by Erica Mena



ISBN 9781938900112
Publication date: June 2015
56 pages, 7″ x 5.3″
Read Press Release (PDF)



Searshut your throat & open soundless:
again—it pierces your back—
spins—you lurch and plummet—
light is:      to blame you:      unother.
The light is already bleaching your veins
—blooming in the cracks the fissures. 



“This book is truly unlike any other–it follows a different rhythm; it makes different bridges–and all of them are vertiginous and exciting. Flight and its tremendous fragility form a backdrop against which various voices play out a dramatic, vivid tension. But sound is the real subject here, and it too, takes vertiginous leaps–then it nose-dives, then it soars, yet always landing perfectly in tune and perfectly on time. A first book from a stunning and extraordinarily promising writer.”

Cole Swensen


Erica Mena is a poet, translator, and book artist. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in PANK, The Kenyon Review, The Iowa Review, Vanitas, Versal, Two Lines, Words Without Borders, Asymptote, and elsewhere. Her translation of the sci-fi graphic novel The Eternonaut will be available from Fantagraphics in 2015. She is the founding editor and publisher of Anomalous Press, and the managing director of the American Literary Translators Association. She holds MFAs in literary translation and poetry from The University of Iowa and Brown University, respectively.



Book interior design by Joseph Kaplan, book cover by e. Ian Maurer.



Cover art by Wangechi Mutu entitled “Love’s a Witch, Orfeo’s Underworld Coronation for Euridice,” 2006. Mutu is a Kenyan-born artist and sculptor who resides in Brooklyn. Her work has received much acclaim, exhibited in the Tate Modern, Centre Georges Pompidou, MoMA, and many others.


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