in Oceanography,doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102519
- Walworth, N, EJ Zakem, JP Dunne, S Collins, and NM Levine (2020), Microbial evolutionary strategies in a dynamic ocean, PNAS, doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1919332117
- McParland, EL, A Wright, K Art, M He, and NM Levine, (2020) Evidence for differential physiological roles for dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) in Emiliania huxleyi and Thalassiosira oceanica, New Phytologist, doi.org/10.1111/nph.16374
- Zakem, EJ and NM Levine (2019), Systematic variation in marine dissolved organic matter stoichiometry and remineralization ratios as a function of lability, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, doi: 10.1029/2019GB006375
- Gomez-Consarnau, L, JA Raven, NM Levine, LS Cutter, D Wang, B Seegers, J Aristegui, JA Fuhrman, JM Gasol, SA Sanudo-Wilhelmy (2019) Microbial rhodopsins are major contributors to the solar energy captured in the sea, Science Advances, doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aaw8855
- McParland, EL and NM Levine (2019), The role of differential DMSP production and community composition in predicting variability of global surface DMSP concentrations, Limnology and Oceanography, doi:10.1002/lno.11076
- Teel, EN, X Liu, BN Seegers, MA Ragan, WZ Haskell, BH Jones, and NM Levine (2018), Contextualizing time-series data: Quantification of short-term regional variability in the San Pedro Channel using high-resolution in situ glider data, Biogeosciences, doi:10.5194/bg-2017-472
- Jiang, H-B, F-X Fu, S Rivero-Calle, NM Levine, SA Sanudo-Wilhelmy, P-P Qu, X-W Wang, P Pinedo-Gonzalez, Z Zhu, and DA Hutchins (2018) Ocean warming alleviates iron limitation of marine nitrogen fixation, Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/s41558-018-0216-8
- Lee, M, NG Walworth, EL McParland, FX Fu, T Mincer, NM Levine, DA Hutchins, and EA Webb (2017) The Trichodesmium consortium: conserved heterotrophic co-occurrence and genomic signatures of potential interactions, ISME J, doi:10.1038/ismej.2017.49
- Levine, NM (2016) Putting the spotlight on organic sulfur: Diverse dissolved organic sulfur compounds play an active role in ocean biogeochemistry, Science, 354(6311), 418-419
- Liu, X, and NM Levine (2016) Enhancement of phytoplankton chlorophyll by submesoscale frontal dynamics in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, Geophysical Research Letters, doi:10.1002/2015GL066996
- Levine, NM, K Zhang, M Longo, A Baccini, O Phillips, SL Lewis, E Alvarez, ACS de Andrade, R Brienen, T Erwin, TR Feldpausch, ALM Mendoza, PN Vargas, A Prieto, JES Espejo, Y Malhi, and PR Moorcroft (2016), Ecosystem Heterogeneity Determines the Resilience Profile of the Amazon to Climate Change, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
- Levine, NM, DA Toole, A Neeley, NR Bates, SC Doney and JWH Dacey (2016) Revising upper-ocean sulfur dynamics near Bermuda: New lessons from three years of concentration and rate measurements, Environmental Chemistry, doi: 10.1071/EN15045
prior to 2015
- Burd, AB, S Frey, A Cabre, T Ito, NM Levine, C Lonborg, MC Long, M Mauritz, RQ Thomas, B Stevens, T Vanwalleghen, and N Zeng (2015) Terrestrial and Marine Perspectives on Modeling Organic Matter Degradation pathways and Controls. Global Change Biology, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12987
- Levine, NM, V Varaljay, D Toole, SC Doney, and MA Moran (2012), Environmental, biochemical, and genetic drivers of DMSP degradation and DMS production in the Sargasso Sea, Environ. Microbiology, doi: 10.1111/j.1462-2920.2012.02700.x
- Goodkin, NF, NM Levine*, SC Doney, and R Wanninkhof (2011), Impacts of temporal CO2 and climate trends on the detection of ocean anthropogenic CO2 accumulation, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25, GB3023, doi:10.1029/2010GB004009 (* NM Levine corresponding author)
- Levine, NM, SC Doney, I Lima, R Wanninkhof, NR Bates, and RA Feely (2011), The impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation on the uptake and accumulation of anthropogenic CO2 by North Atlantic Ocean mode waters, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25, GB3022, doi:10.1029/2010GB003892.
- Wanninkhof, R, SC Doney, J Bullister, NM Levine, M Warner and N Gruber (2010) Detecting anthropogenic CO2 changes in the interior Atlantic Ocean between 1989-2005, J Geophys. Res., 115, C11028, doi:10.1029/2010JC006251
- Levine, NM, ML Bender and SC Doney (2009), The δ18O of dissolved O2 as a tracer of mixing and respiration in the mesopelagic ocean, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 23, GB1006, doi:10.1029/2007GB003162
- Levine, NM, SC Doney, R Wanninkhof, K Lindsay, and IY Fung (2008), Impact of ocean carbon system variability on the detection of temporal increases in anthropogenic CO2, J Geophys. Res., 113, C03019, doi:10.1029/2007JC004153