- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “Beyond the Ruins of Hiroshima,” LRB Blog online, August 6, 2020
- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “Churchill and Hiroshima,” LRB Blog online, August 6, 2015
- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “Don’t Fear a Sneak-Out: Why Iran Can’t Secretly Build the Bomb,” Foreign Affairs online, December 9, 2014
- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “How the IAEA Went from Lapdog to Watchdog in Iraq,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists online, April 25, 2014
- Jacques E. C. Hymans,“Don’t Panic if the Iran Nuclear Negotiations Fail,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists online, also posted at the Canadian International Council website OpenCanada.org, February 12, 2014
- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “Befriend the Scientists: How to Bring Iran’s Nuclear Program Into the Fold,” Foreign Affairs online, December 3, 2013
- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “Iran Is Still Botching the Bomb,” Foreign Affairs online, 18 February 2013
- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “The Good News About Nuclear Proliferation,” OpenCanada.org, 16 August 2012
- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “North Korea’s Lessons for (Not) Building an Atomic Bomb,” Foreign Affairs online, 16 April 2012
- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “Crying Wolf about an Iranian Nuclear Bomb,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists online, 17 January 2012
- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “Nuclear Policy Gridlock in Japan,” BCSIA Policy Brief online, November 2011
- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “India Between ‘Soft State’ and ‘Soft Power,’” India In Transition online, 19 January 2010
- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “Discarding Tired Assumptions About North Korea,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists online, 28 May 2009
- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “North Korea’s Nuclear Neurosis,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Vol. 63, No. 3 (May/June 2007)
- Jacques E. C. Hymans, “Think Again: Nuclear Proliferation,” Foreign Policy online, November 2005
Selected Opinion Writings
Contact Information
Jacques E. C. Hymans
USC Department of Political Science of International Relations
3518 Trousdale Parkway, DMC 330
Los Angeles, CA 90089 USA
(213) 740-2136