- Hanson MD, Cherezov V, Griffith MT, Roth CB, Jaakola VP, Chien EY, Velasquez J, Kuhn P, Stevens RC. A specific cholesterol binding site is established by the 2.8 A structure of the human beta2-adrenergic receptor. Structure 2008;16:897-905. PMC2601552
- Ng, JD, Clark PJ, Stevens RC, Kuhn P. In situ X-ray analysis of protein crystals in low-birefringent and X-ray transmissive plastic microchannels. Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr 2008;64:189-97.
- Ng JD, Stevens RC, Kuhn P. Protein crystallization in restricted geometry: advancing old ideas for modern times in structural proteomics. Methods Mol Biol. 2008;426:363-76.
- Neuman BW, Joseph JS, Saikatendu KS, Serrano P, Chatterjee A, Johnson M, Liao L, Klaus JP, Yates JR, Wuthrich K, Stevens RC, Buchmeier MJ, Kuhn P. Proteomics analysis unravels the functional repertoire of coronavirus nonstructural protein 3. J Virol 2008;82:5279-94. PMCID: PMC2395186
- Recht MI, De Bruyker D, Bell AAG, Wolkin MV, Peeters E, Anderson GB, Kolatkar AR, Bern MW, Kuhn P, Bruce RH, and Torres FE. Enthalpy array analysis of enzymatic and binding reactions. Analytical Biochem 2008;377:33-39. PMCID: PMC2386773
- Kolatkar A, Kennedy K, Halabuk D, Kunken J, Marrinucci D, Bethel K, Guzman R, Huckaby T, Kuhn P. C-ME: A 3-D Community-Based, Real-Time Collaboration Tool for Scientific Research and Training. PLoS One 2008;3:e1621. PMCID: PMC2229842
- Canard B, Joseph J, Kuhn P. International research networks in viral structural proteomics: again, lessons from SARS. Antiviral Research 2008;78:47-50. PMCID: PMC2793675
- Cherezov V, Rosenbaum DM, Hanson MA, Rasmussen SG, Thian FS, Kobilka TS, Choi HJ, Kuhn P, Weis WI, Kobilka BK, Stevens RC. High-resolution crystal structure of an engineered human beta2-adrenergic G protein-coupled receptor. Science 2007;318:1258-65. PMDIC: PMC2583103. This first application of the microbeam x-ray diffraction approach combined with LCP derived crystals combined with multi-crystal data sets laid the foundation for the widely accepted standard approach in human membrane protein structural biology.
- Joseph JS, Saikatendu KS, Subramanian V, Neuman BW, Buchmeier MJ, Stevens RC, Kuhn P. Crystal structure of a monomeric form of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus endonuclease nsp15 suggests a role for hexamerization as an allosteric switch. J Virol 2007;81:6700-8. PMCID: PMC1900129
- Hanson MA, Brooun A, Baker KA, Jaakola VP, Roth C, Chien EY, Alexandrov A, Velasquez J, Davis L, Griffith M, Moy K, Ganser-Pornillos BK, Hua Y, Kuhn P, Ellis S, Yeager M, Stevens RC. Profiling of membrane protein variants in a baculovirus system by coupling cell-surface detection with small-scale parallel expression. Protein Expr Purif 2007;56:85-92. PMCID: PMC2274776
- Chrencik JE, Brooun A, Recht MI, Nicola G, Davis LK, Abagyan R, Widmer H, Pasquale EB, Kuhn P. Three-dimensional Structure of the EphB2 Receptor in Complex with an Antagonistic Peptide Reveals a Novel Mode of Inhibition. J Biol Chem 2007;282:36505-13.
- Serrano P, Johnson MA, Almeida MS, Horst R, Herrmann T, Joseph JS, Neuman BW, Subramanian V, Saikatendu KS, Buchmeier MJ, Stevens RC, Kuhn P, Wüthrich K. Nuclear magnetic resonance structure of the N-terminal domain of nonstructural protein 3 from the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus. J Virol 2007;81:12049-60. PMCID: PMC2168779
- Ng, JD, Stevens RC, Kuhn P. Protein crystallization in restricted geometery: advancing old ideas for modern times in structural proteomics. Book chapter; Methods in Molecular Biology; Editors: Bostijan Kobe, Mitchell Guss, Thomas Huber, 2008;426:363-76
- Saikatendu KS, Joseph JS, Subramanian V, Neuman BW, Buchmeier MJ, Stevens RC, Kuhn P. Ribonucleocapsid formation of SARS-CoV through molecular action of the N-terminal domain of sars9a (N protein). J Virol 2007;81:3913-21. PMCID: PMC1866093
- Abola E, Carlton DD, Kuhn P, Stevens RC. Five years of increasing structural biology throughput. A retrospective analysis. In Structure Based Drug Discovery, H. Jhoti & A. Leach (eds), Springer (Netherlands), 2007, 1-26.
- Gerdts CJ, Tereshko V, Yadav MK, Dementieva I, Collar F, Joachmiak A, Stevens RC, Kuhn P, Kossiakoff A, Ismagilov RF. Time-cotrolled microfluidic seeding in nL-volume droplets to separate nucleation and growth stages of protein crystallization. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl 2006;45:8156-60.
- Abola E, Kuhn P, Stevens RC. Miniaturization of the structural biology technologies – From expression to biophysical analyses. Structural Genomics on Membrane Proteins. K. Lundstrom, Ed., CRC Press: Boca Rraton, FL, 2006;299-320.
- Burrer R, Neuman BW, Ting JP, Stein DA, Moulton HM, Iversen PL, Kuhn P, Buchmeier MJ. Antiviral effects of antisense morpholino oligomers in murine coronavirus infection models. J Virol 2007;81:5637-48.
- Brooun A, Foster SA, Chrencik JE, Chein EYTS, Kolatkar A, Streif M, Ramage P, Widmer H, Weckbecker G, Kuhn P. Remedial strategies in structural proteomics: expression, purification and crystallization of the Vav1/Rac1 complex. Protein Expr Purif 2007;53:51-62.
- Bencharit S, Edwards CC, Morton CL, Howard-Williams EL, Kuhn P, Potter PM, Redinbo MR. Multisite Promiscuity in the Processing of Endogenous Substrates by Human Carboxylesterase 1. J Mol Biol 2006; 363: 201-214.
- Neuman BW, Adair BD, Yoshioka C, Quispe JD, Orca G, Kuhn P, Milligan RA, Yeager M, Buchmeier MJ. Supramolecular architecture of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus revealed by electron cryomicroscopy. J Virol 2006;80:7918-28.
- Joseph JS, Saikatendu KS, Subramanian V, Neuman BW, Brooun A, Griffith M, Moy K, Yadav MK, Velasquez J, Buchmeier MJ, Stevens RC, Kuhn P. Crystal structure of nonstructural protein 10 from the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus reveals a novel fold with two zinc-binding motifs. J Virol 2006;80:7894-901.
- Chrencik JE, Brooun A, Kraus ML, Recht MI, Kolatkar AR, Han GW, Seifert JM, Widmer H, Auer M, Kuhn P. Structural and biophysical characterization of the EphB4*ephrinB2 protein-protein interaction and receptor specificity. J Biol Chem 2006;281:28185-92.
- Chrencik JE, Brooun A, Recht MI, Kraus ML, Koolpe M, Kolatkar AR, Bruce RH, Martiny-Baron G, Widmer H, Pasquale EB, Kuhn P. Structure and thermodynamic characterization of the EphB4/Ephrin-B2 antagonist peptide complex reveals the determinants for receptor specificity. Structure 2006;14:321-30.
- Yadav MK, Gerdts CJ, Sanishvili R, Smith WW, Rorach LS, Ismagilov RF, Kuhn P, Stevens RC. In situ data collection and structure refinement from microcapillary protein crystallization. J Appl Crystallogr 2005; 38:900-905. PMCID: PMC1858637
- Saikatendu KS, Joseph JS, Subramanian V, Clayton T, Griffith M, Moy K, Velasquez J, Neuman BW, Buchmeier MJ, Stevens RC, Kuhn P. Structural basis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus ADP-ribose-1”-phosphate dephosphorylation by a conserved domain of nsP3. Structure. 2005;13:1665-75. Application of the next generation structural genomics approaches to viral structural proteomics. This was subsequently applied to human protein complexes and membrane proteins.
- Peti W, Johnson MA, Herrmann T, Neuman BW, Buchmeier MJ, Nelson M, Joseph J, Page R, Stevens RC, Kuhn P, Wuthrich K. Structural genomics of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus: nuclear magnetic resonance structure of the protein nsP7. J Virol 2005;79:12905-13.
- Neuman BW, Stein DA, Kroeker AD, Churchill MJ, Kim AM, Kuhn P, Dawson P, Moulton Hm, Bestwick RK, Iversen PL, Buchmeier MJ. Inhibition, escape and attenuated growth of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus treated with antisense morpholino oligomers. J Virol 2005;79:9665-76.
- Agrawal N, Lesley SA, Kuhn P, Kohen A. Mechanistic studies of a flavin-dependent thymidylate synthase. Biochemistry. 2004;43(32):10295-301.
- Torres FE, Kuhn P, De Bruyker D, Bell AG, Wolkin MV, Peeters E, Williamson JR, Anderson GB, Schmitz GP, Recht MI, Schweizer S, Scott LG, Ho JH, Elrod SA, Schultz PG, Lerner RA, Bruce RH. Enthalpy arrays. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2004 Jun 29;101(26):9517-22.
- Bern M, Goldberg D, Stevens RC, Kuhn P. Automatic classification of protein crystallization images using a curve-tracking algorithm. J Appl Crystallogr 2004;37:279-287.
- Asmar GA, Hanson MA, Ward AB, Lasalde JA, Stevens RC, Potter C, and Kuhn P. Low Voltage Electron Microscopy (LVEM) asa probe for solubilized membrane protein aggregation states. Microsc Microanal 2004;10: 1492-1493.
- Page R, Grzechnik SK, Canaves JM, Spraggon G, Kreusch A, Kuhn P, Stevens RC, Lesley SA, Shotgun crystallization strategy for structural genomics: an optimized two-tiered crystallization screen against the Thermotoga maritima proteome, Acta Cryst D 2003;59:1028-1037.
- Mathews II, Deacon AM, Canaves JM, McMullan D, Lesley SA, Agarwalla S, Kuhn P. Functional analysis of substrate and cofactor complex structures of a thymidylate synthase-complementing protein. Structure 2003:11:(6):677-690.
- Bencharit S, Morton CL, Hyatt JL, Kuhn P, Danks MK, Potter PM, Redinbo MR. Crystal structure of human carboxylesterase 1 complexed with the Alzheimer’s drug tacrine. From binding promiscuity to selective inhibition. Chem Biol 2003;10(4):341-9.
- Kuhn P, Wilson K, Patch MG and Stevens RC. The genesis of high-throughput structure-based drug discovery using protein crystallography. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2002;6:704-710.
- McPhillips TM, McPhillips SE, Chiu H-J, Cohen AE, Deacon AM, Ellis PJ, Garman E, Gonzalez A, Sauter NK, Phizackerley RP, Soltis SM, Kuhn P. Blu-Ice and the Distributed Control System: software for data acquisition and instrument control at macromolecular crystallography beam lines. J Syncrotron Radiat in press 2002;9:401-406.
- Lesley SA, Kuhn P, Godzik A, Deacon AM, Matthews I, Kreusch A, Spraggon G, et al. Structural genomics of the Thermotoga maritima proteome implemented in a high-throughput structure determination pipeline. Proc. of theNatl. Acad. of Sciences 2002;99:11664-11669.
- Chiu H-J, McPhillips T, McPhillips S, Sharp K, Eriksson T, Sauter N, Solits M, Kuhn P. Collaboratory for Macromolecular Crystallography at SSRL. Networked Learning. NAISO Academic Press, 128-134 (2002).
- Ramirez U, Minasov G, Focia P, Stroud R, Walter P, Kuhn P, and Freymann D. Structural basis for mobility in the 1.1 Å crystal structure of the NG domain of Thermus aquaticus Ffh. J of Mol Biol2002;320:783-799.
- Mathews II, McMullan D, Miller MD, Canaves JM, Elsliger MA, Floyd R, Grzechnik SK, Jaroszewski L, Klock HE, Koesema E, Kovarik JS, Kreusch A, Kuhn P, McPhillips TM, …Wooley J, Deacon AM, Godzik A, Lesley SA, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of 2-keto-3-deoxygluconate kinase (TM0067) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.05 A resolution. Proteins 2008;70:603-8.
- Kosloff M, Han GW, Krishna SS, Schwarzenbacher R, Fasnacht M, Elsliger MA, Abdubek P, Agarwalla S…Kuhn P, Levin I, McMullan D, Miller MD, Morse AT, Moy K, …Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Deacon AM, Godzik A, Lesley SA, Wilson IA. Comparative structural analysis of a novel glutathioneS-transferase (ATU5508) from Agrobacterium tumefaciens at 2.0 A resolution. Proteins. 2006;65:527-37.
- Xu Q, Krishna SS, McMullan D, Schwarzenbacher R, Miller MD, Abdubek P… Hampton E, Han GW, Haugen J, Jaroszewski L, Jin KK, Klock HE, Knuth MW, Koesema E, Kreusch A, Kuhn P…Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Deacon AM, Godzik A, Lesley SA, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of an ORFan protein (TM1622) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.75 A resolution reveals a fold similar to the Ran-binding protein Mog1p. Proteins. 2006 Aug 31;
- Didonato M, Krishna SS, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Agarwalla S, Brittain SM, Miller MD, Abdubek P… Kuhn P, …White A, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of 2-phosphosulfolactate phosphatase (ComB) from Clostridium acetobutylicum at 2.6 A resolution reveals a new fold with a novel active site. Proteins. 2006 Aug 22; [Epub ahead of print].
- Mathews II, Krishna SS, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Jaroszewski L, Miller MD… Kuhn P…Stevens RC, van den Bedem H, White A, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Deacon AM, Godzik A, Lesley SA, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of phosphoribosylformyl-glycinamidine synthase II, PurS subunit (TM1244) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 A resolution. Proteins 2006;65:249-254.
- Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Krishna SS, Xu Q, Miller MD, Canaves JM, Elsliger MA… Kuhn P, McPhillips TM, Morse AT, Quijano K, Spraggon G, Stevens RC, van den Bedem H, Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Deacon AM, Godzik A, Lesley SA, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a glycerate kinase (TM1585) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.70 A resolution reveals a new fold. Proteins 2006;65:243-248.
- Xu Q, Schwarzenbacher R, Krishna SS, McMullan D, Agarwalla S, Quijano K… Kuhn P…Velasquez J, White A, Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Deacon AM, Godzik A, Lesley SA, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of acireductone dioxygenase (ARD) from Mus musculus at 2.06 angstrom resolution. Proteins 2006;64:808-813.
- Han GW, Sri Krishna S, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Ginalski K, Elsliger MA, Brittain SM… Kuhn P…Stevens RC, van den Bedem H, Velasquez J, Wang X, West B, White A, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Deacon AM, Godzik A, Lesley SA, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of the ApbE protein (TM1553) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.58 A resolution. Proteins 2006;64:1083-90.
- Mathews II, Krishna SS, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Abdubek P, Ambing E, Canaves JM, Chiu HJ…, Kuhn P…Velasquez J, White A, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of phosphoribosylformylglycinamidine synthase II (smPurL) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.15 A resolution. Proteins 2006;63:1106-11
- Jin KK, Krishna SS, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Abdubek P, Agarwalla S…Kuhn P, …Rife C, Stevens RC, Spraggon G, van den Bedem H, Velasquez J, White A, Wolf G, Han GW, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of TM1367 from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 A resolution reveals an atypical member of the cyclophilin (peptidylprolyl isomerase) fold. Proteins 2006;63:1112-8.
- DiDonato M, Krishna SS, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Jaroszewski L, Miller MD, Abdubek P…Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, White A, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a single-stranded DNA-binding protein (TM0604) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.60 A resolution. Proteins 2006;63:256-60.
- Xu Q, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Abdubek P, Agarwalla S, …Kuhn P, Lesley SA, Miller MD, Moy K, Nigoghossian E, Paulsen J, Quijano K, Reyes R, Rife C, Spraggon G, Stevens RC, van den Bedem H, Velasquez J, White A, Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of virulence factor CJ0248 from Campylobacter jejuni at 2.25 A resolution reveals a new fold. Proteins 2006;62(1):292-6.
- Klock HE, Schwarzenbacher R, Xu Q, McMullan D, Abdubek P, Ambing E, …Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, White A, Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Lesley SA, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a conserved hypothetical protein (gi: 13879369) from Mouse at 1.90 A resolution reveals a new fold. Proteins 2005 61:1132-6.
- Jaroszewski L, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Abdubek P, Agarwalla S, Ambing E, ...Kuhn P…Spraggon G, Stevens RC, van den Bedem H, Velasquez J, Vincent J, White A, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of Hsp33 chaperone (TM1394) from Thermotoga maritime at 2.20 A resolution. Proteins 2005;61:669-673.
- Rife C, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Abdubek P, Ambing E, …Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, White A, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of the global regulatory protein CsrA from Pseudomonas putida at 2.05 A resolution revewals a new fold. Proteins 2005;61:444-8.
- Han GW, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Abdubek P, Ambing E, Axelrod H, …Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, White A, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of an Apo mRNA decapping enzyme (DcpS) from Mouse at 1.83 A resolution. Proteins 2005;60:797-802.
- Mathews I, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Abdubek P, Ambing E, Axelrod H, … Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, White A, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of S-adenosylmethionine:tRNA ribosyltransferase-isomerase (QueA) from Thermoatoga maritime at 2.0 A resolution reveals a new fold. Proteins 2005;59:869-74.
- Levin I, Miller MD, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Abdubek P, Ambing E, …Kuhn P, …Stevens RC, van den Bedem H, Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Zagnitko O, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of an indigoidine synthase A (IndA)-like protein (TM1464) from Thermotoga maritime at 1.90 A resolution reveals a new fold. Proteins 2005;59:864-8.
- Han GW, Schwarzenbacher R, Page R, Jaroszewski L, Abdubek P, Ambing E… Kuhn P…Stevens RC, van den Bedem H, Velasquez J, Vincent J, von Delft F, Wang X, West B, White A, Wolf G, Xu Q, Zagnitko O, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of an alanine-glyoxylate aminotransferase from Anabaena sp. At 1.70 A resolution reveals a noncovalently linked PLP cofactor. Proteins 2005;58:971-5.
- Xu Q, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Abdubek P, Ambing E, Biorac T, …Kuhn P…Stevens RC, van den Bedem H, Velasquez J, Vincent J, von Delft F, Wang X, West B, White A, Wolf G, Zagnitko O, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a formiminotetrahydrofolate cyclodeaminase (TM1560) from Thermotoga maritime at 2.80 A resolution reveals new fold. Proteins 2005;58:976-81.
- Arndt JW, Schwarzenbacher R, Page R, Abdubek P, Ambing E, Biorac T, …Kuhn P, …von Delft F, Wang X, West B, White A, Wolf G, Xu Q, Zagnitko O, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of an alpha/beta serine hydrolase (YDR428C) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae at 1.85 A resolution. Proteins 2005;58:755-8.
- Yadav MK, Gerdts CJ, Sanishvili R, Smith WW, Roach LS, Ismagilov RF, Kuhn P, Stevens RC. In situ data collection and structure refinement from microcapillary protein crystallization. J Applied Crystallogr 2005;38:900-905.
- Abola EE, Kuhn P, Stevens R. Miniaturization in structural biology pipelines. Acta Crystallogr Section A 2005;61:C150.
- Elsliger MA, Deacon AM, Godzik A, Kuhn P, Lesley SA, Stevens RC, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. The Joint Center for Structural Genomics: a multi-tiered approach to structural genomics. Acta Crystallogr Section A 2005;61:C257.
- Miller MD, Schwarzenbacher R, von Delft F, Abdubek P, Ambing E, …Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a tandem cystathionin-beta-synthase (CBS) domain protein (TM0395) from Thermotoga maritime at 1.87 A resolution. Protein 2004;57:213-7.
- Levin I, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Abdubek P, Ambing E, …Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, von Delft F, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Cyrstal structure of a putative NADPH-dependent oxidoreductase (GI: 18204011) from mouse at 2.10 A resolution. Proteins 2004;56:629-33.
- Xu Q, Schwarzenbacher R, Page R, Sims E, Abdubek P, Ambing E, Biorac T, …Kuhn P, …Stevens RC, van den Bedem H, Velasquez J, Vincent J, von Delft F, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of an allantoicase (YIR029W) from Saccharomyces serrevisiae at 2.4 A resolution. Proteins 2004;56:619-24.
- McMullan D, Schwarzenbacher R, Jaroszewski L, von Delft F, Klock HE, Vincent J, …Kuhn P, …Spraggon G, Stevens RC, van den Bedem H, Velasquez J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Lesley SA, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a novel Thermotoga maritime enzyme (TM1112) from the cupin family at 1.83 A resolution. Proteins 2004;56:615-8.
- Jaroszewski L, Schwarzenbacher R, von Delft F, McMullan D, Brinen LS, Canaves JM, Dai X, …Kuhn P, …Rezezadeh F, Robb A, Sims E, Spraggon G, Stevens RC, van den Bedem H, Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a novel manganese-containing cupin (TM1459) Thermotoga maritime at 1.65 A resolution. Protein 2004;56:611-4.
- Bakolitsa C, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Brinen LS, Canaves JM, Dai X, … Kreusch A, Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, von Delft F, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystals structure of an orphan protein (TM0875) from Thermotoga maritima 2.00-A resolution reveals a new fold. Proteins 2004;56:607-10.
- Levin I, Schwarzenbacher R, Page R, Abdubek P, Ambing E, Biorac T, Brinen LS, …Kreusch A, Kuhn P, …Stevens RC, van den Bedem H, Velasquez J, Vincent J, von Delft F, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a PIN (PilT N-terminus) domain (AF0591) from Archaeoglobus fulgidus at 1.90 A resolution. Proteins 2004;56:404-8.
- Spraggon G, Schwarzenbacher R, Kreusch A, McMullan D, Brinen LS, …Kuhn P, …Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Lesley SA, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a methionine aminopeptidase (TM1478) from Thermotoga maritime at 1.9 A resolution. Proteins 2005;56:396-400.
- Schwarzenbacher R, von Delft F, Jaroszewski L, Abdubek P, Ambing E, Biorac T, Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a putative oxalate decarboxylase (TM1287) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.95 A resolution. Proteins 2004;56(2):392-5.
- Heine A, Canaves JM, von Delft F, Brinen LS, Dai X, Deacon AM,…Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase (TM0665) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.8 A resolution. Proteins 2004;56(2):387-91.
- Xu Q, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, von Delft F, Brinen LS, … Kreusch A, Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a ribose-5-phosphate isomerase RpiB (TM1080) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 A resolution. Proteins 2004;56(1):171-5.
- Santelli E, Schwarzenbacher R, McMullan D, Biorac T, Brinen LS, …Kreusch A, Kuhn P…Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase (GDPD) from Thermotoga maritima (TM1621) at 1.60 A resolution. Proteins 2004;56(1):167-70.
- Spraggon G, Schwarzenbacher R, Kreusch A, Lee CC, …Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, von Delft F, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Lesley SA, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of an Udp-n-acetylmuramate-alanine ligase MurC (TM0231) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.3 A resolution. Proteins 2004;55(4):1078-81.
- Schwarzenbacher R, Jaroszewski L, von Delft F, Abdubek P, Ambing E, Biorac T, Brinen LS, Canaves JM, Cambell J, Chiu HJ, Dai X, Deacon AM, DiDonato M, …Kuhn P…Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a type II quinolic acid phosphoribosyltransferase (TM1645) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.50 A resolution. Proteins 2004;55(3):768-71.
- Schwarzenbacher R, Jaroszewski L, von Delft F, Abdubek P, Ambing E, Biorac T, Brinen LS, Canaves JM, …Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of an aspartate aminotransferase (TM1255) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.90 A resolution. Proteins 2004;55(3):759-63.
- Schwarzenbacher R, Jaroszewski L, von Delft F…Kuhn P …Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a phosphoribosylaminoimidazole mutase PurE (TM0446) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.77-A resolution. Proteins 2004;55(2):474-8.
- Schwarzenbacher R, von Delft F, Abdubek P, Ambing E, …Kuhn P, Lesley SA, Levin I, McMullan D, McPhillips TM, Miller MD, Morse A, Moy K, Ouyang J, Page R, Quijano K, Robb A, Spraggon G, Stevens RC, van den Bedem H, Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Xu Q, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a putative PII-like signaling protein (TM0021) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.5 A resolution. Proteins 2004;54(4):810-3.
- Erlandsen H, Canaves JM, Elsliger MA, von Delft F, Brinen LS, Dai X, Deacon AM, Floyd R, Godzik A, Grittini C, Grzechnik SK, Jaroszewski L, Klock HE, Koesema E, Kovarik JS, Kreusch A, Kuhn P…Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of an HEPN domain protein (TM0613) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.75 A resolution. Proteins 2004;54(4):806-9. No
- Schwarzenbacher R, Deacon AM, Jaroszewski L, Brinen LS, Canaves JM, Dai X, Elsliger MA, Floyd R, Godzik A, Grittini C, Grzechnik SK, Klock HE, Koesema E, Kovarik JS, Kreusch A, Kuhn P, Lesley SA… Velasquez J, Vincent J, von Delft F, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a putative glutamine amido transferase (TM1158) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.7 A resolution. Proteins 2004;54(4):801-5.
- Schwarzenbacher R, von Delft F, Canaves JM, Brinen LS, Dai X, Deacon AM, Elsliger MA, Eshaghi S, Floyd R, Godzik A, Grittini C, Grzechnik SK, Guda C, Jaroszewski L, Karlak C, Klock HE, Koesema E, Kovarik JS, Kreusch A, Kuhn P, Lesley SA, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of an iron-containing 1,3-propanediol dehydrogenase (TM0920) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.3 A resolution. Proteins 2004;54(1):174-7.
- Page R, Nelson MS, von Delft F, Elsliger MA, Canaves JM, Brinen LS, Dai X, Deacon AM, Floyd R, Godzik A, Grittini C, Grzechnik SK, Jaroszewski L, Klock HE, Koesema E, Kovarik JS, Kreusch A, Kuhn P, …Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase (TM0293) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.0 A resolution. Proteins 2004;54(1):157-61.
- Bern M, Goldberg D, Stevens RC, Kuhn P. Automatic classification of protein crystallization images using a curve-tracking algorithm. J Appl Crystallogr 2004;37:2790287.
- Page R, Grzechnik SK, Canaves JM, Spraggon G, Kreusch A, Kuhn P, Stevens RC, Lesley SA. Shotgun crystallization strategy for structural genomics: an optimized two-tiered crystallization screen against the Thermotoga maritime proteome. Acta Crystallogr Section D 2003:59:1028-1037.
- Canaves JM, Brinen LS, Dai X, Deacon AM, Elsliger MA, Eshaghi S, Floyd R, Godzik A, Grittini C, Grzechnik SK, Guda C, Jaroszewski L, Karlak C, Klock HE, Koesema E, Kovarik JS, Kreusch A, Kuhn P, …West B, Wolf G, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of uronate isomerase (TM0064) from Thermotoga maritima at 2.85 A resolution. Proteins 2003;53(1):142-5.
- Schwarzenbacher R, Crystal structure of a zinc-containing glycerol dehydrogenase (TM0423) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.5 A resolution. Proteins. 2003 Feb 1;50(2):371-4
- Brinen LS, Canaves JM, Dai X, Deacon AM, Elsliger MA, Eshaghi S, Floyd R, Godzik A, Grittini C, Grzechnik SK, Guda C, Jaroszewski L, Karlak C, Klock HE, Koesema E, Kovarik JS, Kreusch A, Kuhn P…Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Taylor SS, Hodgson KO, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of a zinc-containing glycerol dehydrogenase (TM0423) from Thermotoga maritima at 1.5 A resolution. Proteins 2003;50(2):371-4.
- Kuhn P, Lesley SA, Mathews II, Canaves JM, Brinen LS, Dai X, Deacon AM, Elsliger MA, Eshaghi S, Floyd R, Godzik A, Grittini C, Grzechnik SK, Guda C…Stevens RC, Taylor SS, van den Bedem H, Velasquez J, Vincent J, Wang X, West B, Wolf G, Wooley J, Wilson IA. Crystal structure of thy1, a thymidylate synthase complementing protein from Thermotoga maritima at 2.25 A resolution. Proteins 2002;49(1):142-5.
- Lesley S, Kuhn P, Godzik A, Deacon AM, Mathews I, Kreusch A, Spraggon G, Klock H, McMullan D, Shin T, Vincent J, Robb A, Brinen L, Mitchell D, McPhillips TM, Miller M….Hodgson K, Wilson I, Schultz PG, Stevens RC. Structural genomics of the Thermotoga maritima proteome implemented in a high-throughput structure determination pipeline, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (2002), 99(18), 11664-11669. First large scale structural genomics results that utilized the next generation technological solutions to structural biology. These scientific and technological advances were subsequently implemented for most crystallography projects.
- Chiu H, McPhillips T, McPhillips S, Sharp K, Eriksson T, Sauter N, Soltis M, and Kuhn P. Collaboratory for Macromolecular Crystallography at SSRL. Networked Learning. NAISOAcademic Press, 128-134 (2002).
- Manikandan P, Ellis P, Kuhn P, Choi EY, Hoffman B, and Hille R. Structure/function studies of arsenite oxidoreductase and xanthine oxidase. Indian J of Chem 2002;41:22-31.
- Deacon A, Brinen L. Kuhn P, McPhillips S, McPhillips T, Miller M, van den Bedem H. Wolf G, Zhong J, Zhang Z. A system for rapid and systematic characterization of protein cyrstals. Acta Crystallogr Section A 2002;58:C299.
- Miller MD, Cohen A, Deacon A, Ellis P, Kuhn P, Phizackerley P. Automated mounting cryo-cooled crystals on Stanford synchrotron radiation laboratory beamline 11-1. Acta Crystallogr Section A 2002;58:C202.
- Mathews II, Deacon AM, McMullan D, CanavesJM, Kuhn P and Lesley S. Structural insights into the mechanism of thymidylate synthase complementing proteins. Acta Cyrst Section A 2002;58:C106.
- Eriksson T, Chiu H-J, Sharp K, McPhillips T, McPhillips S, Sauter N, Solits M, and Kuhn P. Collaboratory for macromolecular cyrstallography at SSRL. Acta Crystallogr Section A 2002;58:C73.
- McPhillips TM, McPhillips SE, Chiu H-J, Cohen AE, Deacon AM, Ellis PJ, Garman E, Gonzalez A, Sauter NK, Phizackerley RP, Solits SM, Kuhn P. Blu-Ice and the distributed control system: software for data acquisition and instrument control at macromolecular crystallography beamlines. J Synchr Radiation 2002;9:401-406.
- Kuhn P, and Soltis SM. Macromolecular structure determination in the post-genome era. Nuclear Instr andMethods in Physics Res 2001;467-468:1363-1366.
- Ellis P, Conrads T, Hille R, and Kuhn P. Crystal structure of the 100 kDa arsenite oxidase from Alcaligenes faecalis in two crystal forms at 1.64 Å and 2.03 Å. Structure 2001;9:125–132.
- Abola E, Kuhn P, Earnest T, and Stevens RC. Automation of x-ray crystallography. Nature Struct Biol 2000;7:973–977.
- Kuhn P, Deacon AM, Comoso S, Rajaseger G, Kinik RM, Uson I, Kolatkar PR, The atomic resolution structure of bucandin, a novel toxin isolated from the Malyan krait, determined by direct methods. Acta Crystallogr Section D 2000;56: 1401-1407. erratum 2000;56:1702.
- Bott R, Ganshaw M, Soltis M, Kuhn P, Knapp M. Snapshots of enyme activation. Acta Crystallogr Section A 2000;56:S247.
- Yeh AP, Chatelet C, Soltis SM, Kuhn P, Meyer J, and Rees DC. Structure of a Thioredoxin-like [2Fe-2S] Ferredoxin from Aquifex aeolicus. J Mol Biol 2000;300:587-595.
- Kuhn P, Garman E, Soltis SM. Limitations in macromolecular crystallography due to radiation damage. Synchrotron Radiat and Instr (P. Pianetta, J. Arthur, and S. Brennan, Eds.), 215-218, (2000).
- Luan P, Heine A, Zeng K, Moyer B, Greasely SE, Kuhn P, Balch WE and Wilson IA. A New Functional Domain of Guanine Nucleotide Dissociation Inhibitor (a-GDI) Involved in Rab Recycling. Traffic 2000;1:270-281.
- Kielkopf CL, Ding S, Kuhn P, and Rees DC. Conformational Flexibility of B-DNA at 0.74 Å Resolution: d(CCAGTACTGG)2. J Mol Biol 2000;296:787-801.
- Ellis P,Carlow C, Ma D, and Kuhn P. Crystal Structure of the Complex of Brugia Malayi Cyclophilin and Cyclosporin A. Biochemistry 2000;39:592-598.
- Yew WS, Kolatkar PR, Kuhn P, and Khoo HE. Crystallization and Preliminary Crystallographic Study of Stonustoxin, a Protein Lethal Factor isolated from the Stonefish (Synanceja horrida) Venom. J Struct Biol 1999;128:216-218.
- Mitchell E, Kuhn P and Garman E. Demystifying the Synchrotron Trip: a First Time User’s Guide. Structure 1999;7:111-121.
- Kuhn P. Analysis of disordered in protein structures as observed by protein crystallographic methods. Biophysical J 1999;76:30-31.
- Kuhn P, Knapp M, Soltis SM, Ganshaw G, Thoene M, and Bott R. The 0.78 Å Structure of a Serine Protease, Bacillus lentus Subtilisin. Biochemistry 1998;37:13446-13452.
- Merritt EA, Kuhn P, Sarfaty S, Erbe JL, Holmes RK, and Hol WGJ. The 1.25 Å Resolution Refinement of the Cholera Toxin B-pentamer: Evidence of Peptide Backbone Strain at the Receptor Binding Site. J Mol Biol 1998;282:1043-1059.
- Bernstein BE, Williams DM, Bressi JC, Kuhn P, Gelb MH, Blackburn GM, and Hol WGJ. A Bisubstrate Analog Induces Unexpected Conformational Changes in Phosphoglycerate Kinase from Trypanosoma brucel. J MolBiol 1998;279:1137-1148.
- Genick U, Softis SM, Kuhn P, Canestrelli IL, and Getzoff ED. Structure at 0.85 Å Resolution of an Early Protein Photocycle Intermediate. Nature 1998;392:206-209. Ultra-high resolution data collection and data interpretation was applied to time resolved crystallography. This provided the initial data to investigate radiation decay and its interpretation in the biological/structural context.
- Redinbo MR, Stewart L, Kuhn P, Champoux JJ, and Hol WGJ. Crystal Structures of Human Topoisomerase I in Covalent and Noncovalent Complexes with DNA. Science 1998;279:1504-1513. Multi-crystal data collection and data merging was a key to the successful completion of the structural determination. This provided the foundation of many of the diffraction data collection approaches.
- Whitby FG, Luecke H, Kuhn P, Somoza JR, Huetze-Perez JA, Phillips JD, Hill CP, Fletterick RJ, and Wang CC., Crystal Structure of Tritrichomonas foetus lnosine-5′-monophosphate Dehydrogenase and the Enzyme Product Complex. Biochemistry 1997;36:10666-10674.
- VanRoey P, Rao V, Kuhn P, Tarentino AL, Plummer Jr TH. Structural analysis of the mechanisms and substrate specificities of oligosaccharide releasing enzymes. Glycobiology 1996;6:1004-1004.
- Kuhn P, Guan C, Cui T, Tarentino AL, Plummer Jr TH, and Van Roey P. Active Site and Oligosaccharide Recognition Residues of PNGase F. J. Bio. Chem 1995;270:29493-29497.
- Kuhn P. Structure and Function of PNGase F. Dissertation submitted to the Physics Department at the State University of New York at Albany, NY, (1995).
- Kuhn P, Tarentino A, Plummer T, and Van Roey P. Crystal Structure of Peptide-N‘-(N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl)asparagine Amidase F at 2.2 Å Resolution. Biochemistry 1994;33:11699-11706.
- Kuhn P, Tarentino A, Plummer T, and Van Roey P. Crystallization and Preliminary Crystallographic Analysis of Peptide-N‘-(N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminyl)asparagine Amidase F, PNGase F. J Mol Biol 1994;241:622-623.
Liquid Biopsy & Single Cell Oncology
- Waldron R, Wang R, Shishido SN, Lugea A, Ibrahim A, Mason J, Ayres M, Parker S, Van Eyk J, Lo S, Kuhn P, Pandol S. Selective removal of proteins and microvesicles ex vivo from blood of pancreatic cancer patients using bioengineered adsorption filters. Cancer Letters. 2025 Feb 12:614:217546. PMID: 39952600.
- Mallin MM, Rolle LTA, Schmidt MJ, Priyadarsini Nair S, Zurita AJ, Kuhn P, Hicks J, Pienta KJ, Amend SR. Cells in the Polyaneuploid Cancer Cell State are Pro-Metastatic. Mol Cancer Res. 2024 Dec 10. doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-24-0689. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39656186.
- Shishido SN, Marvit A, Pham D, Luo T, Xu L, Mason J, Priceman SJ, Portnow J, Kuhn P. Multi-Omic Characterization of Single Cells and Cell-Free Components Detected in the Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients with Leptomeningeal Disease. Cancers. 2024; 16(22):3746.
- Schmidt M, Naghdloo A, Prabakar R, Kamal M, Cadaneanu R, Garraway I, Lewis M, Aparicio A, Zurita-Saavedra A, Corn P, Kuhn P, Pienta K, Amend S, Hicks JB. Polyploid cancer cells reveal signatures of chemotherapy resistance. Oncogene. 2024.
- Amacker A, Peng CC, Jiang N, Sirivolu S, Higa N, Stachelek K, Reiser B, Kuhn P, Cobrinik D, Neviani P, Berry J, Jovanovic-Talisman T, Xu L. Phenotypic biomarkers of aqueous extracellular vesicles from retinoblastoma eyes. Int J Mol Sci. 2024, 25(21), 11660.
- Resnick K, Shah A, Mason J, Kuhn P, Nieva J, Shishido SN. Circulation of rare events in the liquid biopsy for early detection of lung mass lesions. Thorac Canc. 2024 Sept 4.
- Lexicon for blood-based early detection and screening: BLOODPAC consensus document. Clin Transl Sci. 2024; 17:e70016. , , et al.
- Sirivolu S, Schmidt M, Prabakar R, Kuhn P, Hicks J, Berry J, Xu L. Single-Cell Somatic Copy Number Alteration Profiling Vitreous Humor Seeds in Retinoblastoma. Opthalmic Genetics, 1-4.
- Shishido SN, Suresh D, Courcoubetis G, Ye B, Lin E, Mason J, Park K, Lewis M, Wang R, Lo S, Kuhn P. Determining the efficacy of ExThera Seraph100 blood filtration in patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer through the liquid biopsy. BJC Rep 2, 47 (2024).
Dorff T, Blanchard MS, Adkins LN, Luebbert L, Leggett N, Shishido SN,…D’Apuzzo M, Kuhn P, Pachter L, Forman S, Priceman S. PSCA-CAR T cell therapy in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: a phase 1 trial. Nat Med (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41591-024-02979-8
- Higa N, Welter L, Xu L, Kolatkar A, Bramlett K, Gjoerup O, Graf R, Huang R, Leary R, Lee Y, Perkins J, Riker A, Singh A, Tafra L, Tweed C, Shriver C, Hicks J, Kuhn P. Liquid biopsy profiling with multiple tests in patients with metastatic breast cancer. J. Mol. Pathol. 2024, 5(2), 199-214. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmp5020013.
- Bai L, Courcoubetis G, Mason J, Hicks J, Nieva J, Kuhn P, Shishido S. Longitudinal tracking of circulating rare events in the liquid biopsy of stage III-IV non-small lung cancer patients. Discov Onc 15, 142 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12672-024-00984-4.
- Bagheri P, Eremina O, Fernando A, Kamal M, Stegis I, Vazquez C, Shishido S, Kuhn P, Zavaleta C. A systematic approach toward enabling maximal targeting efficiency of cell surface proteins with actively targeted SERS nanoparticles. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2024, 16, 13, 15847-15860. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.3c18959.
- Ghoreifi A, Shishido S, Sayeed S, Courcoubetis G, Huang A, Schuckman A, Aron M, Desai M, Daneshmand S, Gill IS, Kuhn P, Djaladat H*, Mason J*. Blood-based liquid biopsy: A promising noninvasive test in diagnosis, surveillance, and prognosis of patients with upper tract urothelial carcinoma. Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations, 2024, ISSN 1078-1439, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.urolonc.2024.02.001.
- Shishido S, Lin E, Nissen N, Courcoubetis G, Suresh D, Mason J, Osipov A, Hendifar A, Lewis M, Gaddam S, Pandol S, Kuhn P, Lo S. Cancer-related cells and oncosomes in the liquid biopsy of pancreatic cancer patients undergoing surgery. npj Precis. Onc. 8, 36 (2024). https: doi.org/10.1038/s41698-024-00521-0.
- Shishido S, Hart O, Jeong S, Moriarty A, Heeke D, Rossi J, Bot A, Kuhn P. Liquid biopsy approach to monitor the efficacy and response to CAR-T cell therapy. Journal of ImmunoTherapy of Cancer. 2024;12:e007329. doi:10.1136/jitc-2023-007329.
- Nawrocki S, Olea J, Celi C, Dadrastoussi H, Wu K, Tsao-Wei D, Colombo A, Coffey M, Hernandez E, Chen X, Nuovo G, Carew J, Mohrbacher A, Fields P, Kuhn P, Siddiqi I, Merchant A, Kelly K. Comprehensive single-cell immune profiling defines the patient multiple myeloma microenvironment following oncolytic virus therapy in a Phase 1b trial. Clinical Cancer Research. 2023. https://doi.org/10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-23-0229
- Setayesh S, Ndacayisaba L, Rappard K, Hennes V, Rueda L, Tang G, Lin P, Orlowski R, Symer D, Manasanch E, Shishido S, Kuhn P. Targeted single-cell proteomic analysis identifies new liquid biopsy biomarkers associated with multiple myeloma. npj Precision Oncology. 7, Article number: 95 (2023).
- Welter L, Zheng S, Setayesh SM, Morikado M, Agrawal A, Nevarez R, Naghdloo A, Pore M, Higa N, Kolatkar A, Thiele JA, Sharma P, Moore H, Richer J, Elias A, Pienta K, Zurita A, Gross M, Shishido S, Hicks J, Ruiz C, Kuhn P. Cell state and cell type: Deconvoluting circulating tumor cell populations in liquid biopsies by multi-omics. Cancers. 2023. 15, 15: 3949.
- Seo J, Kumar M, Mason J, Blackhall F, Matsumoto N, Dive C, Hicks J, Kuhn P, Shishido S. Plasticity of circulating tumor cells in small cell lung cancer. Sci Rep 13, 11775 (2023).
- Dang M, Wang R, Lee H,…Kroll M, Ndacayisaba L, Kuhn P, Neelapu S, Orlowski R, Wang L, Manasanch E. Single cell clonotypic and transcriptional evolution of multiple myeloma precursor disease. Cancer Cell. 2023, 41(6), 1032-1047.
- Schmidt M, Prabakar R, Pike S, Yellapantula V, Peng C, Kuhn P, Hicks J, Xu L, Berry J. Simultaneous copy number alteration and single-nucleotide variation analysis in matched aqueous humor and tumor samples in children with retinoblastoma. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24(10), 8606.
- Peng CC, Sirivolu S, Pike S, Kim M, Reiser B, Li HT, Liang G, Xu L, Berry J. Diagnostic aqueous humor proteome predicts metastatic potential in uveal melanoma. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, Apr 6;24(7):6825.
- Qi E, Courcoubetis G, Liljegren E, Herrera E, Nguyen N, Nadri M, Ghandehari S, Kazemian E, Reckamp K, Merin N, Merchant A, Mason J, Figueiredo J, Shishido S, Kuhn P. Investigation of liquid biopsy analytes in peripheral blood of individuals after SARS-CoV-2 infection. eBioMedicine. 2023, Vol 90, 104519.
- Hernandez K, Bramlett K, Agius P, Baden J, Cao R, Clement O, Corner A…Hicks J, Higa N…Kolatkar A…Xu L, Leiman L. Contrived materials and a data set for the evaluation of liquid biopsy tests: A Blood Profiling Atlas in Cancer (BLOODPAC) Community Study. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics. 2023, Vol 25, Issue 3, 2023.
- Ndacayisaba L, Rappard K, Shishido S, Setayesh S, Tang G, Lin P, Matsumoto N, Hsu C, Nevarez R, Ruiz C, Naghdloo A, Yang E, Kelly K, Hicks J, Mason J, Orlowski R, Manasanch E, Kuhn P. Characterization of BCMA expression in circulating rare single cells of patients with plasma cell neoplasms. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(21), 13427.
- Leiman L, Putcha G, Lang K…Kuhn P…Zhang Q. BLOODPAC: Collaborating to chart a path towards blood-based screening for early cancer detection. Clinical and Translational Science. 2022.
- Narayan S, Courcoubetis G, Mason J, Naghdloo A, Kolencik D, Patterson S, Kuhn P, Shishido S. Defining a liquid biopsy profile of circulating tumor cells and oncosomes in metastatic colorectal cancer for clinical utility. Cancers. 2022, 14(19), 4891.
- Setayesh S, Hart O, Naghdloo A, Higa N, Nieva J, Lu J, Hwang S, Wilkinson K, Kidd M, Anderson A, Velasco C, Kolatkar A, Matsumoto N, Nevarez R, Hicks J, Mason J, Shishido S, Kuhn P. Multianalyte liquid biopsy to aid the diagnostic workup of breast cancer. npj Breast Cancer. 8, 112 (2022).
- Colombo A,Hav M, Singh M, Xu A, Gamboa A, Lemos T, Gerdtsson E, Chen D, Houldsworth J,Shaknovich R, Aoki T, Chong L, Takata K, Chavez E, Steidl C, Hicks J, Kuhn P, Siddiqi I,Merchant A; Single-cell spatial analysis of tumor immune architecture in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Blood Adv 2022; bloodadvances.2022007493.
- Im D, Peng CC, Xu L, Kim M, Ostrow D, Yellapantula V, Bootwalla M, Biegel J, Gai X, Prabakar R, Kuhn P, Hicks J, Berry J. Potential of Aqueous Humor as a Liquid Biopsy for Uveal Melanoma. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022, 23(11), 6226. Doi/10.3390/ijms23116226.
- Shishido S, Ghoreifi A, Sayeed S, Courcoubetis G, Huang A, Ye B, Mrutyunjaya S, Gill I, Kuhn P, Mason J, Djaladat H. Liquid Biopsy Landscape in Patients with Primary Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma. Cancers, 2022, 14(12), 3007.
- Chai S, Ruiz C, Naghdloo A, Pore M, Singh M, Matsumoto N, Kolatkar A, Xu L, Shishido S, Aparicio A, Zurita A, Hicks J, Kuhn P. Identification of Epithelial and Mesenchymal Circulating Tumor Cells in Clonal Lineage of An Aggressive Prostate Cancer Case. Npj Precision Oncology, 2022, 6(41).
- Ndacayisaba L, Rappard K, Shishido S, Ruiz C, Matsumoto N, Navarez R, Tang G, Lin P, Setayesh S, Naghdloo A, Hsu C, Maney C, Symer D, Bethel K, Kelly K, Merchant A, Orlowski R, Hicks J, Mason J, Manasanch E, Kuhn P. Enrichment-Free Single-Cell Detection and Morphogenomic Profiling of Myeloma Patient Samples to Delineate Circulating Rare Plasma Cell Clones. Current Oncology, 2022, 29, 2954-2972. Doi/10.3390/curroncol29050242
- Dorff T, Blanchard S, Martirosyan H, Adkins L, Dhapola G, Moriarty A, Wagner J, Chaudhry A, D’Apuzzo M, Kuhn P, Forman S, Priceman S. Phase 1 study of PSCA-targeted chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). Journal of Clinical Oncology 40, no. 6_suppl (February 20, 2022) 91-91. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2022.40.6_suppl.091
- Crosby D, Bhatia S, Brindle K, Coussens L, Dive C, Emberton M, Esener S, Fitzgerald R, Gambhir S, Kuhn P, Rebbeck T, Balasubramanian S. Early detection of cancer. Science 375, eaay9040 (2022). Doi: 10.1126/science.aay9040
- Shishido S, Masson R, Xu L, Welter L, Prabakar R, D’Souza A, Spicer D, Kang I, Jayachandran P, Hicks J, Lu J, Kuhn P. Disease characterization from the liquid biopsy in patients with HER2 mutated, non-amplified metastatic breast cancer (HER2mut MCB) treated with neratinib. Npj Breast Cancer 8, 22 (2022). doi.10.1038/s41523-022-00390-5
- Shishido S, Sayeed S, Courcoubetis G, Djaladat H, Miranda G, Pienta K, Nieva J, Hansel D, Desai M, Gill I, Kuhn P, Mason J. Characterization of cellular and acellular analytes from pre-cystectomy liquid biopsies in patients newly diagnosed with primary bladder cancer. Cancers 2022, 14(3), 758; doi: 10.3390/cancers14030758
- Kolencik D, Narayan S, Thiele JA, McKinley D, Gerdtsson A, Welter L, Hosek P, Ostasov P, Vycital O, Bruha J, Fiala O, Sorejs O, Liska V, Pitule P, Kuhn P, Shishido S. Circulating tumor cell kinetics and morphology from the liquid biopsy predict disease progression in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer following resection. Cancers 2022, 14(3), 642; doi: 10.3390/cancers14030642.
- Moore H, Barlow W, Somlo G, Gralow J, Schott A Hayes D, Kuhn P, Hicks J, Welter L, Dy P, Yeon C, Conlin A, Balcueva E, Lew D, Tripathy D, Pusztai L, Hortobagy G. A randomized trial of fulvestrant, everolimus, and anastrozole for the front-line treatment of patients with advanced hormone receptor-positive breast cancer, SWOG S1222. Clin Cancer Res. 2021 Nov 29. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-21-3131.
- Chai S, Matsumoto N, Storgard R, Peng C, Aparicio A, Ormseth B, Rappard K, Cunningham K, Kolatkar A, Nevarez R, Tu K, Hsu C, Malihi P, Corn P, Zurita Ahercks J, Kuhn P, Ruiz C. Platelet-coated circulating tumor cells are a predictive biomarker in patients with metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer. DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-21-0383. Molecular Cancer Research. 2021
- Elyssa Y. Wong, Liya Xu, Lishuang Shen, Mary E. Kim, Ashley Polski, Rishvanth K. Prabakar, Rachana Shah, Rima Jubran, Jonathan W. Kim, Jaclyn A. Biegel, Xiaowu Gai, Peter Kuhn, James Hicks, Jesse L. Berry. Inter-eye genomic heterogeneity in bilateral retinoblastoma via
aqueous humor liquid biopsy. Nature Precision Oncology. July (2021)5:73 - Mary E. Kim, Ashley Polski, Liya Xu, Rishvanth K. Prabakar, Chen-Ching Peng, Mark W. Reid, Rachana Shah, Peter Kuhn, David Cobrinik, James Hicks, Jesse L. Berry. Comprehensive Somatic Copy Number Analysis Using Aqueous Humor Liquid Biopsy for Retinoblastoma. Cancers. July 3. 2021, 13(13), 3340
- Grossman R, Dry J, Hanlon S, Johann D, Kolatkar A, Lee J, Meyer C, Salvatore L, Wells W, Leiman L. The BloodPAC data commons for liquid biopsy data. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics no. 5 2021; April 30; 479-486, doi: 10.1200/CCI.20.00179
- Degeling K, Pereira-Salgado A, Corcoran N, Boutros P, Kuhn P, Ijzerman M. Health economic evidence for liquid- and tissue-based molecular tests that inform decisions on prostate biopsies and treatment of localized prostate cancer: a systematic review. European Urology Open Science 2021; May, doi:10.1016/j.euros.2021.03.002
- Xu L, Kim M, Polski A, Prabakar R, Shen L, Peng C, Reid M, Chevez-Barrios P, Kim J, Shah R, Jubran R, Kuhn P, Cobrinik D, Biegel J, Gai X, Hicks J, Berry J. Establishing clinical utility of ctDNA analysis for diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment monitoring of retinoblastoma: the aqueous humor liquid biopsy. Cancers 2021; Mar 13;13(6):1282. doi: 10.3390/cancers13061282
- Gerdtsson A, Setayesh S, Malihi P, Ruiz C, Carlsson A, Nevarez R, Matsumoto N, Gerdtsson E, Zurita A, Logothetis C, Corn P, Aparicio A, Hicks J, Kuhn P. Large extracellular vesicle characterization and association with circulating tumor cells in metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer. Cancers 2021; Mar 2, doi: 10.3990/cancers13051056
- Teng Teng, Mohamed Kamal, Oihana Iriondo, Yonatan Amzaleg, Chunqiao Luo, Amal Thomas, Grace Lee, Ching-Ju Hsu, John D. Nguyen, Irene Kang, James Hicks, Andrew Smith, Richard Sposto, and Min Yu. N-Acetyl-L-cysteine Promotes Ex Vivo Growth and Expansion of Single Circulating Tumor Cells by Mitigating Cellular Stress Responses. Molecular Cancer Research. DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-20-0482 Published March 2021
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- Keomanee-Dizon K, Shishido SN, Kuhn P. Circulating Tumor Cells: High Throughput Imaging of CTCs and Bioinformatic Analysis. Springer, Recent Results Cancer Res 2020;215:89-104. Series Editors: Schlag, Peter Michael, Senn, Hans-Jörg.
- Remi Klotz, Amal Thomas, Teng Teng, Sung Min Han, Oihana Iriondo, Lin Li, Sara Restrepo-Vassalli, Alan Wang, Negeen Izadian,..Janice Lu, Dejan Juric, Aditya Bardia, James Hicks, Bodour Salhia, Frank Attenello, Andrew D. Smith and Min Yu. Circulating Tumor Cells Exhibit Metastatic Tropism and Reveal Brain Metastasis Drivers. Cancer Discovery. DOI: 10.1158/2159-8290.CD-19-0384 Published January 2020
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- Stephanie N. Shishido, Anders Carlsson, Jorge Nieva, Kelly Bethel, James B. Hicks, Lyudmila Bazhenova, and Peter Kuhn. Circulating tumor cells as a response monitor in stage IV non-small cell lung cancer. Journal of Translational Medicine, volume 17, Article number: 294. August 2019
- Tanya B. Dorff, David I. Quinn, Jacek K. Pinski, Amir Goldkorn, Sarmad Sadeghi, Denise Tsao-Wei, Susan Groshen, Peter Kuhn, and Mitchell E. Gross. Randomized Phase II Trial of Abiraterone Alone or With Dasatinib in Men With Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC). Clinical Genitourinary Cancer, Vol. 17, No. 4, 241-7. August 2019
- Rishvanth K. Prabakar, Liya Xu, James Hicks, and Andrew D. Smith, SMURF-seq: Efficient Copy Number Profiling on Long-read Sequencers. BMC Genome Biology, 20:134 doi.org/10.1186/s13059-019-1732-1. July 2019
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Mathematical & Computational Oncology
- Ndacayisaba L, Mason J, Kuhn P. (2023). Mathematical Oncology to Integrate Multimodal Clinical and Liquid Biopsy Data for the Prediction of Survival. In: Cote, R.J., Lianidou, E. (eds) Circulating Tumor Cells. Current Cancer Research. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-22903-9_7
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- Larsen J, Kuhn, P, Hicks J. Early breast cancer evolution by autosomal broad copy number alterations. International Journal of Genomics, vol. 2022, Article ID 9332922, 17 pages, 2022. doi.10.1155/2022/9332922
- Larsen J, Martin M, Martin J, Hicks J, Kuhn P. Modeling the onset of symptoms of COVID-19: Effects of SARS-CoV-2 variant. PLOS Computational Biology. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009629. Dec 2021
- Mason J, Hasnain Z, Miranda G, Gill K, Djaladat H, Desai M, Paul K, Newton P, Gill I, Kuhn P. Prediction of metastatic patterns in bladder cancer: Spatiotemporal progression and development of a novel, web-based platform for clinical utility. European Urology Open Science 2021: EUROS-D-21-00063R1.
- Mason J, Gong Y, Amiri L, Wedam S, Gao J, Prowell T, Singh H, Amatya A, Tang S, Pazdur R, Kuhn P, Blumenthal G, Beaver J. Model Development of CDK4/6 Predicted Efficacy in Patients with Hormone Receptor-Positive, HER2-Negative Advanced or Metastatic Breast Cancer. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics (2021)5 758-767. doi: 10.1200/CCI.21.00025
- Nilanon T, Nocera LP, Martin AS, Kolatkar A, May M, Hasnain Z, Ueno NT, Yennu S, Alexander A, Mejia AE, Boles RW, Li M, Lee JSH, Hanlon SE, Cozzens Philips FA, Quinn DI, Newton PK, Broderick J, Shahabi C, Kuhn P, Nieva J. Use of Wearable Activity Trackers in Predicting Unexpected Healthcare Encounters in Cancer Patients Undergoing Chemotherapy. JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics. September 2020.
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- Fujii T, Mason J, Chen A, Kuhn P, Woodward W, Tripathy D, Newton P, Ueno N. Prediction of bone metastasis in inflammatory breast cancer using a Markov chain model. The Oncologist,. doi:10.1634/theoncologist.2018-0713. April 2019
- Hasnain Z, Mason J, Gill K, Miranda G, Gill IS, Kuhn P, Newton PK. Machine learning models for predicting post-cystectomy recurrence and survival in bladder cancer patients. PLOS One. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0210976. Jan. 2019
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Patient-Facing Technology
- Broderick J, May M, Schwartz J, Li M, Mejia A, Nocera L, Kolatkar A, Ueno N, Yennu S, Lee J, Hanlon S, Philips F, Shahabi C, Kuhn P, Nieva J. Patient reported outcomes can improve performance status assessment: a pilot study. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, volume 3, Article number: 41. July 2019
- Hasnain Z, Li M, Dorff T, Quinn D, Ueno N, Yennu S, Kolatkar A, Shahabi C, Nocera L, Nieva J, Kuhn P, Newton PK. Low-dimensional dynamical characterization of human performance of cancer patients using motion data. Clinical Biomechanics. 2018 Jul;56:61-69. doi: 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2018.05.007. Epub 2018May 18
- Abreu A, Fay, C, Park D, Quinn D, Dorff T. Carpten J, Kuhn P, Gill P, Almeida F, Gill I. Robotic salvage retroperitoneal and pelvic lymph node dissection for ‘node-only’ recurrent prostate cancer: technique and initial series. BJU Int 2017; 120:401-408
Structural Biology Research
- Forse GJ, Uson ML, Nasertorabi F, Kolatkar A, Lamberto I, Pasquale EB, Kuhn P. Distinctive structure of the EphA3/Ephrin-A5 complex reveals a dual mode of Eph receptor interaction for Ephrin-A5. PLoS One 2015;10:e0127081. PMCID: PMC4439037
- Stevens RC, Cherezov V, Katritch V, Abagyan R, Kuhn P, Hugh R, Wuthrich K. The GPCR Network: a large-scale collaboration to determine human GPCR structure and function. Nature Reviews/Drug Discovery 2013 12:23-34.
- Hanson MA, Roth CB, Jo E, Griffith MT, Scott FL, Reinhart G, Desale H, Clemons B, Cahalan SM, Schuerer SC, Sanna MG, Han GW, John P, Rosen H, Stevens RC. Crystal Structure of a lipid G protein-coupled receptor. Science 2012;335:851-5.
- Newman BW, Kiss G, Kunding AH, Bhella D, Baksh MF, Connelly S, Droese B, Klaus JP, Makino S, Sawicki SG, Siddell SG, Stamou DG, Wilson IA, Kuhn P, Buchmeier MJ. A Structural analysis of M protein in coronavirus assembly and morphology. J Struct Biol 2011;174:11-22.
- Wu B, Chien YET, Mol CD, Fenalti G, Liu W, Katritch V, Abagyan R, Brooun A, Wells P, Bi FC, Jamel DJ, Kuhn P, Handel TM, Cherezov V, Stevens RC. Structures of the CXCR4 Chemokine GPCR with Small –Molecule and Cyclic Peptide Antagonists. Science 2010;330:1066-1071. PMCID: PMC3074590. a. CXCr4 plays a critical role in metastatic dissemination and this work is the start of multi-scale structural biology to understand the process of metastasis at the biochemical, cellular and physiological level.
- Pelissier M-C, Lesley SA, Kuhn P, Bourne Y. Structural insights into the catalytic mechanism of bacterial guanosine-diphospho-D-mannose pyrophosphorylase and its regulation by divalent ions. J Biol Chem 2010;285:27468-476. PMCID: PMC2930745
- Elledge H, Kazmierczak P, Clark P, Joseph J, Kolatkar A, Kuhn P, Muller U. The structure of the N-terminus of cadherin 23 reveals a new adhesion mechanism for a subset of cadherin superfamily members. PNAS 2010;107:10708-10712. PMCID: PMC2890781
- Abendroth J, McCormick MS, Edwards TE, Staker B, Lowewn R, Gifford M, Rifkin J, Mayer Ch, Guo W, Zhang Y, Myler P, Kelley A, Analau E, Nakazawa Hewitt S, Napuli AJ, Kuhn P, Ruth RD, Steward LJ. X-ray structure determination of the glycine cleavage system protein H of Mycobacterium tuberculosis using an inverse Compton synchrotron X-ray source. J Struct Funct Genomics 2010;11:91-100. PMCID: PMC2939714
- Chandramouli S, Joseph JS, Daudenarde S, Gatchalian J, Cornillez-TY C, Kuhn P. Serotype-specific structural differences in the protease-cofactor complexes of the Dengue Virus Family. J Virol 2010;84:3059-67. PMCID: PMC2826037
- Cherezov V, Hanson MA, Griffith MT, Hilgart MC, Sanishvili R, Nagarajan V, Stepanov S, Fischetti RF, Kuhn P, Stevens RC. Rastering strategy for screening and centering of microcrystal samples of human membrane proteins with a sub-10 µm size x-ray synchrotron beam. J R Soc Interface 2009;6:S587-S597. PMCID: PMC2843980
- Schwander M, Xiong W, Tokita J, Lelli A, Elledge H, Kazmierczak P, Sczaniecka A, Kolatkar A, Whiltshire T, Kuhn P, Holt J, Kachar B, Tarantino L, Ulrich M. A mouse model for non-syndromic deafness (DFNB12) links hearing loss to defects in tip links of mechanosensory hair cells. PNAS 2009;106:5252-5257. PMCID: PMC2664065
- Serrano P, Johnson MA, Chatterjee A, Neuman BW, Joseph JS, Buchmeier MJ, Kuhn P, Wüthrich K. Nuclear magnetic resonance structure of the nucleic acid-binding domain of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus nonstructural protein 3. J Virol 2009;83:12998-3008. PMCID: PMC2786856
- Grillet N, Schwander M, Hildegrand MS, Sczaniecka A, Kolatkar A, Velasco J, Webster JA, Kahrizi K, Najmabadi H, Kimberling WJ, Stephan D, Bahlo M, Wiltshire T, Tarantino LM, Kuhn P, Smith RJ, Müeller U. Mutations in LOXHD1, an Evolutionarily Conserved stereociliary Protein, Disrupt Hair Cell Function in Mice and Cause Progressive Hearing Loss in Humans. Am J Hum Genet 2009;85:328-337. PMCID: PMC2771534
- Cornillez-Ty CT, Liao L, Yates JR 3rd, Kuhn P, Buchmeier MJ. SARS Coronavirus nonstructural protein 2 interacts with a host protein complex involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and intracellular signaling. J Virol 2009;83:10314-10318. PMCID: PMC2748024
- Chatterjee A, Johnson MA, Serrano P, Pedrini B, Joseph JS, Neuman BW, Saikatendu K, Buchmeier MJ, Kuhn P, Wüthrich K. Nuclear magnetic resonance structure shows that the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-unique domain contains a macrodomain fold. J Virol 2009;83:1823-1836. PMCID: PMC2643772
- Soltis SM, Cohen AE, Deacon A, Eriksson T, Gonzalez A, McPhillips S, Chui H, Dunten P, Hollenbeck M, Mathews I , Miller M, Moorhead P, Phizackerley RP, Smith C, Song J, van dem Bedem H, Ellis P, Kuhn P, McPhillips T, Sauter N, Sharp K, Tsyba I, Wolf G. New paradigm for macromolecular crystallography experiments at SSRL: automated crystal screening and remote data collection. Acta Cyrstallogr D Biol Crystallogr 2008;64:1210-1021. PMCID: PMC2631117
- Buchmeier MJ and Kuhn P. New tools to battle emerging viruses. Current Opinion in Microbiology 2008;11:360-361. PMCID: PMC18644462
- Chrencik JE, Brooun A, Zhang H, Irimpan M, Hura GL, Foster SA, Perry JJP, Streiff M, Ramage P, Widmer H, Bokoch GM, Tainer J, Weckbecker G, Kuhn P. Structural basis of promiscuous guanine nucleotide exchange mediated by the T-cell essential Vav1. J Mol Bio 2008;380:828-43. PMCID: PMC18589439
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