A few relevant stats on digital natives
The number of teens who use the internet daily has risen to 97%.
Of the top five platforms – YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook – more than one-in-three, a full 35%, of teens say they are using one of them “almost constantly.”
44% of college students reported symptoms of depression, 37% reported anxiety disorders and 15% reported having seriously considered suicide in the past year—the highest recorded rates in the history of the 15-year-old Healthy Minds Study (HMS) survey.
I’m not trying to throw out all our devices — people might think it’s an indictment against devices or against social media … let’s let’s just admit — it’s fun to text, it’s fun to post on social media and Facebook and Instagram and things like that. So I’m not against that — it’s just that we’re out of balance with our own bodies, with our embodied lives… out of balance with nature –and we’re seeing some of the implications of that emerging: we’ve got anxiety going through the roof, and depression, and physical things like obesity and diabetes — and there’s a whole raft of experiences that are getting getting written off (as we spend more time online), and it’s not really healthy for us in the long run.

Dr. Albright on JSA TV
JSA TV is honored to welcome Dr. Julie Albright, Digital Sociologist and esteemed author of the new book “Left to their Own Devices: How Digital Natives Are Reshaping the American Dream.” Dr. Albright has spent her career focused on the growing intersection between sociology, psychology, and technology. Dr. Albright was the keynote speaker at the iMasons Global Member Summit on April 25 in Silicon Valley. In this interview, Jaymie Scotto Cutaia interviews Dr. Albright in depth about her book, touching on the most hyperrelevant topic of untethered living in this day and age.
Link List
Here are a few links to my book and other relevant information.