by Arielle Greenberg


ISBN 9781938900129
Publication date: July 2016
108 pages, 5.3″ x 7″
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When my sister and I were young, we took each new school year as the occasion for a new Look. A new Image, we called it. We need to work on a new Image. One year my Image was tweedy-collegiate-with-a-New-Wave-twist. One year I was bohemian-casual. This was when we were in middle school and high school.

Our back-to-school shopping revolved around these Images, and beforehand we did research and recognizance work and dog-eared many magazines in the pursuit of the purity of the Image.

This Image-procuring is a juvenile pursuit. By definition: I was a juvenile when I first started doing it. But I still do it.


Locally Made Panties is the funniest, sweetest, smartest, and sassiest book I’ve read in ages. Greenberg’s incisive and lyrical take on fashion, desire, and her own ever-changing body is riveting and rollicking, unwaveringly intimate, and unquestionably universal. I want to recline upon it. I want to gobble it up. Every woman on the planet who was never a super model or even a regular model will want to as well.

 Cheryl Strayed


Arielle Greenberg obsesses over the ‘frivolous’ world of fashion with cheeky humor, online shopping tips, detail about the world of aesthetics surrounding poetry conferences, and occasional bouts of guilt (after all, ‘there is a war on.’). Locally Made Panties fuses the fashion gossip of a celebrity rag with feminist politics and heart. It’s the truth.

 Kate Durbin


Arielle Greenberg is the co-author, with Rachel Zucker, of the nonfiction/ transgenre book Home/Birth: A Poemic, and author of three collections of poetry, the most recent of which is Slice. She has co-edited several literary anthologies, including Gurlesque; writes on contemporary poetry for The American Poetry Review and other places; and teaches poetry, creative nonfiction and transgenre work in the MFA program at Oregon State University-Cascades. A former urbanite, she now lives in a small town in Maine with her family.



Book design by Cindi Kusuda.



Cover art is a vintage photograph c. 1975 from the collection of “Darkroomist.”

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