December 2023: Naomi’s Sabbatical – Part 2
Naomi is at the University of Technology (UTS) Sydney working with collaborators Prof Justin Seymour and Dr. JB Raina! They’ve been getting into the lab to prepare for ISCA deployments in January (check out this article). They’ll be studying phycosphere dynamics under environmental stress.

November 2023: Welcome Daniela!
Daniela is a new postdoc in the group who will be working on Trichodesmium – heterotroph interactions.

October 2023: BISC and BREWS
Making fun art when communicating our research to a general audience! Su represented MEB during the first BISC and BREWS event at USC talking about mathematical models and microbes.

October 2023: WELCOME Hagen!
Hagen is a new postdoc in the group who will be working on degradation rates of organic matter in the ocean.

October 2023: Fun Interactive Science Hour (FISH)

September 2023: Suzana’s paper is published in Science Advances!
CONGRATULATIONS Suzana! If you want to check out this cool story about how phytoplankton respond to increasing temperatures check it out HERE.

August 2023: Trichodesmium colonies
Anna and collaborators in the Webb lab spent 5 days in the Sargasso Sea on a BATS cruise collecting samples of Trichodesmium colonies!

August 2023: Naomi’s Sabbatical – Part 1
Naomi is starting her sabbatical in Zurich visiting Prof Roman Stocker and Prof Martin Ackermann at ETH Zurich! They will be running some microfluidic experiments studying how bacteria respond to rapid changes in environmental conditions.

June 2023: Ryan’s paper is published in Frontiers of Microbiology
CONGRATULATIONS Ryan! If you’ve wondered about how to define microbial metabolic guilds, check out his paper HERE!

March 2023: Anna Passed her QUALS!

April 2022: Naomi is tenured!!!

March 2022: Trang’s paper is published!!!
Trang’s paper on the microbial control on particulate carbon flux is out in Nature Communications! Check out this cool write-up in . Congratulations Trang!!

January 2022: Congratulations Meagan!
Meagan passed her quals!!! CONGRATULATIONS Meagan!

August 2022: Congratulations Suzana!!
Suzana was awarded a competitive Simons Postdoctoral Fellowship! CONGRATULATIONS Suzana!

August 2021: WELCOME Lee!!!
Lee Bardon has joined the lab as a new graduate student! Welcome Lee!!

May 2021: Nate’s paper is published!
Nate’s paper on trait evolution is out in Proceedings B! Congratulations Nate!

March 2021: Naomi’s NSF CAREER award is funded! 🙂
Jan 2021: Emily’s paper is published!
Emily’s paper on organic matter accumulation in the ocean is out in PNAS! Check out this awesome commentary on the paper 🙂 Congratulations Emily!

August 2020: Congratulations Ryan!
Ryan passed his quals!!! CONGRATULATIONS Ryan!

August 2020: WELCOME Ellie and Anna!! 🙂
Ellie Lee and Anna Weiss have joined the lab as new graduate students! Welcome Ellie and Anna!!

March 2020: #FlattenTheCurve
Levine Lab doing our part to #FlattenTheCurve

March 2020: WELCOME Suzana!! 🙂
Suzana Leles has joined the group as a new postdoc! She comes to us from Swansea University and Plymouth Marine Laboratory in the UK. Welcome Suzana!

February 2020: Nate and Emily’s paper is published!
Nate and Emily’s paper on marine microbial evolutionary strategies is out in PNAS! Also check out the USC press release 🙂 . Congratulations Nate and Emily!

January 2020: WELCOME Noele!! 🙂
Noele Norris has officially joined the group as a postdoc! She comes to us from MIT (via ETH). Welcome Noele!

January 2020: Moore Foundation grant meeting in Sydney! 🙂
Nate and Naomi traveled to Sydney to visit collaborators Martina Doblin and Sinead Collins and work on our collaborative project – a great start to 2020!

December 2019: Erin’s paper is published!
Erin’s paper on differential controls on DMSP production is out in New Phytologist! Congratulations Erin!

November 2019: Emily’s paper is published!
Emily’s paper on carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling by marine heterotrophs is out in Global Biogeochemical Cycles! Congratulations Emily!

We have a new dr in the Levine Lab!! Erin successfully defended her PhD and will be heading to WHOI for a postdoc in the Kujawinski lab. CONGRATULATIONS Erin – very proud of all you have accomplished. (She also completed her first marathon, pictured here with coach, Ironman competitor, and office-mate Zaiss)

April 2019: Welcome Trang!!
Trang has joined the lab as our newest postdoc. She comes to us from OSU where she just finished her PhD in soil microbiology.

April 2019: Levine Lab photo shoot 🙂
We were asked to pose for some University promotional photos 🙂 They wanted us holding books so I snuck in “Tracers of the Sea”

March 2019: SoCal beauty
We are lucky to live and work in a phenomenally beautiful place! Pictures from this year’s super bloom.

January 2019: Naomi presents in Xiamen, China
A fantastic trip to Xiamen University for the 4th Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences!

November 2018: Erin’s paper is published
Erin’s paper on differential DMSP production is out in Limnology and Oceanography! Congratulations Erin!

October 2018: Elizabeth’s paper is published
Elizabeth’s paper on variability at the SPOT site is out in Biogeoscience! Congratulations Elizabeth!

September 2018: Nate on stage at the Global Climate Action Summit

August 2018: Congratulations Emily!
Emily was awarded a competitive Simons Postdoctoral Fellowship! CONGRATULATIONS Emily!

August 2018: Naomi featured on #FacultyFriday

July 2018: Moore Foundation grant kick-off meeting
Nathan and Naomi joined our collaborators Sinead Collins and Martina Doblin in Boston for the kick-off meeting of our new Moore Foundation grant!

Levine Lab in USC news
We have been featured a couple of times in the USC Dornsife news:
July 2018: Marine Microbes GRC
Levine Lab representing in Tuscany at the Marine Microbes GRC

May 2018: Goodbye Sara
Sara will be starting a new position at UNCW next month. We will miss you Sara!

Feb 2018: Congratulations Erin!
Erin was awarded a Gerald Bakus Graduate Fellowship in Marine and Environmental Biology to support her dissertation research. Congratulations Erin!

Dec 2017: Greetings from Antarctica
Former Levine Lab member Anna Wright is currently at the Palmer LTER station in Antarctica!

Sept 2017: THE-ME kick-off meeting
Emily, Noele, and Naomi were in Boston this week for the Simons Collaboration on Theory of Microbial Ecosystems (THE-ME) kick-off meeting. It was a full couple of days full of exciting discussions!

Sept 2017: Welcome Emily!
Emily, seen here contemplating patterns in ecology :), has joined the lab. She comes to us from MIT and will be part of the Simons Collaboration on Theory of Microbial Ecosystems (THE-ME).

July 2017: Young Researchers Program
Erin has been working incredibly hard running the Young Researchers Program here at USC. The summer culminated with a fantastic poster symposium. Congratulations Alexia and all the other YRPers!

June 2017: Xiao’s last day
Xiao has started as a postdoc at Princeton/GFDL. We will miss her! Check out her new website.

June 2017: new QBio major
We’ve been working hard to put together a new QBio undergraduate major here at USC. The first majors will be starting

May 2017: Video on Global Climate Models
Jeremy Smith (USC class 2017) created this cool animation to explain how climate models work. He also highlights some of the challenges we are working on in the lab.

May 2017: USC Commencement
It was a busy graduation week for the Levine Lab… CONGRATULATIONS Anna, Elizabeth, and Xiao!

April 2017: Naomi receives Early Career Award

April 2017: Congratulations Erin!
Erin was awarded a 2017 WiSE Leadership Award for her all of her amazing work with the Young Researchers Program, for promoting leadership and development amoungst her peers, and establishing herself as a leader at USC.

April 2017: Jeremy was awarded a Provost research fellowship!
Jeremy will be working on a new method for quantifying variability in DMSP production under environmental stress. Congratulations Jeremy!
April 2017: Tricho paper
New paper out in ISME J on Trichodesmium consortium (with some of our DMSP data)….

Elizabeth and Xiao successfully defended their dissertations this week. I’m incredibly proud of them and all of the work they put into this fantastic research — look for some exciting papers coming soon 🙂

Feb 2017: Xiao presents at ASLO
Xiao’s ASLO abstract, Impact of fine-scale physics on phytoplankton community composition in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre, was selected for an oral presentation

Nov 2016: Sara and Nathan’s Tricho papers are published
- Nathan’s dissertation work was published this week in PNAS. They demonstrated that Trichodesmium can fix a short-term plastic response to changes in CO2, potentially through genetic assimilation.
- Sara’s analysis published this week in GBC showed an increase in the abundance of the nitrogen fixer Trichodesmium near the British Isles over the past 50 years. This work was part of her dissertation research.
One of my students put together this awesome video from our class trip to the Wrigley Marine Science Center on Catalina Island – thanks Cameron Quon!
Oct 2016: Naomi’s Science perspective is published
Naomi’s perspective on dissolved organic sulfur in the oceans was published in Science.

Sept 2016: Erin is back at sea
Erin is on a 30 day cruise on the R/V Investigator with our Australian collaborators. They will be looking at DMSP and DMS cycling around the Great Barrier Reef. They have already run into tons of Trichodesmium!

Aug 2016: New labmates!
Xuening came to us from Imperial College in London and will be working on her PhD.
USC undergraduates Jeremy and Alex have started working in the lab and Ainsley has started working on an ecosystem modeling project. WELCOME!!!

May 2016: Welcome Sara!
Sara has joined the group as a postdoctoral scholar. She comes to us from John Hopkins where she got her PhD in Biological Oceanography with Prof. Gnanadesikan and Dr. del Castillo. Welcome Sara!

May 2016: Anna receives a WiSE Research Fellowship
Anna was selected to participate in the WiSE Undergraduate Research Experience Program. Her research will be focused on drivers of DMSP production. Congratulations Anna!
Feb 2016: Naomi is a 2016 Sloan Fellow
Xiao’s work demonstrating the Enhancement of phytoplankton chlorophyll by submesoscale frontal dynamics in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre was published in GRL.

Feb 2016: Erin’s blog posts from the R/V Falkor
Erin wrote a blog post about her research: Science, cells, and the smell of the sea. They also made this video.

Jan 2016: Erin is off on her first cruise
Erin departed on the R/V Falkor from Hawaii to Tahiti. She will be studying DMSP dynamics as they transect across the equatorial Pacific.

Dec 2015: The Washington Post covered Naomi’s PNAS paper
Naomi’s research on how climate change will impact the Amazon forest was published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The Washington Post covered the research in the following article: This model gives us the best look yet at how Amazon forests will react to climate change. The research also appeared on Nature’s blog and picked up by Mongabay

Sept 2015: Welcome Anna!!
Anna joined the lab in September and will be working with Erin on the impact of multi-stressors on DMS(P) cycling.

July 2015: Erin’s first, first-author publication is published
Erin’s paper based on her undergraduate research with Prof. Benitez-Nelson was published in Marine Chemistry. Congratulations Erin!

July 2015: Xiao’s Ocean Science Journal article is published
Xiao’s research from her masters thesis with Prof. Smith was published in Ocean Sciences Journal. Congratulations Xiao!

Dec. 2014: We were featured in the Wrigley newsletter
Connecting Microbes and Climate, by Richard Hoops
“A new research lab in the USC Dornsife Marine Environmental Biology program is investigating the impact of climate change on microbial communities in the open ocean as well as the impact of those microbial communities on global climate and marine ecosystem function….”

May 2014: Xiao was awarded a NASA Earth and Space Science Fellowship!
Xiao was awarded the highly competitive NESSF fellowship for her work on the “Impacts of Climate Change on Phytoplankton Productivity and Carbon Export in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre”

April 2014: Erin was awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate fellowship!
Erin was awarded the prestigeous 3 year NDSEG fellowship for her work on the “Impact of Climate Change Multi-Stressors on Dimethylsulfide (DMS) Production”

Feb 2014: Naomi was featured in Dornsife News
Superlative Scientists, by Susan Bell
“USC Dornsife welcomes two new assistant science professors whose research focuses on some of the greatest challenges facing the 21st century — climate change and the search for clean, renewable energy…”