Title: Planar Graph Perfect Matching is in NC
The case of bipartite planar graphs was solved by Miller and Naor in 1989 via a flow-based algorithm. In 2000, Mahajan and Varadarajan gave an elegant way of using counting matchings to finding one, hence giving a different NC algorithm.
However, non-bipartite planar graphs still didn’t yield: the stumbling block being tight odd cuts. Interestingly enough, these are also a key to the solution: a balanced tight odd cut leads to a straight-forward divide and conquer NC algorithm. The remaining task is to find such a cut in NC. This requires several algorithmic ideas, such as finding a point in the interior of the minimum weight face of the perfect matching polytope and uncrossing tight odd cuts.
Paper available at: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1709.07822.pdf Joint work with Nima Anari.