Ricochet Editions
Ricochet Editions is a sibling press of Gold Line, and was founded in 2012. We publish one to three titles a year (as our budget allows), selected from calls for submissions which take place in the spring. Each member of our small team reads every submission Ricochet receives, and we then talk about the manuscript(s) that each of us hopes to bring to print. We are devoted to engaging in an extended author-editor dialogue and working with authors on their manuscripts.
Our mission is to publish innovative, non-traditional, trans-genre, and/or genre-less works that have a hard time finding homes in journals, competitions, and with other publishers. We have published manuscripts ranging from small chapbooks to full-length books.
We do not take unsolicited submissions. If we have a current call, you will find it here.
Interested in submitting work?
For those interested in submitting work to Ricochet, we recommend following us on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram to learn of calls for manuscripts (among other things).
For questions or problems with this website or our Submittable form, publicity queries, or general questions please email ricocheteditions@usc.edu.
Contact Details
Gold Line Press & Ricochet Editions
c/o Ph.D. in Creative Writing & Literature
3501 Trousdale Parkway, THH 431
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0354