Ways to Engage

    Advancing Research

    Learn how your company can benefit from partnerships in USC’s Dornsife thriving research and innovation environment.

    Partner with USC Dornsife’s research programs, participate in research colloquia and conferences, and work with faculty to mentor graduate and undergraduate students in a designated area of research or scholarship.

    Engage and Support Student Talent

    Explore opportunities to recruit and interact with USC Dornsife students and ways to support the student experience.

    Recruit students for internships and undergraduate and graduate research opportunities. Lecture in the classroom or develop executive-led coursework. Speak at campus events. Support fellowships and other scholarships. Sponsor a capstone or class project–USC faculty study current industry challenges for classroom projects.

    Use Our Research Facilities

    USC Dornsife is home to some of the world’s top research facilities with specific instruments and services to advance research both internally and externally that are available for outside partnerships.

    License Our Technology

    USC Dornsife helps companies interested in licensing USC technologies and inventions or connecting with faculty start-ups to bring innovative ideas to the marketplace.

    Centers and Institute Collaboration

    Through involvement with USC Dornsife Centers and Institutes, industry experts can connect with faculty from specific areas or in an interdisciplinary setting with faculty from multiple schools.

    Increase Visibility

    Explore sponsorship opportunities that increase brand recognition.

    Sponsor academic conferences and programs, community outreach efforts, and departmental events. Name scholarships, fellowships, chairs, and professorships. Participate in campus events and industry-focused events that connect corporations with faculty and students. Receive acknowledgement in publications, departmental newsletters and websites.

    Participate in Industry Days 2024!

    Partnership Highlights

    Partnership with USC Dornsife gives your company access to our talented and dynamic student body, opportunities to interact with faculty at the pinnacle of their fields, and the ability to work hand-in-hand with our many K-12 and local community outreach programs.

    The USC-Gilead Sciences Ph.D. Fellowship supports first-year students at a global biopharmaceutical company.

    The fellowship is intended to promote equal opportunity in graduate chemistry and other STEM programs. Fellows gain insight into whether working in industry is right for them, giving them a taste of industrial application of their new capabilities.

    At the Agilent Center of Excellence in Biomolecular Characterization, scientists conduct leading-edge research that could combat diseases such as cancer, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.

    Established in 2018 in the USC Michelson Center for Convergent Bioscience, the center exemplifies a growing global trend — the partnering of academic institutions and industry firms to hasten research progress.

    Hyundai Motor America

    Hyundai Motor America, in collaboration with the USC Joint Educational Project, is dedicated to fostering STEM education in across communities. During a visit to the Foshay Learning Center in Los Angeles, Hyundai offered students an engaging, hands-on drone workshop where they explored flight mechanics, analyzed aerial drone photography, and piloted remote-controlled drones to gain firsthand experience with their maneuverability.

    Photo of Hyundai offering a drone workshop to students in underprivileged community

    Connect With Us

    USC Dornsife Office of Advancement

    1150 South Olive Street, Suite 2400
    Los Angeles, CA 90015

    Mail Checks to:

    USC Advancement Gift Services
    1150 South Olive Street, Suite 2500
    Los Angeles, California 90015

    USC Tax ID: 95-1642394